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 Post subject: Re: Locked subject
PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 10:42 am 
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Oh Yeah, let's not let our children hear a dirty word :shock: Here's something they can rather play!

XBox! Look at some of the titles available and see what your kids are playing with.

MTV's Celebrity Death Match Celebrities are put on this planet to entertain us ... with their blood! Based on the hit TV show, MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch allows you to play and dismember more than 15 of showbiz's most beloved—and most hated—personalities.

or try
Bloody Roar Extreme Bloody Roar makes its debut on the Microsoft Xbox® in a 3-D brawler that's as ferocious as they come. Play as one of 14 fierce fighters, who transform into their "Hyper-Beast" alter-egos to kick, punch, and smash their way through 10 multi-tiered, destructible 3-D arenas, running at a blazing 60 frames per second.

Phu-leeze, you wanna tell me that you never ever say a (so-called) non-acceptable word in front of your kids?

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 10:46 am 
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My step-nephew had his mother so snowed that she believed KORN was a religious musical group!!!!


Then she happened to get in his car one day and the song that he had blastin was about having sex with your mother, father, brother, sister, etc. I think she figured out then they weren't very religious. THINK?

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 10:46 am 
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did it ever occur to you that maybe Phill locked that forum for a reason?


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 10:48 am 
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Don't forget about Grand Theft Auto.....

Where you can pick up a "hooker", "have your way", and then shoot her when she gets out of the car!

I think that game is probably the most violent game I have ever seen!

And, don't forget about the swearing.....however, I think this one has a mature rating....and has to be bought by someone over the age of 18 :)

Has anyone seen that horrible (well, at least I think so) commercial with the two teens that make out in front of their paretns....it is for gum, I think......the teens eat the gum, and then start jumping eachother while they are making groaning noises and ripping off each other's clothing....that commercial just disturbs me to the point I am ready to turn off the TV!

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 10:54 am 
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i think the thread was locked because i pm'd phil to ask him to comment about what i had put forward.

i DO however think its a little strong to ban stuff of that content...i was purely asking for a warning to be put up.

but i very much doubt that the rule of the site was changed today, i would imagine it was decided wayyyyyyy back.

As i said i did enjoy the sub, but i did think there should have been a warning of sorts...and phil did say he put the warning there laters.

welcome back allstar lolol
oh and my son had an x box for xmas lolol i had better not comment futher but yes some of the games are a bit vicious to say the least hehe

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 11:03 am 
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Crystal wrote:
did it ever occur to you that maybe Phill locked that forum for a reason?

Crystal, you are missing the point here by miles. This has nothing to do with smilies or your cocky (?) comments, or you trying to become a super duper extreme (and sometimes annoying) member. It has to do with reality dear. The reality of one skew word compared to the amount of violence in our society today. It is the same when the “whole” world was in shock :shock: with the Janet Jackson episode not to long ago! Oh, that was horrible, our kids saw a nipple (covered)! People should stay focused. What do you think goes on behind the backs of parents? People should fix what goes on in their own living rooms before ranting and raving about a silly naughty word on a karaoke song. God forbid, have you ever listened to Eminem?

MissyGG wrote:
As i said i did enjoy the sub, but i did think there should have been a warning of sorts...and phil did say he put the warning there laters.

There I agree with you GrL!

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 11:22 am 
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I understand everyone's thoughts on the "Real World!" However here at Karaoke Scene and Singer's Showcase there are certain rules and expect them to be followed.

We do not allow that type of submission or any questionable post! PERIOD!

I'm sorry if that it upsets anyone, however this site is owned and operated by Karaoke Scene Magazine. This site is accessed by a large population, that vary in age etc. By creating a site that is "acceptable" to all we are not alienating the general public.

I think that about covers it. :wink: 8)

:arrow: BTW - The topic was closed because it was believed to have been resolved.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 11:36 am 
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Phill, I totally agree with your statements regarding decency, and fully respect the opinion of the Karaoke Scene Magazine. I just cannot help but laugh when people get their knickers in a knot over something like that, it falls in the same category as people saying, I have never copied a disk in my life before! And no MissyGG, this is not aimed at you. You made a clear statement about giving the people a warning about adult content. This is about the holy-one’s out there.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 11:38 am 
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Phil thats fair enough...thanks for explaining :-)

chuckles at allstar...god ya been missed :P great to see ya back hehehe :-)

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 12:05 pm 
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ok Allstar.... I don't know how this thread turned nasty...

All I meant by my comment was that Phill locked that forum... Obviously it was his way of saying
"ok case closed"

but apparantly you had to disregard that and start another thread opening the subject again...
That was all I meant

where the heck did my smilies and stuff come into the picture?

I agree whole-heartedly about the violence and stuff on TV.... I agree that a swear or two on a sub isn't any different.
HOWEVER. Phill is workin' his butt off on this site...... taking time away from his family to better it.... So maybe a little warning icon is a good idea so ppl don't get upset about it. and leave.

I'm certainly not offended by the sub ..... I thought it was funny... I was simply agreeing with Missy... And I agree with YOUR statements also... How am I all of a sudden being attacked?


did it ever occur to you that maybe Phill locked that forum for a reason?

WAS THAT THE IDEA WAS PUT FORWARD....... AND IT DIDN'T PASS.. AND THAT'S IT. WHY KEEP GOING? How annoyed Phill must be to lock a forum only to see another thread adding to it..

holy smokes.... I dunno where all this came from


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 12:35 pm 
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it came from ALLSTAR, who had to have the last word in the whole thing. and once again, he's being very uprighteous about things!

