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How do you pick which songs to listen to and comment on? https://mail.karaokescenemagazine.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=4410 |
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Author: | Suzanne Lanoue [ Wed Mar 09, 2005 9:39 pm ] |
Post subject: | How do you pick which songs to listen to and comment on? |
Do you just listen to your friends or people you know are the best singers? Do you just listen to people who comment to you? Do you just listen to the Top Ten? Do you just start at the top of the main page and work your way down? Do you go back and listen to songs you missed? Or, any other system? I was just curious. I usually just start at the top of the main page. I wish I could go back and "catch up" but there never seem to be enough hours in the day!! Some days I have no time at all to listen. We got back from our Hawaii trip on Monday so I have been trying to relax, catch up on sleep, clean the house, unpack, catch up on stuff I have to do on my website, TV watching, and my email...so, not much time for listening. But I hope to get back to it in the next few days. Damn, just too many hobbies... I don't have any kids' songs but I am trying to think about what else I can submit this week... |
Author: | JKolman1179 [ Wed Mar 09, 2005 10:11 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: How do you pick which songs to listen to and comment on? |
Ohhh, you'll prolly get a lot of different responses to this. Should be interesting! I get monday and tuesday off from work, so that where the bulk of my listening comes in. On those days, I'm often using my computer to set up gigs and stuff like that, so I just start at the top and work my way down, or from the bottom up, depends on my mood. I can usually spend a good three hours straight online early while I set stuff up, watch ER and Charmed (on mute), and listen to music. Then, throughout the course of the day, play one song here or there. Now I don't critique a lot, unless I'm specifically asked to, so I don't always listen all that critically...rather, I just enjoy listening to my friends sing and let their music serve as ambience while I go about my daily routine. If that makes any sense at all. I do try and make special effort to listen more closely to those who listen to me, but I'm not picky when it comes to who I listen too. Tho, typically, if I'm pressed for time, I'm more apt to listen to songs I've never heard of before than one that has been done 10,000 times. I'm always up for new stuff. Anyways, just my babbling. Have a good night all! Jason |
Author: | Crystal [ Wed Mar 09, 2005 10:18 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: How do you pick which songs to listen to and comment on? |
I pick songs that I know and like..... or ones where the title piques my interest.... tributes... dedications, etc |
Author: | auctionmusic [ Wed Mar 09, 2005 10:51 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: How do you pick which songs to listen to and comment on? |
I probably have more time to listen in than many as I work from the house "term serving" to other computers I work with. When I get a comment on a song I always listen to and comment on a song from that person. If not their latest, I'll walk their list for somthing I might like...This works for me cause those interested in what I do tend to have the same "taste" in music. Also, when I "discover" someone I like...for example Cinderella or Luly or KeeDeeg and others (sorry can't list all)...I make it a point to seek out their subs cause I enjoy their vocals so much...sometimes I'm "bombed" with work so just don't get to listen during those times... For me listening is not just listening but learning...folks like JKolman for example can teach you much just by listening to their work...so for me I enjoy listening to learn from others (Jazzy is another great source of how to do it/info)....and I"ve learned so much from all the really great singers here.... Sometimes I"m just not in the mood for certain music, so I wait till I'm in the mood to listen...like the classical singers especially...one day I listened to Highway to hell and then a number from rising_phoenix and my heart almost stopped from the change in music styles!!! so I usually listen to the same type of music at one time... |
Author: | Shotgun CC [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 2:40 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: How do you pick which songs to listen to and comment on? |
I TRY to listen to @ 10 subs a day ~~ though I do have busy days where I may listen to only 4-5 or less hectic days where I can listen to 20 or so. I USUALLY: 1. Look for vocalists that I know and enjoy ~~ 2. Recriprocate for a listen if I receive a listen ~~ 3. Pick songs I know/really like (a showtune will almost always get a listen from me!)~~ 4. Listen to at least 1 or 2 "new" names on the list I LOVE to listen ~~ I am REALLY ANXIOUS for the "JUKEBOX" feature to be installed ~~ so I can also work around the house/office while listening. THAT will be AWESOME!! |
Author: | Debauchery [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 9:32 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: How do you pick which songs to listen to and comment on? |
Do you just listen to your friends or people you know are the best singers? Both. I ALWAYS listen to my friends even though I may not always have the time to comment. Do you just listen to people who comment to you? No, not at all. Most times when I receive a comment from someone I've not heard before, I will reciprocate a listen. More often times than not I hear someone else to add to my list of people to listen to. Do you just listen to the Top Ten? I don't pay attention to the top ten. In fact, I didn't know it existed till just now ![]() Do you just start at the top of the main page and work your way down? Usually. I go through the list and start with names that are familiar, friends, etc. Do you go back and listen to songs you missed? Always. Or, any other system? Good question. Sometimes, instead of looking at the names, I click on a sub based on the number of comments it has. Kind of like a game... then I see who subbed it after I've clicked on it. |
