Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Portable Systems?
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Author:  Earl [ Fri Oct 18, 2024 3:15 am ]
Post subject:  Portable Systems?

Although I continue to do my once-weekly karaoke gig at our local Legion, I no longer DJ wedding receptions, corporate parties, etc. (except for our kids' Christmas party and New Year's Eve gigs). But lately I've been getting a lot of requests for karaoke at other clubs, and things like senior citizens' karaoke parties (less than 50 people), and it's tempting...

So, with that in mind, and knowing that I'm getting a little too long-in-the-tooth to be taking down, hauling, and setting up my main (heavy) system (which stays in-situ at our weekly Legion gig), I've decided to purchase a Yamaha Stagepas, or Fender Passport, or Samsun SX1000 type system.. Something very portable and easy to handle by my 80-year-old body (a "young" 80-year-old, but still.....).

I've heard the Passport, and can't say I'm a big fan of the sound.. Obviously Yamaha makes good gear, but I haven't seen/heard the Stagepas... And lastly, I can get a very good deal on the Samsun, but I haven't heard it either.

So, if there are any remaining "techie" types still hanging around this semi-ghost town we call Karaoke Scene, I'd like to hear your opinion on easy to carry & transport, but still decent sound, portable systems.

And NO, my lady-friend doesn't want to be my roadie, so that's not an option.



Author:  DannyG2006 [ Fri Oct 18, 2024 3:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Portable Systems?

I used to have a Stagepass 300 and it did the job perfectly. I used it in a large hall of a church and while 150 watts per side isn't that much, the sound filled the hall perfectly.

Author:  jdmeister [ Fri Oct 18, 2024 6:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Portable Systems?

I've had the Stagepas 300 for years. Indoors, excellent, and if you are outdoors,
it comes with extra audio out for powered speakers.
Yamaha hired me for a gig in the desert a few years ago, and the system did not fail.
I do like the auto voice limiting that stops the speakers from blowing.
I still have it, and used it a few months ago for a gig.

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