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First "intentional" mic drop
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Author:  mrscott [ Sat May 23, 2020 6:09 am ]
Post subject:  First "intentional" mic drop

After all these years of hosting, I finally had my first intentional "mic drop". It came totally out of the blue, too. I wasn't expecting him to do anything. But it did get him a swift and permanent ban. We sent him packing, and he was gone in less than 10 seconds. He was very lucky that there was no damage to the mic, or else he would have been spending about $330 on top of no longer being allowed at karaoke.

Author:  Alan B [ Sat May 23, 2020 7:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First "intentional" mic drop


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Author:  mrscott [ Sat May 23, 2020 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First "intentional" mic drop

That does not even deserve a response

Author:  Alan B [ Sat May 23, 2020 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First "intentional" mic drop

mrscott wrote:
That does not even deserve a response

OMG! Where is your sense of humor? During these stressful times, people need to lighten up a bit. It's all in fun, and that's something that we all need right now.

Look, I'm sorry about your mic drop. It happened to me once and I also wasn't happy about it. But I'm just trying to make light of a bad situation with a little light hardheartedness.

This post was meant to be funny. Maybe even bring a smile to your face. Sorry, you went off in the opposite direction.

Author:  The Lone Ranger [ Sat May 23, 2020 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First "intentional" mic drop

:? Gee Mr.Scott 330.00 to replace a mic, really? There are many good mics that aren't that expensive, that are very tough as well, I would really think twice about using such an expensive piece of equipment at a gig, with all of the things that could go wrong. The worst situation I ever saw was a fellow host that played at the local bowling alley. A patron was walking around with two pitchers of beer, and stumbled spilling it all in the host's equipment, the whole setup. Needless to say that was the end of karaoke for awhile for that particular host. First rule no one has any drinks anywhere near the equipment. I bet the guy who dropped the mic, didn't even nail the song did he?

Author:  Alan B [ Sat May 23, 2020 9:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First "intentional" mic drop

One more thing...

What kind of people are you dealing with?

From everything you have posted, you have people who don't care about following the rules, refusing to use mic covers, and now showing no respect for you or your equipment.

What the hell kind of people are these? And for this group, you're willing to risk your life?

Author:  Alan B [ Sat May 23, 2020 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First "intentional" mic drop

The Lone Ranger wrote:
:? Gee Mr.Scott 330.00 to replace a mic, really? There are many good mics that aren't that expensive, that are very tough as well, I would really think twice about using such an expensive piece of equipment at a gig, with all of the things that could go wrong. The worst situation I ever saw was a fellow host that played at the local bowling alley. A patron was walking around with two pitchers of beer, and stumbled spilling it all in the host's equipment, the whole setup. Needless to say that was the end of karaoke for awhile for that particular host. First rule no one has any drinks anywhere near the equipment. I bet the guy who dropped the mic, didn't even nail the song did he?

The GTD Audio 787 and Phenyx Pro 7100 wireless mics are both really good sets, although the Phenyx Pro is the best. Replacement mics can be had for less than $40. I do agree with you... I would never, never, never put an expensive mic in just anybody's hands.

Author:  mrscott [ Sat May 23, 2020 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First "intentional" mic drop

My thoughts are this... if someone is going to intentionally damage equipment, (mics in this case), they are going to replace the entire set, not just the handheld unit. I would make them think twice about being that stupid ever again. Think of it this way, if it were to ever go to court in a lawsuit, the judge can and usually does award treble damages, plus court costs. That could mean in this particular case as much as a $1000 plus in judgement. $330 would be a bargain for this little turd, and I would have a new set, not just a new handheld unit. I wouldn't let him off easy for him being so stupid. Yes, I know its only about 40 bucks to replace it, it's the principle to make whoever thinks about being so irresponsible to think twice before going through with such a childish act.

Author:  mrscott [ Sat May 23, 2020 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First "intentional" mic drop

Alan B wrote:
mrscott wrote:
That does not even deserve a response

OMG! Where is your sense of humor? During these stressful times, people need to lighten up a bit. It's all in fun, and that's something that we all need right now.

Look, I'm sorry about your mic drop. It happened to me once and I also wasn't happy about it. But I'm just trying to make light of a bad situation with a little light hardheartedness.

This post was meant to be funny. Maybe even bring a smile to your face. Sorry, you went off in the opposite direction.

Thing is Alan? You aren't funny. Deal with it.

Author:  Bob Latshaw [ Sat May 23, 2020 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First "intentional" mic drop

mrscott wrote:
Thing is Alan? You aren't funny. Deal with it.

Alan, don't listen to him. I think you're freakin' hilarious.

Author:  mrscott [ Sat May 23, 2020 4:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First "intentional" mic drop

Bob Latshaw wrote:
mrscott wrote:
Thing is Alan? You aren't funny. Deal with it.

Alan, don't listen to him. I think you're freakin' hilarious.

