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As a singer, What brings you to certain shows?
The Kj's song library 8%  8%  [ 5 ]
The Kj's song library 8%  8%  [ 5 ]
The Kj's personality 7%  7%  [ 4 ]
The Kj's personality 7%  7%  [ 4 ]
The ambiance of the club 5%  5%  [ 3 ]
The ambiance of the club 5%  5%  [ 3 ]
The great enthusiastic crowd 3%  3%  [ 2 ]
The great enthusiastic crowd 3%  3%  [ 2 ]
The drinks are dirt cheap 3%  3%  [ 2 ]
The drinks are dirt cheap 3%  3%  [ 2 ]
The superb sound system 10%  10%  [ 6 ]
The superb sound system 10%  10%  [ 6 ]
Your own reason listed in this thread 13%  13%  [ 8 ]
Your own reason listed in this thread 13%  13%  [ 8 ]
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 4:29 pm 
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What is it that brings you?

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 4:49 pm 
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I get to sing.. that's all that matters..

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 11:30 pm 
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All of the above with the following exception:

The drinks are cheap and well poured!   :wink:


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 11:37 pm 
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I like to sound good or at least not near to bad. tho I sing mostly bad but like to think that its the system that make me sound bad.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 12:09 am 
can't say exactly what brings me to certain shows just because it used to be my business to goto just about every show i could BUT I can tell ya what will stop me from going to a particular show.  I can handle bad sound system, push button host, bad drinks, bad singers, no new music since 1997 or unorganized/thrashed songbooks... what I cannot handle is a host that can't keep their rotation straight!  that means their friends(or who they wanna sleep with that night) sing 5 times in a rotation or they "lose" certain peoples request slips. Also, the host somehow believes that the show is all about them and proceeds to prove this point by singing more times than should be legal because it is their "job" to keep things moving and the audience entertained (god knows only they are capable of these things).  I just LOVE a host who feels the need to join me on my song because they feel something is missing without them.  Other than that I will go to certain shows for many of the reasons listed above... - tig

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 12:21 am 
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Tigrr27 @ Sat Feb 19, 2005 2:09 am wrote:
what I cannot handle is a host that can't keep their rotation straight!  that means their friends(or who they wanna sleep with that night)

I've been skipped in rotation a few times.. Dagnabit -- I must not be going to the right shows LOL  :wink:

[font=Comic Sans MS]Just kidding around people -- don't freak out [/font] :lol:

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 4:23 am 
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[font=MS Sans Serif]Many of the reasons listed above ~~

1.  Is it a "friendly" crowd ~~ I don't wanna go where everyone is trying to "outdo" everyone else.  I wanna Karaoke, not audition for American Idol.

2.  How the show Sounds.  Yea.... how the singers sound and how the music sounds does matter to me ~~ at least to an extent.  I want it to be fun and enjoyable... not an "earplug" or "I have to scream to be heard" situation.

3.  Fairness - How the show is RUN  ~~ I agree with Tig ~~ Rotations are the key to keeping a room "full" and "happy".  Most shows that I've been to that haven't been "fun" ... are usually ruined by rotation issues.

4.  Being able to afford the drinks ~~ I'm not saying things need to be "cheap" ... but I do think its important tht drinks aren't "over priced".  Affordable drinks, whether they be soda, water or alcohol ~~ will keep a crowd for an evening ~~ and also be what brings someone back the "next time".

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 4:42 am 
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Atmosphere......and ambience. I went to a show last night that was really a lot of fun. (Not my show) But it was going slow for the first couple of hours, and I started Will the Circle be unbroken (Willie Nelson's Idea). within 30 seconds, half the bar was singing. The next 4 or 5 songs were group songs. Margaritaville, She never even called me by my name and Family tradition to name a few. Everyone ended up partying instead of just drinking waiting their turns.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 7:55 am 
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Tigrr27 @ Sat Feb 19, 2005 1:09 pm wrote:
 I just LOVE a host who feels the need to join me on my song because they feel something is missing without them.  Other than that I will go to certain shows for many of the reasons listed above... - tig

I haven't had that happen, but I have seen it a bunch of times. You are such a strong singer Tigr it's a little tough imagining that scene. Maybe if a nervous karaokeite froze up or was so off pitch or couldn't follow the tele maybe.

When and if I do go to live Karaoke, and being an almost non-drinker I pretty much want the whole thing. I might have to go all the way to Amsterdam for ambiance with a multi-decked see through dance floor, a sound system that kicks butt, a DJ is a pro, not spending have of his time setting up his hump session for the night with some cute singer, while letting the not so beautiful people with killer voices slip into request oblivion.

The crowd matters.  Since I am naturally hyper and a space cadet I don't need any chemical augmentation - but a lively group on whatever or not - does raise the energy level and in between living on an isolated ranch in the country, I like to be in the midst of franctic hyper dancing people with the floor lurching to the bass notes.

