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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 1:08 am 
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I recently lost my job, and am having a hard time getting a new one. I was thinking about doing some kj work PT just to get some cash flow. I am a huge karaoke fan. I love to sing..........or should I say try. I own about 15,000 songs non duplicated and a decent system. My only concern is I really dont have a great voice. Does that really matter?

Ps- I have the following core sets, but not a lot in the way of Pop hits Monthly. Do I need more?

DKK Millinium Pak
Chartbuter Essentials 1-5
Music Maestro Gold Pak
And almost all of the Chartbuster Smaller ESP paks

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 1:13 am 
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well I'm no KJ, so i can't give you a professional opinion, but I do GO to karaoke.... I used to go almost every night, and this has been my experience:

I find when the KJ's sing REALLY well... it kind of makes it more nerve-racking for the other singers...ya know, having to follow you... I also find that most KJ's that sing really well are pretty cocky....

No matter who you are... if you have fun while you're singing I think you generally get a good response from the crowd.... Maybe before you start singing put in a few jokes about how you're no pro singer... hell... even make fun of yourself... let them know that you're just there to have some fun and get the crown goin' and I think you'll be fine :)

Some of the worst singers are the best entertainment just cuz you know they're havin a blast!

Just my non-professional two cents! :wink:


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 1:36 am 
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Crystal wrote:
Some of the worst singers are the best entertainment just cuz you know they're havin a blast!

I have to agree! It's all about having fun!!! When we first started I didn't sing (except at home by myself), now I'm proof positive that you don't have to be a good singer to be a KJ!!!! It's all about the fun!!

You may not need "new" pop hits right now, kind of depends on where you play..... We got a bunch of new pop & rock for a gig we started in Bricktown (downtown) and had very few requests for the new stuff.....

Best of luck to you!

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 2:48 am 
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I will warn you of something that happened to me once. I was just starting out and had a packed room of 3 people, the bartender, my fiance, and me. We had a small group come in and I told them it was karaoke night. I explained that it was easy to do and they should give it shot. They said, 'You show us first'. I picked a song and sang away.

You need to be able to sing a song or two decently in cases like this. Other than that it's all about running the boards, keeping the people entertained, etc. When I have a slow night I've been known to put in almost any song from my book and try it. I put in Elvis one night, got half way through the first stanza and went back to filler music saying 'Now I remember why I don't sing Elvis songs'. The people there cracked up laughing and I put something else in to sing.

As for current stuff, I always recommend starting with the core sets. I host regularly during the summer months (tourist season here) and started with Sweet Georgia Brown 1-66. I added both of the Foundations from Sound Choice a short time later with some filler along the way with discs from The Singing Machine, MTV, K-Tel, BMI/Karaoke Bay, and a few other mass market discs. The only one's I use regularly are the ones from Karaoke Bay. Those are songs that fit will with the shows I do. As of now, I only have about 3500 unique tracks - but plan to increase that to nearly 5000 by the start of summer. I don't get many request for things that I don't have in my book - but look for a few 'newer' songs that I hear mentioned or requested every couple weeks. I might go on an autoship program but only because I'm still looking to fill out my song list. If I had 15,000 songs to start with I'd probably look to build out a little slower - especially since it's a new venture.

Basically, start doing the gigs first, and then use the money to fill out with PHM, THM, or the Sound Choice Star series (which lag behind the others) or other discs that have the songs they're requesting.

Remember, nearly every club is different and every crowd. As long as you have what they'll sing and can entertain them you'll do well.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 3:24 am 
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CRYSTAL snip ~~~ I find when the KJ's sing REALLY well... it kind of makes it more nerve-racking for the other singers...ya know, having to follow you... I also find that most KJ's that sing really well are pretty cocky

I have to agree with you Crystal.... the worst thing in the world is a cocky KJ .... or one that monopolizes the microphone. IMHO, a KJ is there to host/facilitate ... not ENTERTAIN via singing. Its good for a KJ to be comfy taking the microphone.... and singing maybe one or two songs a night... just so folks get a "feel" for what its like to sing Karaoke ... but...as a rule, people go to Karaoke to sing .... not listen to the KJ sing all night. I've been to soooo many shows where the KJ ended up singing the most songs in a night. NOT OKAY !!

