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Super remote request tool
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Author:  DannyG2006 [ Mon Apr 01, 2019 8:51 am ]
Post subject:  Super remote request tool

If anyone has the final released install file please pm me. Have finally settled on a dead software that actually has been rock solid for me that will play all of my files, one that I need absolutely no support for, why I left it, I don't fully remember oh yeah a better filler player. But I discovered that the way that I used the filler player was actually better in the separate software that I was originally using with JustKaraoke anyway. The only software that gave me the same ability to use filler music the way that I do and not need a separate software is OpenKJ but I can't use their song request system without being online and there are areas where I can't get online where I am and some bars don't have open Wi-Fi and are unwilling to give out the password for it. Super remote request tool doesn't require internet service to work, just a Wi-Fi connection from a router. Same with Siglos but I am still having issues with it playing MP4 songs. Thought I had it ironed out but you know me, over thinking things managed to screw that up and can't figure out what I did to fix it. I just finally decided to go with the one softwares that with the exception of the filler player I have never had any problems with and never needed any support for.

Author:  Alan B [ Tue Apr 02, 2019 6:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Super remote request tool

DannyG2006 wrote:
If anyone has the final released install file please pm me. Have finally settled on a dead software that actually has been rock solid for me that will play all of my files, one that I need absolutely no support for, why I left it, I don't fully remember oh yeah a better filler player. But I discovered that the way that I used the filler player was actually better in the separate software that I was originally using with JustKaraoke anyway. The only software that gave me the same ability to use filler music the way that I do and not need a separate software is OpenKJ but I can't use their song request system without being online and there are areas where I can't get online where I am and some bars don't have open Wi-Fi and are unwilling to give out the password for it. Super remote request tool doesn't require internet service to work, just a Wi-Fi connection from a router. Same with Siglos but I am still having issues with it playing MP4 songs. Thought I had it ironed out but you know me, over thinking things managed to screw that up and can't figure out what I did to fix it. I just finally decided to go with the one softwares that with the exception of the filler player I have never had any problems with and never needed any support for.

Danny... I'm sure I speak for the rest of the community when I say that I'm glad you finally found the software that meets your expectations. I hope it serves you well. Best wishes.

Author:  mrmarog [ Tue Apr 02, 2019 6:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Super remote request tool

Alan B wrote:
DannyG2006 wrote:
If anyone has the final released install file please pm me. Have finally settled on a dead software that actually has been rock solid for me that will play all of my files, one that I need absolutely no support for, why I left it, I don't fully remember oh yeah a better filler player. But I discovered that the way that I used the filler player was actually better in the separate software that I was originally using with JustKaraoke anyway. The only software that gave me the same ability to use filler music the way that I do and not need a separate software is OpenKJ but I can't use their song request system without being online and there are areas where I can't get online where I am and some bars don't have open Wi-Fi and are unwilling to give out the password for it. Super remote request tool doesn't require internet service to work, just a Wi-Fi connection from a router. Same with Siglos but I am still having issues with it playing MP4 songs. Thought I had it ironed out but you know me, over thinking things managed to screw that up and can't figure out what I did to fix it. I just finally decided to go with the one softwares that with the exception of the filler player I have never had any problems with and never needed any support for.

Danny... I'm sure I speak for the rest of the community when I say that I'm glad you finally found the software that meets your expectations. I hope it serves you well. Best wishes.

That is today, but as my Mother used to say "tomorrow is another day" :)

Author:  Krisko [ Thu Apr 11, 2019 3:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Super remote request tool

I *might* have the install files somewhere... I'll have a look at my show computer.

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