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CDG or Super CDG player
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Author:  magimae [ Fri Dec 31, 2004 6:59 am ]
Post subject:  CDG or Super CDG player

:?: Ok, I need some more help. I am trying to decide between a CDG player and a Super CDG player (CAVS). If you didn't have either one and you were still building your library, which would you go for?

Author:  knightshow [ Fri Dec 31, 2004 10:51 am ]
Post subject: 

I personally wouldn't go super cdg unless more and more manufacturers adapted to that media.

Also, I really would like to rip the stuff OFF the supercdg in case the disc is damaged. One disc and you're out HUNDREDS of songs?? no thanks!

Author:  magimae [ Fri Dec 31, 2004 2:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

:idea: That's a good point. I hadn't really thought about that side of it. I had made sure that the CAVS would play regular CDG and I had found out that with a couple of programs and some patience one could put already owned discs on a super cdg, but I haven't checked on being able to rip the songs from a super cdg. Thanks for calling my attention to it.

Author:  bowfishn [ Fri Dec 31, 2004 4:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

No, you can't rip songs off of a Super CDG or copy a Super CDG that comes from the Mfg., so buying a disc with 450 to 2000 songs on it will leave you out alot of songs if something happens to it. The manufacturer will tell you that if it goes bad they will replace it for around $20.00 plus you pay to ship the bad one back, that will leave you stuck without alot of songs for a while. The Super CDG's you build with the CDG builder can be copied, but to put any songs you have down loaded off thier site back to regular CDG format it requires a program that costs around $70.00
If you buy regular CDG's and want to use them on Super CDG's that you build that can be handy as you can load alot of songs on a single DVD, about 500 if you want to stay with the highest sound quality, but it's nice having several thousand songs on just a few discs. If you build them from standard CDG's then of course you still have the originals to copy again if you need and as I said earlier the Super CDG's you build you can make a copy to use as a back up in case the one you are using gets damaged.

Author:  karaokemeister [ Fri Dec 31, 2004 4:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm going back and forth myself.... but here's my take on it.

If I'm going to rip the songs to go to SuperCDG then I may as well stay digital and do my show from a computer.

I've looked at the SuperCDG's available, and while the Chartbuster selection is ok (E1-5) the Numark, and SAVS products don't get high remarks from most of the people here so if I don't want them on CDG why would I want them on SuperCDG?

I've put a lot of money into my Sound Choice discs (my main disc selection) and they dont' offer SuperCDG discs and don't plan to anytime in the near future either. Besides, Putting each Foundation and Brick on a disc or even the 'paks' they offer on a single disc would be ok, during a show I move around the collection a lot so it's not as practical. I might add a 202 as a replacement for my current DVD player (I still have 2 DVD's that I use) and as a backup to my 3 tray player but I'm sticking with CDG's for now... and that's what I'd do even if starting completely over because it's more flexible as far as moving to digital if I want to.

BTW, yes, I know the SuperCDG's will play on a regular computer, but if I wanted to change discs I'd use my normal player instead of going digital.

Author:  bowfishn [ Fri Dec 31, 2004 4:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've switched just recently to computer, I still have the Super CDG player and discs that I built, but I'm glad I didn't invest any money buying Super CDG discs besides the one that came with my player.(the purchased cdg's can't be copied onto your computer.)

Author:  magimae [ Sun Jan 02, 2005 5:34 am ]
Post subject: 

Whew!!!! I know that new technology is a good thing, but it sure makes you have to think about a lot of different things. I think I am in agreement with Mr. Ed and I will stick to CDG, that way if I do want to go digital in the future I can use all of my music and not just part of it. Of course, now I have to consider going digital. I hadn't really thought about that until I started reading some of the threads in this forum. I am going to have to go to the archives and read more about it. I already have all of my current music on my computer, so I think I may be a little ahead of the game already. Thanks again for all of your thoughts and ideas and a belated HAPPY NEW YEAR to all.

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