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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:38 pm 
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Gosh- Our washing machine quit today, and on laundry day to boot.

Not a funny situation since I have 4 kids...... and my daughter goes through enough clothes for 3-4 all by herself.

Anybody wanna come over & help? I actually had to pack up and go to a LAUNDROMAT today.....I had forgotten how brutal that can be.  

Any takers????

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:47 pm 
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I'll come over with a new one. now which street am I going?

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:59 pm 
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Well the one nice thing about a laundromat is that you can do many loads at the same time.  Sat do six loads of laundry in a maximum of 1.5-2 hrs compared to 9-12 hours at home with one washer/dryer.  Think about it.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 9:27 pm 
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Yeah.....true, haha.

I did get TONS of laundry done in just a couple of hours.

But I haven't done this for years.

I had to fight for a basket...... fight for a washer...... fight for a dryer.

Well, not physically "fight"..... but you know what I mean. The town I'm close to has ONE laundromat, and not a big one either. And alot of apartment complexes in it, so I guess a big portion of the folks who live there do not have washers & dryers.

But, heck yeah- I'm DONE with laundry for the week. Good point. Even got hubby & all the kids to help me this time. (cause they wanted to go HOME...)   :hi5:

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 11:37 pm 
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:wave: Hi Charmin!! Sounds like the laundrymat wasn't that bad after all. Yeah that laudry scene can be brutal! I absolutely hate doing the laundry.. I'm the only one who does it right!  :oh yeah: I carefully hang all all the shirts just perfectly and the pants on pant hangers. When someone else does my clothes(my husband or daughter) there half hanging on some wire hanger sliding down bunched up on one end.  Oh well.. I just put them back in the dryer and fluff  LOL them!! hehe! Don't work too hard!

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 12:23 pm 
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They need to invent Laundromats with video poker machines hehehe... I mean .... you could play for detergent or somethin'  LOL .... although you'd probably lose your quarters and be unable to dry all your stuff! It's pretty boring sittin' there waiting.... or reading a book. I've lost a whole load of clothes once by going next door to the store for a quick errand. It was a whole load of towels... I was pretty upset! But learned my lesson grrrr.

It IS good that you can get it all done at once.... Dona, I throw stuff in the dryer too.... love to fluff!  LMAO

Hope you got it all ironed out Blue!  LOL


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PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:04 pm 
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Yeah...... guess in the laundry world I'm a "fluffer" too, haha.

Yanno, the kids and hubby (when they DO a load)... they take what they need out of the dryer and the rest goes in a BASKET and STAYS there. Until I threaten, yell, throw a hissy....or just fold em myself. But, yeah, they are all wrinkly then. I dress pretty casual, but I HATE wrinkled clothes.

DONA- You're pickier than me- so I nominate YOU to come help!!  :dancin:
I'm baaaaaddddd with not hanging stuff- they go laid in a "clothes to hang" pile usually in fornt of my closet. I hate that chore. And then I wonder where my kids learn that from......Hmmmm.... guess I'm just not very darn domestic. Got a sis who LOVES to iron- imagine that- to IRON. I hate it.  But then, I don't usually own anything that requires ironing, haha.

SHEREE- When I lived in Eugene, Oregon they actually had a laundromat/tanning salon that had a few arcade games, and a tv. It took some of the "boring" out of it I guess. I never tanned while there, but the kids could watch tv instead of whining "are we done yet".

BADSINGER- If you're REALLY gonna bring me a new washer, I'll give ya that address, hahaha.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 3:33 pm 
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Billy <<<<<<<<<Doesn't do clothes r windows,  it stays pretty warm here yr. round so most days i just wear cut off's jeans anyway and a t shirt...but Blue? I will gladly shine ur cute blue shoes for you,   :D ....sorry about ur washer, but it does seems like its a family event now....not sure iffin thats a good thing r not...lol...Keep smiling that pretty smile of yours hun.....hugssssssssss

 One day i won't us to do a duet together.... :dancin:  KOTC

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 4:00 pm 
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Ah, Billy- c'mon............ get on over here and scrub my thangs for me. Mine are mostly cut off's and t-shirts too yanno. *lol*

You sound JUST like my brother Andy- wont let his son take turns foldin' laundry or washin' the dishes- cause that's a girl thing. You men- I swear.

I'll take you up on that duet though- anytime my friend. Would be an honor to sing something with you.   :dancin:

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 4:19 pm 
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Blue Wrote......Ah, Billy- c'mon............ get on over here and scrub my thangs for me. Mine are mostly cut off's and t-shirts too yanno. **

hun u sure make it tempting, lordy...lol...your Thangs huh? lol...would that be your soft thangs to? OH YEAAAAA

you know my voice pretty well hun, you pick a song and we'll sing that sucker...lol...altho, i'm fixing to reformat, and right now my cep is down, but i would just love to sing with you,  you know i just loveeeeeee ur voice, and your pretty cute to.... ok after thinking about it.......Yes i will do your clothes...lol......hugsssssssssss...kotc

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 5:35 pm 
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ok What Now @ Sat Feb 26, 2005 4:19 pm wrote:
...altho, i'm fixing to reformat

Oh ma gosh........ You know how many times I have been teased about using that phrase. ........"I'm fixin' to...." Of course, I grew up in Oregon mostly, and California...... and learned my phrasing from my southern parents, haha. You don't hear people around here talk like that.

You just lemme know when you're done with all the computer junk & ready to sing, and I will pick something. (maybe from "Grease" or something....) lollllllllllll- don't take that too seriously please.  I don't do Olivia Newton John....not in public anyhow.

Now- You just called me "kinky" in another thread........... WHO is sounding "kinky", lol- I just said "my thangs".......... you read that how you want to.  :wink:

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 5:42 pm 
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Well Yeaaaaa....Being  male we have to read BETWEEN the lines....and we all knew what you meant....didn't we guys...lol....all guys know what the word THANGS means.....hmmmmmm, ok maybe we don't, but we always think we do...lol....hugssssssssssssss

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 8:13 am 
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Dona @ Sun Feb 20, 2005 11:37 pm wrote:
:wave: Hi Charmin!! Sounds like the laundrymat wasn't that bad after all. Yeah that laudry scene can be brutal! I absolutely hate doing the laundry.. I'm the only one who does it right!  :oh yeah: I carefully hang all all the shirts just perfectly and the pants on pant hangers. When someone else does my clothes(my husband or daughter) there half hanging on some wire hanger sliding down bunched up on one end.  Oh well.. I just put them back in the dryer and fluff  LOL them!!

:shock:  :shock:

Um... wanna come over for a while?? :D


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 6:07 pm 
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I'm on the other end... I hate to fold.  I hang EVERYTHING up.  T-Shirts, jeans, everything.

Only if it won't stay on a hanger does it get shoved into a drawer, er, I mean folded.

Battery life on a laptop and length of average movie, 1 1/2 to 2 hours, time to do laundry in a laundrymat, 1 1/2 to 2 hours.  Coincidence?  I don't think so.

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