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Deside DVD-player
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Author:  JHGBaouns [ Sat Mar 05, 2005 4:56 am ]
Post subject:  Deside DVD-player


I just want to have some fun at home with family and friends with Karaoke.
My though is to buy a good DVD-players that can handle most format (DVD,CD-G, MP3, SVCD...). If I think its fun Ill buying a mixer with more features later.

I want some help to deside between some DVD-players.

- PCK-2000
- Xtreme 1 Professional
- RJtech RJ-4200
- API DVD-701
- RSQ DVD505

Anyone that have some ideas what I should think about?
Or maybe have anyone tried any of them and know some advantage/disadvantege.


Author:  karaokemeister [ Sat Mar 05, 2005 8:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Deside DVD-player

I've had some issues with the RJ Tech products - it was the earlier 3700 and 3900 series but the sweep wasn't smooth.  Not a problem on slower songs but on the faster songs nearly unusable.  I've heard the later products are better, but since I've been burned on the pair I have I'm very wary.

I have an RSQ 333 and it's infallible.  I'd consider going with the RSQ personally, or another option would be to look into the Coby player that goes for about $75 at my local Wal-Mart.  I saw it in use at a local show and it played just fine - even with some of the faster sweeps.  It had been in a smoky bar for at least a year and other than a few minor 'hiccups' with 1 or 2 discs it played just fine.  I'm pretty sure a good cleaning would resolve the problem though.  At that price it's hard to pass up.

BTW, if you have a chance to 'test' each of them I'd use Rapper's Delight or other fast sweep song with full screens of lyrics to do the test.  It's a real workout on the average player and shows problems with sweeps quickly.  I'd probably use whatever brand to do the test that you plan on using most.

Author:  JHGBaouns [ Sat Mar 05, 2005 9:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Deside DVD-player

Thanks on the info about RJ´s.
Try the players can be hard.I dont think they sell any of these product near me.
I was thinking  on buying them online.

Maybe anyone here have tried any other then RJs?

Regards Jimmy

Author:  timberlea [ Sat Mar 05, 2005 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Deside DVD-player

You don't say where you're from.  In Canada you can get Electrohome (not sure if it's available in the U.S.).  I have an EH8168 I use at home and even in shows with no propblems and it has a built in key changer.

Author:  JHGBaouns [ Sat Mar 05, 2005 1:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Deside DVD-player

Sorry I didnt mention where I was from.

Im from Sweden.
I googled some for Electrohome in Sweden with nu luck at all.
Will still search some more.

But it really doesnt matter where they sell it. If I only can get a webstore to deliver international.

The price in US is half of Sweden.

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