Author: | Steven Kaplan [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 10:02 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: How do you pick which songs to listen to and comment on? |
Songs in a genre I like to listen to. Sometimes I'll listen to a style I normally would not listen to if I really like the person performing the song. Otherwise, my selfish interests come first. Since I'm here for my own enjoyment, what I like, and want comes first. If a person would like me to listen to their songs however, I'd be more than happy to do-so. In any genre. Unless I'm asked, I assume they don't care. |
Author: | Sheree [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 5:32 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: How do you pick which songs to listen to and comment on? |
I am a fan of many singers here so I do try to follow certain people.. just like I would buy a CD by a performer I like.. I look for them when I sign on and go there first. Of course I listen to friends! If time allows I may choose a song that stands out.. something perhaps I would like to sing or a song I just like! I do try to reciprocate to people who comment on my songs.... and I like to check out new people... so the list gets longer and longer. I have cut way back on listening lately.. but when I do... I have a long list of fav's! I don't pay attention to the 'Top Ten' ... I've only clicked on to it a few times when someone had referred to it in a post. I am backwards.. I usually start at the bottom of the page and work up. Unless one at the top catches my eye first. I do occasionally go back and listen to songs I've missed... and lately... I've missed a lot! |
Author: | dumbdrums [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 5:55 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: How do you pick which songs to listen to and comment on? |
i also am into genre...i prefer to be familiar with the song before i listen to it, that way i know how it should go...i must confess i do listen to a small group of people that i am very familiar with cause i just know they are gonna sound good...i also like to listen to the newbies as well...with dialup im gald if i can listen at all due to time constrictions :) |
Author: | Steven Kaplan [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 7:39 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: How do you pick which songs to listen to and comment on? |
There are also a few exceptions within even my select listening of a genre, I should mention that. Regardless of how good a person is, If they post in the critique area, and I see that they are rediculously defensive, and can't handle others good natured constructive help. I scratch them from my list. If a person never responds to comments, hasn't posted on any of the boards, I'll get the impression that they might believe they are "Gods gift to SS", and aren't interested in interacting. I will cross them off my list as well. So even though I will listen to genre, I'm also interested in meeting others here. If it's just music I want, I have a stereo at home :) |
Author: | chrismm [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 7:54 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: How do you pick which songs to listen to and comment on? |
Here is a newbie perspective. I started first listening to songs I performed in karaoke. Then I started listening to songs I want to sing in karaoke. I'm still developing my method of madness but I think I'll eventually look for songs or artists that I like with a lot of experimenting (listening to unknown songs from unknown singers for unknown reasons, just like karaoke) |
Author: | Suzanne Lanoue [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 8:15 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: How do you pick which songs to listen to and comment on? |
Wow, everyone is so different. I haven't heard of the "jukebox", feature but if that means we can leave it on and it plays many songs, that is a great idea! I like to hear the songs while I am doing something else on the computer so sometimes I don't feel like waiting for the next one to load. I usually just start at the top and work my way down but I don't have time to listen every day. Too much other stuff going on. Wish I did have more time!! When I first got on here, I tried to make a list of who was really good and which ones were so bad that I never wanted to listen to their songs again...so I could skip the latter and just hear the better stuff. But I just ran out of time. And I am not that picky so making a list of who was GOOD was too difficult!! LOL!!! My memory is not good enough to just wing it so sometimes I do listen to ones that I cringe at and then I Just stop listening, don't comment. If they are asking for comments (which I find is rare for the really bad ones) then I will comment, but... Sorry, don't mean to sound judgemental. I know there is at least one person on here who has told me that he just doesn't like my singing so he won't listen to it. Fair enough, I guess....we all like to think we're "god's gift" on the one hand, but on the other hand we all worry that we suck, too. That's the weird thing about singers, I guess. |
Author: | Suzanne Lanoue [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 10:37 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: How do you pick which songs to listen to and comment on? |
Steven Kaplan @ Thu Mar 10, 2005 9:39 pm wrote: There are also a few exceptions within even my select listening of a genre, I should mention that.