So ........
... should they know how to sing.... YES
... should they be good singers... NO (just comfy with the process (able to carry a tune ~~~ show the ropes).

~~~ Cindy

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 9:10 am 
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agree that they need to know how to sing, and sing pretty good.

I don't agree that having a kj that sings too well is nerve-racking... it's just not been in my experience. NOW what HAS been in my experience is the idiot kjs that think that they have to COMPETE with the singers. Tigrr27 and I ran into that the other day... went to a "new place" and the fool running it instantly got upset or jealous when Tig sang... so he had to immediately follow Tig with a "gospel" song to show off his voice.

We just rolled our eyes. To sit and do that to impress twelve people was Soooo sad!

Did he have a great voice? SURE did.

But he was also a terrible KJ, who made me wait even longer by pulling that crrap.

The one thing that a kj has to remember is that they're being paid to do a JOB, and that job AIN'T singing!! It's to provide the best entertainment you can to a room OF singers... not listeners of YOUR stuff.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 9:32 am 
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Most of the shows I go to work like this:

If the KJ has a great voice, then most of the time only the better singers will get up there and try, plus a couple others too hammered to tell the difference.

Now, if the KJ tries and has a good time even though he/she was only average, then those same people with great voices will still get up to sing, but so will the "average-voice" singers like me.

Now as a KJ early in the night, I will not usually sing one of my "blockbuster hits" but rather one that I can make sound "recognizable" but that obviously need a little work, and make it appearant that I'm having fun. However, if it's late in the night and it's clear that no one any longer is aprehensive to get up and sing usually because of the "liquid courage effect", THEN I may break out and let the big dog eat!

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 10:12 am 
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The one thing that a kj has to remember is that they're being paid to do a JOB, and that job AIN'T singing!! It's to provide the best entertainment you can to a room OF singers... not listeners of YOUR stuff.

I'll drink to that, Matt!! hiccup~~ :oops:

And I'll add .... even to the extent .. that if it's busy .. the KJ doesn't sing AT ALL!! Paid to let folks come and sing.. is just that. If its slow... hop into a round or two .. but busy.... just do what ya are paid for.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 11:31 am 
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I couldn't agree more! Cheers, Cindy!


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 11:48 am 
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No matter how apprehensive someone is to get up and sing you can always overcome it by talking about how karaoke is about having fun. I tend to put out a lot of praise for people that are just starting out and aren't 'perfect'. This makes others get up to sing and drives the newcomers to at least give it a shot. I tend to duet with newcomers to ease their nerves (if asked). I turn my mic down so I'm more like the annoying flute on the DK disc. Easy to sing over but helpful if you loose your place.

So, sing perfectly? No. Be able to carry a tune? Yes. Being a great singer isn't a hinderence to being a KJ, you can always get others up to sing by other means.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 12:54 pm 
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I tend to duet with newcomers to ease their nerves (if asked). I turn my mic down so I'm more like the annoying flute on the DK disc. Easy to sing over but helpful if you loose your place.

Love that analogy, KM. I don't even use a microphone.. just stand next to them.. if they want me to.

ewwww... that flute... :roll:

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 1:38 pm 
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I am also not a pro KJ, but am a person who likes to get out and sing some.. so, here is my 2 cents...

Here, Here to the KJ being cocky....HATE THAT! :x

But, I have seen KJ's help people who have come up to sing for the first time ever and are having a hard time. They will jump in and help get the singer on key and on tempo and then back out when the singer gets on track. Now, granted, some singers may not like this....but I have yet to see one that hasn't come up and thanked the KJ afterwards for helping them and then they come back to sing again with a little more knowledge of the process. In that case, it would be important for the KJ to not only sing, but have knowledge of a wide range of songs.

We do go to one place in our hometown where the KJ had an agreement with the local VFW, he could only do his karaoke there IF he didnt sing! He told OP and I that himself. This guy, in his 'show' puts a sheet on the wall and has a video camera on you...it shows you on the sheet while you sing..HATE THAT TOO!! Don't really like to be singing and look over at the wall and see my homely mug big as life! Scary stuff! :shock:

Anyway, topic at hand...singing wouldn't hurt...not a MUST, but if ya do....Humility is much more appealing...IMO! :wink:


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 12:05 am 
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Thanks Everyone.

I really love singing at home with my wife and daughter. My previous job was working for a major karaoke shop. Thats the reason I have so many disk, I was able to buy at cost. I really loved working in the karaoke field, I am hoping I can remain there. Unfortunatly working for that company turned into a nightmare. They were selling counterfit disk, speakers, doing backdoor deals to avoid paying the manufacturer of the disk. Selling returned/ used items as new. When I confronted the owner 2 weeks later I was fired for not performing my job duties.

