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How are you cataloguing your non cdgs
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Author:  joe_wsc [ Mon Jul 26, 2021 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  How are you cataloguing your non cdgs

i have the complete collection of all cdgs

now that sunfly is mp4 from now on how are you guys doing your karaoke books what codes are you putting

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Jul 26, 2021 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How are you cataloguing your non cdgs

I make them up
LMPDL1000-01-SBI Muse - Supermassive Blackhole

Lmp = lonman productions, dl = download SBI (or whatever brand which i designate a code to) is the brand.
But I don't even list a book code anymore at least in the physical books, just the brand code I assigned for those that still care about brand

Author:  Paradigm Karaoke [ Tue Jul 27, 2021 1:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How are you cataloguing your non cdgs

I do something similar
SBI-01 - Muse - Supermassive Blackhole - SBIDL
Manu-made up Track# - Artist - Title - Location (site)
I used to put the binder and disk number at the end .....Supermassive Blackhole - E-117 (Binder "E" disk "117") but used the site when there were more sites selling multiple manus tracks so I just kept it for consistency and the hope that sites like Customburn will eventually come back.
that way I can know where I downloaded it from if it should get corrupted and need to be re-downloaded, also if others like SBI should begin suits, I can find the receipt for any song I have by looking at the end code and pulling the emails for that many to show the receipt.

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Tue Jul 27, 2021 3:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How are you cataloguing your non cdgs

Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
I do something similar
SBI-01 - Muse - Supermassive Blackhole - SBIDL
Manu-made up Track# - Artist - Title - Location (site)
I used to put the binder and disk number at the end .....Supermassive Blackhole - E-117 (Binder "E" disk "117") but used the site when there were more sites selling multiple manus tracks so I just kept it for consistency and the hope that sites like Customburn will eventually come back.
that way I can know where I downloaded it from if it should get corrupted and need to be re-downloaded, also if others like SBI should begin suits, I can find the receipt for any song I have by looking at the end code and pulling the emails for that many to show the receipt.

Pretty much like Paradigm does.

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