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Is twelve wired mics enough https://mail.karaokescenemagazine.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=40815 |
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Author: | DannyG2006 [ Sat Apr 24, 2021 6:51 am ] |
Post subject: | Is twelve wired mics enough |
Not connected at the same time but for giving out to Individual singers during the night? |
Author: | mrmarog [ Sat Apr 24, 2021 11:23 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Is twelve wired mics enough |
One is enough if you are quick. I have 3 for singers, and 2 are always clean, recovered, and ready. |
Author: | DannyG2006 [ Sat Apr 24, 2021 1:12 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Is twelve wired mics enough |
Advantage of what I want to do is that I only have to sanitize the mics at the most once a show. The most expensive mics in the lot is a couple of Behringer XM8500 mics. |
Author: | mrmarog [ Sun Apr 25, 2021 3:33 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Is twelve wired mics enough |
DannyG2006 wrote: Advantage of what I want to do is that I only have to sanitize the mics at the most once a show. The most expensive mics in the lot is a couple of Behringer XM8500 mics. Danny, you can only get 24 songs in during your show? |
Author: | DannyG2006 [ Sun Apr 25, 2021 4:54 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Is twelve wired mics enough |
mrmarog wrote: DannyG2006 wrote: Advantage of what I want to do is that I only have to sanitize the mics at the most once a show. The most expensive mics in the lot is a couple of Behringer XM8500 mics. Danny, you can only get 24 songs in during your show? Multiple rotations is the key. I'm not arrogant enough to think that I would need 50 mics. Part of me would encourage my singers to purchase their own personal mics as well. |
Author: | mrmarog [ Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:32 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Is twelve wired mics enough |
DannyG2006 wrote: mrmarog wrote: DannyG2006 wrote: Advantage of what I want to do is that I only have to sanitize the mics at the most once a show. The most expensive mics in the lot is a couple of Behringer XM8500 mics. Danny, you can only get 24 songs in during your show? Multiple rotations is the key. I'm not arrogant enough to think that I would need 50 mics. Part of me would encourage my singers to purchase their own personal mics as well. It is no wonder why your state is mostly shut down for business. |
Author: | DannyG2006 [ Sun Apr 25, 2021 7:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Is twelve wired mics enough |
mrmarog wrote: DannyG2006 wrote: mrmarog wrote: DannyG2006 wrote: Advantage of what I want to do is that I only have to sanitize the mics at the most once a show. The most expensive mics in the lot is a couple of Behringer XM8500 mics. Danny, you can only get 24 songs in during your show? Multiple rotations is the key. I'm not arrogant enough to think that I would need 50 mics. Part of me would encourage my singers to purchase their own personal mics as well. It is no wonder why your state is mostly shut down for business. Will be fully open on May 19th. |
Author: | Jumbo [ Sun Apr 25, 2021 9:44 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Is twelve wired mics enough |
I use spray sanitizer and wipe down each mic on the stands in between each singer and I’ve had no problems since last July doing it that way! |
Author: | Alan B [ Sun Apr 25, 2021 11:55 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Is twelve wired mics enough |
Danny, here's the way I see it... First of all, nobody should be going to bars at this time. Just because they're open doesn't mean it's safe to go there. It's not. Secondly, the people that DO go to the bars, take no precautions whatsoever. They are sitting shoulder to shoulder at the bar and putting tables together for large groups. They are not wearing masks and practicing social distancing. The chance of getting Covid is far greater by just being in the bar mingling with people than handling your microphones. Think about this... I am sure that the door knobs to the bathrooms doors are not wiped down and sanitized every time someone comes out. Or the handles on the sink. What about the salt and pepper shakers? The ketchup bottles? Are they being wiped down every time someone leaves the table? I would guess not. The point is, they're in contact with a lot more things that don't get cleaned after each use. Wiping down your mics is the least of your concerns. Danny, you're spinning your wheels needlessly. If people are that stupid to go to bars which are considered super spreader places for the virus, than they're are taking a risk....period! The risk is not whether or not you wipe down your microphones, it's being in the bar. I was doing the whole cleanliness routine too. Sanitizing and changing mic covers after each performance. Than I would look out at the crowd and realize that people just don't care. You know, the self centered ones who think they can do what they want and not have to follow the rules. The ones who won't get vaccinated to help end this. The ones who don't even believe the pandemic is real. Nope, I personally am done with that sh*t. As I've said, they have more of a chance of getting covid from just being in the bar than from your microphones. |
