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Online/Smartphone Songbook Hosting Services
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Author:  Rev1274 [ Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Online/Smartphone Songbook Hosting Services

Does anyone use them?

Can anyone give me a recommendation which service is the best or to use?

And can you put codes by the song? Like for example

All of me. (John Legend) AOM-1.

Also another question, if you have many songs in the database will it be slower or faster?


Author:  Lonman [ Mon Jan 18, 2021 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Online/Smartphone Songbook Hosting Services

Best is subjective to the user.
I prefer Songbookdb.com and yes you can add unique id (or disc) numbers to the songs. Many of the others do not have that option and just use title/artist only. Can also set up multiple books for different locations or systems. At my show I created a qr code so users can just scan it and go directly to the book. Doesn't require the user to have an app or need to be registered to search, but the app is simple and available from google playstore. If the user registers, they can set up their own 'favorites' folder to save their list.
It also has the ability to turn on the remote send but I prefer them come to me so I turn it off. If you do use, the user would need to register to send a song request to you.
The amount of songs isn't really going to slow or speed up the search. Here's mine https://www.songbookdb.com/?book=GFP3H, the Thunderbird book has approx 26k tracks.

Author:  Bob Latshaw [ Tue Jan 19, 2021 7:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Online/Smartphone Songbook Hosting Services

Rev1274 wrote:
Does anyone use them?

Can anyone give me a recommendation which service is the best or to use?

And can you put codes by the song? Like for example

All of me. (John Legend) AOM-1.

Also another question, if you have many songs in the database will it be slower or faster?


Unless you're still using CDs or a preloaded machine that requires you to enter codes, codes or TrackIDs are rather outdated from an online book perspective. Singers who are familiar with brands will ask for specific brands whether you show them or not. Otherwise, it's assumed the KJ knows which versions are best and will play the best version they have. Lonman is right, most don't show it. We will show them in printed books that our software will make, but not on the online books, and there's a reason. Most KJs don't want any entity (like SC for example) to be able to publicly access a complete audit of their entire music collection song for song, brand for brand. The fact is most KJs don't like the idea of their entire collection being able to be audited while they sleep. Why advertise that to the world and leave that information publicly available 24/7?

SongbooksLive.com stores TrackIDs but doesn't show them in the book viewer, but it is faster at loading and searching than the others. It also allows you to view the entire book at once and contains a very handy index bar on the right side of the screen whether sorting by artist or title. Songbooks Live and SingNext.com (which can access the same book for automatic slips that self-queue) stores all online books in one massive Microsoft SQL server database. It contains tens of millions of songs and can search any KJ's collection at speeds faster than the others. Your online book can be updated as much as you want and uploaded quickly either from the Song List Generator app or directly from Karma (if you use it).

It also allows you to choose your own custom book name that can be accessed by putting it in the URL. For example, my book would be accessible at


Online Songbook storage is $29 a year and can be purchased at https://Karaosoft.com/Products.aspx

If you use something other than Karma for your hosting software, you can use the Song List Generator app for free to upload your list.

By the way, if you do use Karma and also use the SingNext.com slips, you can set your slip mode to automatic, and then, the singers can access your same book directly from SingNext.com and can pick specific versions. It's specifically setup in a way that the singers have to drill down to the song by artist, then title, then the specific version. It's quick to find a specific version of a song, but the process makes it nearly impossible for any outside entity to perform an entire audit of your collection with this method, since you can never see the versions of more than one song at a time.

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