I've worked as a retail manager for about 12 years never seen anything like this. You will be seeing a post soon letting you know what to look for , as for counterfit items.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 7:38 am 
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Crystal wrote:

I find when the KJ's sing REALLY well... it kind of makes it more nerve-racking for the other singers...ya know, having to follow you... I also find that most KJ's that sing really well are pretty cocky....

I don't agree with this at all. It depends on the person singing. My friend that I was telling you about that had the signing deal....well, she is a karaoke host. She does karaoke all the time. In no way, shape, or form does she look cocky when she is up there singing.

In fact, she draws more of a crowd to karaoke because there are alot of people that go just to listen to her sing....and will throw in a couple of songs themselves.

She is also the type of KJ that has the understanding that karaoke should be fun. She does nothing to show that she is better than anyone. When she sings...she looks at the screen....and sings like every other karaoke singer....except she can hit all the notes.

She also sticks up for the singers that aren't so great. One night, there was this lady telling someone to keep their day job, and not sing....and to actually stop singing (she was telling this all to the guy's face). My friend (the karaoke host) went up to this lady when karaoke was done, and reamed her out....telling her that is not what karaoke is about....and not what you do at karaoke.

And, when someone is singing a duet with her.....she takes her singing down a notch so she is not showing off....but helping show off the other singer to make them sound better.

I don't ever have any problem following her singing. The people I don't like to follow are the drunk people that go up there, have a great time, and bring the house down with a funny, drunk version of their songs. They are the worst for me. I would follow an amazing singer any day.

As for the KJ's that have to prove themselves....well....that is their problem. I honestly love it when people get intimidated by me, and have to try extra hard to show that they are the best (as in Matt's case). It has happened to me before, and I just laugh, and take it as a compliment LOL!

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 5:15 pm 
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I would say from the sound of the KJ you've described, Ritisroo ~ that she is probably a very good KJ. She sounds helpful to new singers and those that "struggle" and tries to keep her show fun for ALL. She doesn't allow heckling...and sings quietly with those that have asked her to duet. I think those are the qualities of a really good KJ.

I can't speak for everyone.. but I THINK... the "negativity" toward the KJ's that were mentioned here was more in regard to "the show off" .. or the "monopolizer". Neither of which is good. I do however feel that another "plus".. is the KJ that will "sit out" when the show gets busy, thereby allowing those that have "come" to the show to sing more. Even if they are a show "favorite"... if they are being paid to provide the entertainment.. I think its good practice for them to yield their "spot" to someone patronizing the club. JMO.

As for some KJ's getting intimidated by your singing ~~ I think it's very sad that any KJ would do that to you....(try to show ya up). When we get a really wonderful singer at our show.. we are very pleased and honored that he/she has chosen to sing at our show. I've not heard you sing.. but have read that you are very very good. You should be a very welcomed singer at any show.


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:27 pm 
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Though I like to sing, I generally don't do it at my shows - will go to others and get in the rotation like everyone else for that.

If it's really slow, maybe - but the customers come first. I think it is important for the KJ to be able to carry some tunes though for those times when you need to help jump start a show or get asked to join in on a duet (but I still look to see if another customer will suffice for the requestor) or the like.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:56 pm 
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i always start the show , not everyone wants to get up and sing straight away. one venue i have they have their songs down and hour before the show. second venue they seem to like to listen. i think its great if you can carry a tune it helps.


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 6:33 pm 
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Sing well as a kj? No

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:23 am 
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 5:11 pm 

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Do you need to sing well to KJ? No, you don't. I know some KJ's that could murder any song they attempted, yet they are still achieving moderate success as a KJ. There's a lot more to KJ'ing than singing.

I consider myself to be average at best when it comes to singing (although a lot of people tell me I'm good). When I host a show, I like to do the first and last songs of the night only. If there were not many singers, I'd be prepared to take my place in the rotation, but I'd prefer not to. The way I see it, the singers are the stars of the show and I'm little more than an emcee/sound engineer.

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