I have been to clubs with a lot of attitude singers versus some Lorne (like on the Angel series - the host) types.

After many years on stage (during periods of my life) I have found being a decent rock band performer does not necessarily mean you always do well on Karaoke.
Syber and I have got up a few times at Karaoke things, versus, doing a gig, and after a string of painful singers, I mean truly step on the cat's tail grade singing, did a few slick things and the crowd just kind of click clapped.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 9:51 am 
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As a singer I have sang in about every type venue and up to 4000 in the crowd. There are 3 things that are important and make a successful karaoke show

System quality:  A good system with someone who knows how to adj the efx with every genre and singer will attract the good singers and encourage virgins to join  someone in a duet. It also attracts and enerjizes a crowd who are very fun to sing to.

Selection:  In other states after asking the KJ if I can bring in my own cd's then walk in with 500 cd's it isnt long before the singers are looking in my book. Now in a place where I  get a few free drinks or get compensated in some small way Ill return if the system is good. Only a nut would haul his cd's around anyway. Last night I sang Holy Water, Vertigo and Tilt Ya Head Back. Two of which were mine Crowds like new current stuff and get bored when singers sing maybe a dozen songs over and over. Anymore most of my gig profits go into the latest THM.

Rotation:  This might be the most important one of all With  mediocre systems I can compensate somewhat and take my own cd's with new stuff but if Im at a show where the Kj sings 2 songs in a row or is even singing with a rotation more than 10 Im gone along with all the other reg karaoke addicts. If im skipped once Ill ignore it Twice Ill ask the host wats goin on Three times Ill complain to the bar manager, leave and never go back. Another one of my pet peeves are the ones that play fill music just as loud as the karaoke and take more than a minute or two to get the
next singer goin and you got 30 singers waiting to sing.

 When you have these three things nobody sounds bad there is energy all around eveybody has a smile on their face Last night I cant count on my fingers the amount of times I hugged someone and we both said I love you.

The gals behind the bar were absolutely classy and professional and beers were only $2.50 and all my favorite singers was there.  But things like these are only frosting on the cake. It could have been in a small bar, large club or out in our pasture. Thats what has kept me in karaoke for 15-20 years..

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 10:05 am 
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Karyoker, I agree on some levels. I believe I should receive a free vodka shot for every song that I ace, But thats just me.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 10:35 am 
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I didnt mean a drink for singin just for suppying cd"s that the host getting paid should have to start with.. :D

One of the most successul things I had was all singers got a free shot after their first song...

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 6:08 pm 
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Well, I like to go where there is a good selection, that gets updated regularly. I hate having to sing the same songs, week after week. The guy that used to run the show, that I do now, never updated his collection. The last update he did was back in June. I try to update every week, if possible. I like a good sound system, and I like to listen to good singers. The place I used to go to in NY was excellent, in every way. Great system, updated songs, good singers, good hosts, great food, reasonable drinks, and great people. I had 10 years of the best times there.


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 6:08 pm 
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Well, I like to go where there is a good selection, that gets updated regularly. I hate having to sing the same songs, week after week. The guy that used to run the show, that I do now, never updated his collection. The last update he did was back in June. I try to update every week, if possible. I like a good sound system, and I like to listen to good singers. The place I used to go to in NY was excellent, in every way. Great system, updated songs, good singers, good hosts, great food, reasonable drinks, and great people. I had 10 years of the best times there.


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 6:12 pm 
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karyoker @ Sat Feb 19, 2005 1:35 pm wrote:
I didnt mean a drink for singin just for suppying cd"s that the host getting paid should have to start with.. :D

That's a bit wrong to say. Maybe the host is just starting out, and doesn't have too many cds. I am just starting out, and I don't have a ton of cds, yet. But I try to update every week. So if someone were to tell me that I SHOULD have that, so they don't have to supply it, I would get insulted. Everytime I get a request for something that I don't have I work to get it.


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PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 2:09 am 
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After reading this thread..... again ---

I should think hearing Big Jimmy C "ace" a song would bring ANYONE to a Karaoke Show.   :wink:


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PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 3:06 pm 
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A good question as always mate! I voted for "Superb Sound System". Without that there's no reason to go because I have a good one at home too lol

Of course all those points are better to be in order if the place wants its customers to come back. A narrow library for example is not very tempting no matter how good the sound is! And the sound is even never that good... or at least it's very rare to hear superb sounds!


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PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:13 pm 
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For me, first and foremost, it would have to be the sound system.  I've been many a place where the system was either set up all wrong, or just sounded like you're singing in a box.  I usually won't go back to something like that because if I can't hear myself and what I'm doing, I become discouraged.

Second thing I factor in is the selection.  If there's a lot to choose from I'm pretty happy with that.  It also helps me if the KJ allows bringing in your own discs, which most around here do.

I don't necessarily care if the songs are updated really often, as I have a tendency to sing older stuff anyway... but occasionally it would be nice to have new stuff too.