Author: | mrmarog [ Mon Apr 26, 2021 3:34 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Is twelve wired mics enough |
Alan B wrote: Danny, here's the way I see it... First of all, nobody should be going to bars at this time. Just because they're open doesn't mean it's safe to go there. It's not. Secondly, the people that DO go to the bars, take no precautions whatsoever. They are sitting shoulder to shoulder at the bar and putting tables together for large groups. They are not wearing masks and practicing social distancing. The chance of getting Covid is far greater by just being in the bar mingling with people than handling your microphones. Think about this... I am sure that the door knobs to the bathrooms doors are not wiped down and sanitized every time someone comes out. Or the handles on the sink. What about the salt and pepper shakers? The ketchup bottles? Are they being wiped down every time someone leaves the table? I would guess not. The point is, they're in contact with a lot more things that don't get cleaned after each use. Wiping down your mics is the least of your concerns. Danny, you're spinning your wheels needlessly. If people are that stupid to go to bars which are considered super spreader places for the virus, than they're are taking a risk....period! The risk is not whether or not you wipe down your microphones, it's being in the bar. I was doing the whole cleanliness routine too. Sanitizing and changing mic covers after each performance. Than I would look out at the crowd and realize that people just don't care. You know, the self centered ones who think they can do what they want and not have to follow the rules. The ones who won't get vaccinated to help end this. The ones who don't even believe the pandemic is real. Nope, I personally am done with that sh*t. As I've said, they have more of a chance of getting covid from just being in the bar than from your microphones. I can't believe I'm saying this "Alan, well said" |
Author: | DannyG2006 [ Mon Apr 26, 2021 4:47 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Is twelve wired mics enough |
Alan B wrote: Danny, here's the way I see it... First of all, nobody should be going to bars at this time. Just because they're open doesn't mean it's safe to go there. It's not. Secondly, the people that DO go to the bars, take no precautions whatsoever. They are sitting shoulder to shoulder at the bar and putting tables together for large groups. They are not wearing masks and practicing social distancing. The chance of getting Covid is far greater by just being in the bar mingling with people than handling your microphones. Think about this... I am sure that the door knobs to the bathrooms doors are not wiped down and sanitized every time someone comes out. Or the handles on the sink. What about the salt and pepper shakers? The ketchup bottles? Are they being wiped down every time someone leaves the table? I would guess not. The point is, they're in contact with a lot more things that don't get cleaned after each use. Wiping down your mics is the least of your concerns. Danny, you're spinning your wheels needlessly. If people are that stupid to go to bars which are considered super spreader places for the virus, than they're are taking a risk....period! The risk is not whether or not you wipe down your microphones, it's being in the bar. I was doing the whole cleanliness routine too. Sanitizing and changing mic covers after each performance. Than I would look out at the crowd and realize that people just don't care. You know, the self centered ones who think they can do what they want and not have to follow the rules. The ones who won't get vaccinated to help end this. The ones who don't even believe the pandemic is real. Nope, I personally am done with that sh*t. As I've said, they have more of a chance of getting covid from just being in the bar than from your microphones. C'mon Alan , in a state that until May 19th, all bars that are alcohol only were not allowed to be open period, you think I am going to put my venues at risk of being shut down by not doing my part of keeping my singers safe. We have kjs who can't get shows reporting any violation to the health department to shut down shows here. |
Author: | The Lone Ranger [ Mon Apr 26, 2021 5:55 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Is twelve wired mics enough |
DannyG2006 wrote: C'mon Alan , in a state that until May 19th, all bars that are alcohol only were not allowed to be open period, you think I am going to put my venues at risk of being shut down by not doing my part of keeping my singers safe. We have kjs who can't get shows reporting any violation to the health department to shut down shows here. So what does that tell you Danny besides all of the other problems you have doing a show, you have kj's reporting shows. People in the business are turning on each other. This is not the time to be doing anything except hunker in the bunker. |
Author: | mrmarog [ Mon Apr 26, 2021 12:11 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Is twelve wired mics enough |