Consider the source :newlol:

Author:  Bob Latshaw [ Sat May 23, 2020 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First "intentional" mic drop

mrscott wrote:
Bob Latshaw wrote:
mrscott wrote:
Thing is Alan? You aren't funny. Deal with it.

Alan, don't listen to him. I think you're freakin' hilarious.

Consider the source :newlol:

Says the guy concealing his location and real identity with what I can only guess is a star trek reference. Who actually puts the "Mr." in front of their name anymore? Either you're a shy nerd referring to Star Trek, or you're a really old guy from the UK. Either way, your online presence doesn't exactly scream credibility.

Author:  mrscott [ Sat May 23, 2020 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First "intentional" mic drop

Bob Latshaw wrote:
mrscott wrote:
Bob Latshaw wrote:
mrscott wrote:
Thing is Alan? You aren't funny. Deal with it.

Alan, don't listen to him. I think you're freakin' hilarious.

Consider the source :newlol:

Says the guy concealing his location and real identity with what I can only guess is a star trek reference. Who actually puts the "Mr." in front of their name anymore? Either you're a shy nerd referring to Star Trek, or you're a really old guy from the UK. Either way, your online presence doesn't exactly scream credibility.

Wrong on both counts.

Author:  Alan B [ Sat May 23, 2020 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First "intentional" mic drop

Bob Latshaw wrote:
mrscott wrote:
Thing is Alan? You aren't funny. Deal with it.

Alan, don't listen to him. I think you're freakin' hilarious.

Hey Bob, what a great response! I think for that you deserve a sticker. Here's one for ya...

KARAOSOFT.jpg [ 112.7 KiB | Viewed 49387 times ]

Author:  mrscott [ Sun May 24, 2020 4:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First "intentional" mic drop

File comment: Alan strikes yet again, cuz that is his MO and his life's mission, to become the biggest pirate ever.
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pirate thread.jpg [ 72.74 KiB | Viewed 49368 times ]

Admins, what are the rules on hijacking?

Author:  mrscott [ Sun May 24, 2020 4:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First "intentional" mic drop

I think the two of these "gentlemen" (used only for reference) need to re-read the forum rules.

So for the ease of access, here are the basic forum rules:


* [NEW!] It is requred that you have an email address listed in your profile. This is not visible to others if you check the box. (If there isn't an email address listed it causes multiple scripting errors!

* The Forums are never to be used to advertise or promote anything or anyone.

* The Forums are for the purpose of exchanging useful information and ideas.

* It is ok to gently tease someone you know when you're are sure they can take it but please - no personal insults or attacks.

* All posts should be suitable for reading by minors.

* Disagreement, debate and even good-natured argument is ok... flaming is not. This includes posts that are "anti" the admins... we can take criticism but we won't put up with personal insults.

* DO NOT discuss illegal methods of obtaining programs, tracks, etc.

* Though we will listen to your ideas and are happy to let you disagree with us, this is not a democracy. The buck stops with us admins so we must have the final say.

* Some posts or threads maybe deleted or edited. If you would like to know why, please contact us.

* It is mandatory that you have fun.


We love good-natured teasing of friends here, but we HATE flaming. This site is a safe haven for all and no one should feel "got at", bullied or insulted.

I hope the following examples give you the idea.

* Screaming in mock horror when an old friend arrives is gentle teasing. Hitting a mate over the head with a dead trout when they are daft is gentle teasing. Pretending to die horribly when a friend "sings" is gentle teasing.

* Making belittling comments about the size of someone’s genitalia is flaming. Making fun of someone’s appearance, their use of English, difficulty with spelling, their sexuality or their race is flaming.

I am very sad to say I have seen ALL of these flames used elsewhere as "a joke."They will NOT be tolerated here.


* Make a long series of posts that say virtually nothing

* Hijack someone else’s thread to have a gossip session

* Make meaningless posts just to build up your post count

If you do this, the admins may warn you. After that, your posts may start to disappear.

Let's keep it clean, clever, positive, informative and humorous. Let's all have a great time.

Author:  Alan B [ Sun May 24, 2020 5:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First "intentional" mic drop

I don't see anything wrong. Most of the posts pertain, directly or indirectly, to the OP. The others are in response to comments you have made, in which case they were addressed.

I suggest, instead of making an issue out of nothing, you check out Amazon for some "self-help" books that may help you "lighten up" a bit and get rid of that chip on your shoulder.

All in all, you are being ridiculous. If I may pass on the words told to me by a good friend of mine before she died of cancer.... she said..."don't sweat the small stuff".

I try to live by those words, maybe you should too.

Thank you. Have a nice day!

Author:  Alan B [ Sun May 24, 2020 5:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First "intentional" mic drop


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Author:  Alan B [ Sun May 24, 2020 5:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First "intentional" mic drop


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Author:  Alan B [ Sun May 24, 2020 5:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First "intentional" mic drop


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