I thought Phill's statement concluded the whole thing!

I've not seen a lot of constructive thoughts coming from Allstar lately... just a lot of anger and a lot of angst.

I think it's time for him to evaluate exactly what he's looking for here, and respond accordingly.

Of course I could be wrong. However, this is just my opinion. take it as you will.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 12:43 pm 
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Whoa... I apparently really missed something here!!

I think I heard the sub this referring to... there was a rap song submitted that had some adult language and I remember thinking "hmmm I wonder if Phill knows about this?" (I think I read something about how submissions with 'adult content' must be marked as such).

But that's about it. *shrugs* Sounds fair enough to me... I don't think anyone else objects to that either. Probably the entire 'RAP' category should be changed to 'Rap - Possible Adult Content'. lol ;)

Of course, I'm not going to offend anyone by talking about what I REALLY think about 99% of 'rap' music. lol =D :wink: :twisted:

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 5:22 pm 
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actually I'm following this thread with a lot of interest.

I want to sub some kid rock songs, and he's got profanity in there.

What's the best recourse? Sell out and "radio-edit" the tunes, or just not do them?

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 9:06 pm 
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depends how much of a rebel you are i would say knight...and if it got deleted would you be bothered? then you know what action to take...as long as there are warnings on the sub preferably next to the song title for main page i really cannot see why it's not allowed...but! rules are rules ain't they and just lately your in phil's goodbooks sooooo i would radio edit lmaooo

and now ya said it...being the rebel i am i am saying...go on dare ya lolol

sorry phil...mutters under her breath, welllllllll he won't notice what ive said anyways cause he never pays any attention to what i say cause he can't understand me hehehe

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 6:49 am 
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knightshow wrote:
actually I'm following this thread with a lot of interest.

I want to sub some kid rock songs, and he's got profanity in there.

What's the best recourse? Sell out and "radio-edit" the tunes, or just not do them?

You could check with Phill of course... but it seems that if you put "Adult Content" in your title you would be ok. :?: Probably depends on how 'adult' the song is... I've heard some pretty nasty lyrics in my time (as we all have) but I don't seem to remember Kid Rock being 'that' bad. More of an 'R' rated as opposed to an 'X'... but I could be wrong. I'm not that familiar with him.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 6:53 am 
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syberchick70 wrote:
but it seems that if you put "Adult Content" in your title you would be ok.

The idea is good Syber, the problem is that when you tell a child not to do something, they will do exactly the opposite. If you put "Adult Content" in your title it's a mental magnet for the young ones, and they will listen just because they're not supposed to. The easiest solution is to avoid adult content subs.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:05 am 
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AllStar wrote:
{snip}... the problem is that when you tell a child not to do something, they will do exactly the opposite. If you put "Adult Content" in your title it's a mental magnet for the young ones, and they will listen just because they're not supposed to. The easiest solution is to avoid adult content subs.
True very True!

That also works for some members on here! :twisted: :roll: :wink:
Tell them not to do something - WHAM! They go and do it anyway!

That song was back again... One of the mods has deleted it though...

We do not allow that type of submission or any questionable post! PERIOD!

I'm sorry if that it upsets anyone, however this site is owned and operated by Karaoke Scene Magazine. This site is accessed by a large population, that vary in age etc. By creating a site that is "acceptable" to all we are not alienating the general public.

Last edited by Phill Cross on Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:07 am 
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syberchick70 wrote:
knightshow wrote:
actually I'm following this thread with a lot of interest.

I want to sub some kid rock songs, and he's got profanity in there.

What's the best recourse? Sell out and "radio-edit" the tunes, or just not do them?

You could check with Phill of course... but it seems that if you put "Adult Content" in your title you would be ok. :?: Probably depends on how 'adult' the song is... I've heard some pretty nasty lyrics in my time (as we all have) but I don't seem to remember Kid Rock being 'that' bad. More of an 'R' rated as opposed to an 'X'... but I could be wrong. I'm not that familiar with him.

Ok, I am a parent of 2 minor members. They do not get alot of time, during the school year, to be on here. But the reason I allowed them to become members to begin with was because I had PM'd Phill ahead of time and asked if their was an age specification. He assured me that this was, in fact, a family site and they were welcomed.
The little bit they have been on here, they have really enjoyed, but thier input has been monitered closely, by us. They are not allowed to listen, comment or even reply without our permission. That may seem extreme, but Phill and the other moniters cannot be everywhere and I believe it is our job to parent our kids, anyway.
I have seen a couple of subs that have had some sort of warning in the title (adult language or something like that) I greatly appreciate that. #1 because at times, OP and I cannot be everywhere either...#2 It's nice to know & see the consideration for the minor members.

Just thought I would add a parents perspective....moving on........ :arrow:


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 8:05 am 
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yep, seems like those K.R. songs won't be done! LOL! Oh well, I have hundreds mroe that ARE appropriate for the site.

Thanks Phill

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:28 am 
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NeverHeardOfHer wrote:
The little bit they have been on here, they have really enjoyed, but thier input has been monitered closely, by us. They are not allowed to listen, comment or even reply without our permission. That may seem extreme, but Phill and the other moniters cannot be everywhere and I believe it is our job to parent our kids, anyway.

Good for you guys!! So many parents don't take the time to monitor their kids online (letting kids loose on the internet is something akin to taking them to NYC (New York City) and turning them loose unsupervised).

Just wanted to say kudos to you. :)

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