Danny, use your brain. It only takes 2 minutes sitting time for a mic that is sprayed down with 70% isopropyl alcohol to be safe to sing on. So while one person is singing a 2 minute song the spray/wiped mic has been sitting for at least 2 minutes. Your next singer will NOT be at risk using a mic with a 2 mic rotation. I have been doing 2 shows per week since August. There was period were 1 on my shows paused because of low attendance. I send out emails to 325 recipients every week informing my singers/listeners/dancers what is happening. I also ask for any feedback regarding anything of concern. In the last 8-9 months of no one wearing a mask (almost no one) in my venues, I am unaware of any one contracting covid19 as a result of attending one of my shows. Sarasota is a retirement community, with tens thousands over 70. My singers come from all over the US and the world. Yes, people get covid, but 99.75% survive. |
Author: | GentlemanBronco [ Mon Apr 26, 2021 2:05 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Is twelve wired mics enough |
mrmarog wrote: Yes, people get covid, but 99.75% survive. That is a false statement. First of all, survival analysis is impossible to calculate in the middle of a pandemic. We simply don't have enough data at the moment to calculate an accurate infection fatality rate.Second of all, what we do know is that there have been (as of this writing) 31,883,289 reported cases in the United States and 569,272 deaths. Dividing the number of deaths by the number of cases gives you a 98.2%. That's not your claimed 99.75%. It's also not correct to call that a survival rate, better known as the inverse of the infection fatality rate. That is why no public health agency is doing that. What that number represents is the case fatality rate. And that is a useful metric. We also know that a case fatality rate doesn't tell the full story about a disease. Ebola is an excellent example. On average 50% of people that get infected with ebola will die—way more than the 2% for covid. Pretty bad, right? Fortunately ebola doesn't spread very well. That means very few people get infected. So 50% of a small number is an even smaller number. Worldwide there have been around 15,000 ebola deaths since 1976. Covid behaves differently. It's an airborne virus that is very effective at infecting people. Not quite as good as measles which is the all-time champion, but much more effective than influenza, for example. That means a much larger number of people will be infected. And a small percentage of a very large number is still a large number. So even though the virus has a relatively low case fatality rate of around 2% it was the 3rd leading cause of death in 2020 and has accounted for at least 569,272 deaths in the United States and over 3.1 million deaths worldwide. So your statement that "Yes, people get covid, but 99.75% survive" is inaccurate, ignores fundamental principles of epidemiology, and creates a false sense of security. |
Author: | mrmarog [ Mon Apr 26, 2021 4:02 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Is twelve wired mics enough |
GentlemanBronco wrote: mrmarog wrote: Yes, people get covid, but 99.75% survive. So your statement that "Yes, people get covid, but 99.75% survive" is inaccurate, ignores fundamental principles of epidemiology, and creates a false sense of security. First of all who is doing the counting the Democrats or the Republicans. Are we counting those that died WITH covid19 as a covid death, or are we only including those that actually died BECAUSE of covid19 in the statistics? Yes, there is a difference in my number vs. yours, but I elect that both numbers give an extremely high probability of survival, and chances are improving (according to my facts). |
Author: | GentlemanBronco [ Mon Apr 26, 2021 7:32 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Is twelve wired mics enough |
mrmarog wrote: First of all who is doing the counting the Democrats or the Republicans. Are we counting those that died WITH covid19 as a covid death, or are we only including those that actually died BECAUSE of covid19 in the statistics? You seem to be implying that covid isn't responsible for as many deaths as claimed. There is no credible evidence from any source that covid deaths in the United States are systematically overreported. In fact, the data indicates the opposite—covid deaths are likely being undercounted.There are two ways easy ways to evaluate how credible the covid death rates are: First we can compare the US case fatality rate to the rest of the world. In the US it's currently at 1.8%. The worldwide case fatality rate is 2.1%. This is a strong indicator that the the US is not overcounting covid deaths or that number would be much higher, not lower. Second we can look at all-cause mortality compared to previous years. If people listed as dying from covid would have died anyways then the all-cause mortality should not change. We know that all-cause mortality did increase, though. From Jan 1, 2020 to Feb 27, 2021 there were an excess of 546,930 deaths in the United States compared to the the recent historical average. This graph makes it clear how much of an outlier the death rate has been. ![]() On