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Re-naming CDG and MP3 files so they play together.
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Author:  T1T5 [ Sun Jan 23, 2005 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re-naming CDG and MP3 files so they play together.

On a downloaded karaoke mp3 sometimes the song title is not shown.

legends81cliff richard-08
when downloaded and extracted. Both files read this.

If I rename both files
legends81cliff richard-08 it'll be me
as this is the song title, why when played through winamp only the music plays and the cdg graphics do not appear? But if I do not change as from what its states when downloaded, they both play ok.

Author:  knightshow [ Mon Jan 24, 2005 5:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

what I do is make certain that any double files have the exact same name... copy EVERYTHING from before the .CDG or the .MP3 and then on the other file, highlight everything before the period and the extention... and paste the corrected info.

Author:  T1T5 [ Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:24 am ]
Post subject: 

thanks for the addvise but i still must be doing something wrong this is what i done...................

downloaded a a zip file called ZMP011-01_-_move it rich....
i have extracted it with winzip to a folder.

i have opened the folder and it has bothe files in there eg mp3 + cdg but now they have been extracted they both read as follows....


i then high lighted and right clicked to go to rename and renamed both

ZooMPA11-01 move it.
ZooMPA11-01 move it.
after i had done this only the music played and not the cdg where have i gone wrong

Author:  Tigrr27 [ Tue Jan 25, 2005 7:42 am ]
Post subject: 

ok just wanna make sure you have the Winamp CDG plugin and have it turned on... also if it is a sporadic problem it may be that the CDG part of the file is corrupt and winamp isn't playing it... the naming convention you are using looks fine so I would put the blame on the unzipped file especially if it works on some files but not on others... just something to look at- tig

Author:  Tony [ Tue Jan 25, 2005 7:51 am ]
Post subject: 

T1T5, try the following software as a test:

Karawin (free download, fully functional)
KaraWin Pro, you'll find it at http://www.karawin.fr/

Author:  T1T5 [ Tue Jan 25, 2005 7:58 am ]
Post subject: 

i can not change any of the files cos if i do the cdg will not appear and i also have checked that the cdg plugin is working and if i do not change the file name they both play fine . is there another way of changing the file name or has the file been protected if so what do i do?..................

Author:  Tony [ Tue Jan 25, 2005 8:02 am ]
Post subject: 

You can download MP3+G Toolz for a quality CDG tool. MP3+G Toolz is the definitive application for conversion of karaoke CD+G, Audio+G, Bin, or Zip files.

CD+G Ripping
Encoding of audio files to MP3 or OGG
FAST conversion to Bin for burning on CD-R
Converts .bin files to .mp3, .ogg and .cdg
Converts .mp3, .ogg and .cdg to .bin
Zips and unzips karaoke Audio+G files
Renames filenames dynamically using an internet database.
Creates .cue files for burning with CDRWin
Fixes filenames with proper case and removal of underscores.
Plays Audio+G files from a .zip file with 10 band graphic equalizer and -6 to +6 step key changer
Auto-updating so you'll always have the newest version!

http://www.activeaspsoftware.net/defaul ... =downloads

Author:  karyoker [ Tue Jan 25, 2005 9:19 am ]
Post subject: 

All the cdg plugin does is look for a cdg file with the same EXACT name as the music file and it's got to have the ".cdg" extension. Make sure this is preseved when renaming. It will work with mp3 wav ogg etc, in fact you can replace the music file with the original artist mp3 or wav.. Assuming they have the same tempo throughout the only requirement is that the music has the right cue point. With software such as Cakewalk the music delay can be set for the proper start ponit..

Author:  T1T5 [ Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:46 am ]
Post subject: 

could it be that i am unzipping these folders with a evaluation expired version of win zip.........................................?

Author:  knightshow [ Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:58 am ]
Post subject: 

unsure... but winzip is free as far as UNZIPPING things. You can get that from the net.

REZIPPING things requires either a paid version of winzip, or mp3toolz, etc.

I rename all my files all the time... I just do what I told you to do, and I never have a problem

Author:  karyoker [ Tue Jan 25, 2005 11:02 am ]
Post subject: 

Winzip shouldnt be used with karaoke files Something like Mp3G+Toolz or similar should be used If the cdg file is viable it should be about 1-2 mb. Since the original cdg file works I naturally assume the renaming process is screwing it up give the whole file name with extensions before and after.

If you dont see the extensions in windows explorer go to tools->folder options->view Uncheck hide file extensions check show hidden files and check display full path in title bar

Author:  T1T5 [ Thu Jan 27, 2005 12:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

thanx for all of the help .. i up dated winzip and after that i could rename all files ... but am now useing toolz once thanx

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