The people at the venue kind of matter, to an extent.  I've been to places where everyone was HORRID... and that's not so fun to go to all the time.  I like a mixture of everyone.  Good, bad, not so good, etc.  But then again, I've recently been to a place where EVERYONE could sing, and sing WELL.  I was quite impressed.  Now, I don't think I would want that ALL the time, but it's refreshing every once in a while.

I hate it when the KJ feels the need to sing 2 or more times in one hour!!  Even if I like the KJ, or his/her personality, that drives me MAD.  A song or two a night from the KJ is cool with me, but c'mon, let others sing too.  And KJs who hold personal grudges against someone and put their song slip at the bottom of a very large heap intentionally really irritates me.  A KJs personal animosities need to be set aside and they need only do their job.  Be immature and small minded on your own time.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 5:05 pm 
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Sometimes it can be the crowd. I was at a place near Disneyland and it turns out on Thursdays for off duty costumed cast members. It's too bad this place is so far from me (95 miles) or I'd go every Thursday just to hang out with these people.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 2:29 am 
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What keeps me coming back to a show?  NOT SEEING OR DEALING WITH THE THINGS THAT PISS ME OFF!!!  Below is a list, and where I've experienced the problem... if I have... and no, I'm not infallible as you'll see below.

1. Learn what effects are and how to use them.  I'd rather you let me sing dry (without any effects) than have me singing into a canyon. (House of Al's - Anchorage, Alaska).
2. Don't join in with me.  If I wanted you to sing backup I'd ask for it. (House of Al's).
3. Don't abuse the discs.  No, they're not mine, but you abuse the discs then when I get up to sing and it skips or doesn't play I stand there looking stupid while you cut my song short. (Fill-in KJ @ Asia Garden - Anchorage, Alaska)
4. Run a fair rotation.  Don't skip someone because you don't like the color of their skin, their sexual preference, or any other reason.  Don't skip them becuase they're not your 'friend', a regular, tipping you, sucking up, or showing skin.  (Guest KJ at The Shed - Anchorage, Alaska).
5. Don't tell me you won't play the song I turned in because it's 'too slow'.  Don't annouce over the mic not to bring any more of that slow as... sh... up.  If you don't want to play it, remove it from your books.  (former KJ at Totem Inn - Healy, Alaska)
6. Adjust the mics accordingly.  I want to be able to hear my voice over the music, but it shouldn't be the only thing I hear. (various venues).
7. Update your song books regularly.  If you haven't updated your song books since 1990 that's your choice.  But if you don't, allow me to bring my own discs and don't abuse them. (Fill-in KJ at Asia Garden - the were abusing house discs, not mine, but I'm still paranoid).
8. Don't complain to me that your friends are having to wait to sing.  I had to wait, they should have to wait as well. (Seville Quarter - Pensacola, Florida)
9. Learn to use your own system.  If you're a computer based KJ organize your songs so they're easy enough to find you don't have us waiting 5 minutes while you hunt down a song (King's X - Anchorage, Alaska).
10. Don't run a 2fer rotation with more than 3-4 people.  When you've got 10 people that's a 1 1/2 hour - 2 hour wait. (House of Al's).
11. Double check your equipment and insure it's set up properly.  Insure your connections to the house video system/TV/Audio system is tight and correct.  Your having to fix it throughout the night is annoying and disruptive. (Cordova Lanes - Pensacola, Florida)
12. Buy real discs.  Don't bring in copies of discs missing a track to the show.  Eventually someone will request and you're looking stupid because your bootleg discs is missing the track (Pumphouse - Fairbanks, Alaska).
13. If you have a lot of regulars who sing 99% country music don't bump the 'new guy' because he turned in Beastie Boys. (Silver Spur - Fairbanks, Alaska)
14. If you're going to put out an addendum to your song book for your new stuff, don't just photocopy the backs of the cases to show the songs.  And if that's what you're going to do then at least make them readable! (Seville Quarter).
15. Don't make me hunt for a song.  In other words, make up your mind how you're going to list an artist and stick to it.  Dixie Chicks; Chicks, Dixie; The Dixie Chicks; and Dixie Chicks, The should not ALL be listed in your book.  Pick a format and clean up the book! (nearly every venue I've ever been in).
16. Don't use a font so small that your fiance keeps complaining about not being able to easily read it in dim light, effectively driving you nuts (ok, this is something I've done!).  And BTW, 12pt isn't THAT small!  And yes, I'll be reprinting soon enough - so you can stop complaining now! :wink:
17. If you're going to book a karaoke show at a hotel bar at least let the front desk staff know and put up a sign or two so the people staying there will know about it.  The KJ is hired to do the show and a little marketing - mostly as word of mouth.  The KJ isn't paid enough to effectively market your bar just so they can make the same amount of money and you make more. (Best Western - Fairbanks, Alaska).

There are other things that drive me nuts, but I've actually experience all of these things at the above listed venues either as a patron or as the KJ.

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