Feb 27, 2021, the same day we reached 546,930 excess deaths, the cumulative number of reported covid deaths was 504,654. That means the number of covid deaths are likely slightly underreported. mrmarog wrote: Yes, there is a difference in my number vs. yours, but I elect that both numbers give an extremely high probability of survival. It's true that both numbers mean an individual case has a relatively high probability of survival. But 0.25% is an order of magnitude different than 2%. That's the difference between 79,000 deaths and 566,000 deaths in the United States. So while you may quibble over two small numbers, we're talking about the difference in almost half a million lives lost. That's why I explained how even a relatively low case fatality rate can have deadly consequences if the disease is easily transmissible.Put another way, you are considering an individual infection. But with a contagious disease it's essential to consider the entire population. As I said, a small percentage of a very large number is still a large number. Thinking about covid as individual cases instead of as a population ignores the basic science of epidemiology and can lead to needless deaths. And yes, chances are improving as more and more people get vaccinated. But we're still at a similar infection rate as we were during the peak last summer. We are not out of the woods yet. |
Author: | Paradigm Karaoke [ Tue Apr 27, 2021 3:05 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Is twelve wired mics enough |
sigh.... nobody dies from covid they die from an opportunistic infection like pneumonia which is not usually fatal in otherwise healthy people but they don't die from pneumonia either they die from sepsis caused by the pneumonia bacteria which would not have occurred without first contracting covid nobody dies from AIDS they die from an opportunistic infection like tuberculosis which is not usually fatal in otherwise healthy people but they don't die from tuberculosis either they die from internal hemorrhaging caused by the tuberculosis virus which would not have occurred without first contracting AIDS nobody dies from the flu they die from an opportunistic infection like secondary pneumonia which is not usually fatal in otherwise healthy people but they don't die from pneumonia either they die from sepsis caused by the pneumonia bacteria which would not have occurred without first contracting the flu Nobody dies from cancer they die from an opportunistic infection or cachexia which is not usually fatal in otherwise healthy people but they don't die from cachexia either they die from organ failure caused by the self-cannibalism of cachexia which would not have occurred without first contracting cancer splitting hairs is easy understanding where it begins is also easy |
Author: | Alan B [ Tue Apr 27, 2021 3:54 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Is twelve wired mics enough |
Covid 19 is not to be taken lightly. Even though it is said to have a 98% survival rate, most survivors don't completely recover. Not to the way they used to be before getting it. It can have lasting effects and trigger other problems. My neighbor had Covid19 and even though he's over it... it has caused other problems. He's being tested for MS which they say could have been caused by Covid 19 I have another neighbor who also had it and is over it... he used to take his dog for a walk twice a day. Now, he can't even go down his driveway without being out of breath. Other lasting effects include joint pain, shortness of breath, headaches, loss of taste, etc. So, even though you may be over it, you may be dealing with problems because of it. So, again... your 98% recovery rate means nothing since not everybody completely recovers. So, while you may have recovered in the sense that you didn't die, your life may never be the same or "normal" again because Covid 19. This to me is not recovering. And you can shove that bogus 98% survival rate up... you know where. |
Author: | mrmarog [ Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:06 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Is twelve wired mics enough |
GentlemanBronco, are you so naive as to think that covid numbers haven't been intentionally manipulated so as to make people relinquish their their freedoms so easily? "Come on man" you can't be that woke! Can you? Covid19 should not be political, but the practice of "never let a crisis go to waste" has prevailed. Your responses are so "down pat", that clearly the brainwashing is working. Do yourself a favor and UNPLUG everything and get out and live. |
Author: | mrmarog [ Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:18 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Is twelve wired mics enough |
Alan B, what I find that is very interesting, is that Democrats seem to have wayyyyy more first hand stories of human tragedy regarding Covid19 infections, than Republicans do. And you are all in total lock down! It's disturbing that I had a cold 5 years ago and I can't bench press 300 lbs anymore. Everything I get sick from, I oddly a few years later, don't seem to be able to do everything I used to able to do. |
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