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in search of laser discs: A.S.A.P!
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Author:  kniqole [ Tue Jan 11, 2005 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  in search of laser discs: A.S.A.P!

Hi there.
I am starting karaoke at a new bar and plan to eventually buy a whole set up for them and for myself. in the mean-time, they have a laser disc player.
i am desperately seeking laser discs!!!
do you know of any? ideally i would buy an entire Lot at once.
at least a hundred discs?
an active interest in the 70s, metal, 80s & 90s pop.
thank you!!!


Author:  Lonman [ Tue Jan 11, 2005 8:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well you are kind of looking for an outdated format for 1. You may be able to find a used set on e-bay, but with anything used (espcially lasers) you don't know what the conditions will be. 2nd, there are no companies making them anymore so you won't be able to find anything current, I think the last years would be the mid-later 90's. You may possibly be able to find a few new discs (meaning unopened) but they are very hard to come by anymore.

You'd be alot better off upgrading to cdg right now & getting a good core selection from something like SOund Choice or the likes.

Author:  SwingcatKurt [ Tue Jan 11, 2005 8:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes lasers are out of date---but if you must have some try EBAY as Lonman said or these two websites that have SOME new unopend ones in stock:




Ive ordered from both and they are reliable and reasonably priced. Center is in Palos Verdes, CA
and wow is in Acton, Ca.

But Lonman is right. Get the bar to buy a CDG player and build your catalog with CDG's.

Author:  karaokemeister [ Tue Jan 11, 2005 11:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

They're right. We have a local club here getting rid of over 100 lasers in English (80 of them Pioneer) at $35 each no matter the brand.

If you want I'll talk with them and make arrangements to buy and on the shipping (they had a laser disc player go down the tubes and didn't want to spring for a new one - went to cdg's instead). They were all in excellent condition and they'll include the racks. I'd buy them myself but I don't want to drop the $500 on the player and the $4500 or so would buy me Sound Choice's 5 bricks, all the hits' packs, both party packs, all the discs ever put out by Pop Hits, and a number of other discs. You're welcome to go that route but I'd pass....

Author:  knightshow [ Wed Jan 12, 2005 12:27 am ]
Post subject: 

sent you a pm dude... I'm selling my old collection

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