Regardless of how good a person is, If they post in the critique area, and I see that they are rediculously defensive, and can't handle others good natured constructive help. I scratch them from my list. If a person never responds to comments, hasn't posted on any of the boards, I'll get the impression that they might believe they are "Gods gift to SS", and aren't interested in interacting. I will cross them off my list as well. So even though I will listen to genre, I'm also interested in meeting others here. If it's just music I want, I have a stereo at home :) Maybe they're just shy about posting/commenting...lots of people are. But I can understand what you mean. I wonder why some people come here and post on the forum and never post songs (at least that I see)? That seems a bit weird to me. I don't mean newbies, either. Why would you want to read about all the singing if you're not actually doing it? |
Author: | Gilly [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 10:44 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: How do you pick which songs to listen to and comment on? |
I only listen to those i KNOW are good, and are worth my listen. Therefore, to save time, I only listen to myself. ![]() ok, so obviously not. I have no set criteria. I have the attention span of a flea... on drugs. I click on words that are neat, names that are pretty, people who are attractive, guys who are bald, songs I know, or don't know, or think I know, but can't remember... I DO listen to those people who think they are gods gift (i mean, i DO listen to myself, read above), I comment on everyone I listen to, when i have time, and when I don't, i do'nt listen. Oops, that is almost all the time lately.... so, you must be REALLY hot if I listen AND comment on you. Ok, why am I still awake? Someone, knock me unconscious. bye bye. Oh, and top ten? what exactly is that... (going to look now... have i ever been in it?) That's it, I want a top ten of attractiveness, and ratings on the photo albums... I MIGHT have a better chance there then when singing... darn, i just glanced up in the mirror.... I have a better chance of getting selected for "The Swan", then I do of getting on "Top Model"...... Heck, or even "Idol". Darn, scratch that idea. |
Author: | Suzanne Lanoue [ Fri Mar 11, 2005 12:43 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: How do you pick which songs to listen to and comment on? |
![]() I meant Top Ranked Songs, sorry, not top ten.... |
Author: | Dona [ Sat Mar 12, 2005 7:58 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: How do you pick which songs to listen to and comment on? |
Mostly I listen to upbeat songs and upbeat people!!! :oh yeah: I like to hear people sing out of there genre too.... I do have favorites but I skip around and listen to songs I know and like.... I don't have alot of time like most... I do go back and look at the past pages to pick out songs I didn't have time to catch before. I enjoy listening to people that sound like they are having fun singing.... Ohhh... and one more thing.... I listen to all my crushes as much as I want too!!! ![]() |
Author: | Steven Kaplan [ Sat Mar 12, 2005 12:17 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: How do you pick which songs to listen to and comment on? |
Quote: Why would you want to read about all the singing if you're not actually doing it?
I do it. I don't display it. I'm a musician. My voice is horrible, and I don't believe in displaying publically something that is horrible. Yet I've backed up classic rock, and ballad vocalists for around 35 years, and have written arrangements and sold them, as well as directed choral groups, organized and directed glee clubs. Yet most time was lounge piano backing singers. Tell me, Don't you read about, or watch sports or arts activities that you can't do yourself for some reason ? Since when is it necessary to have talent in a particular area, to be able to appreciate it in others ? |
Author: | timberlea [ Sat Mar 12, 2005 1:50 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: How do you pick which songs to listen to and comment on? |
Exactly SK and there may be some who do not have the capacity with computers either or don't know how or have the patience. |
Author: | shaner94 [ Sat Mar 12, 2005 4:36 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: How do you pick which songs to listen to and comment on? |
for me it all depends on time, if i have loads of time i start from the bottom, if i have some time then i start from the middle, but when i don't have much time at all i try to listen to friends first then work my way into people who i have heard before, but lately i have had no time at all, so i haven't subbed a song or listend in a while, and i don't sub a song untill i have done some listening and commenting of my own. but going to get down and dirty tonight and start listening from the bottom. :dancin: see ya all on the other side |
Author: | Suzanne Lanoue [ Sat Mar 12, 2005 8:16 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: How do you pick which songs to listen to and comment on? |
Steven Kaplan @ Sat Mar 12, 2005 2:17 pm wrote: Quote: Why would you want to read about all the singing if you're not actually doing it? Tell me, Don't you read about, or watch sports or arts activities that you can't do yourself for some reason ? Since when is it necessary to have talent in a particular area, to be able to appreciate it in others ? Thanks for answering my query! I don't watch sports but I guess I know what you mean. I can certainly understand why someone would want to listen to the songs here, they are entertaining. It's reading/posting on the forum I don't really understand. if you are not a singer. I don't know, I pretty much only go to message boards where they talk about stuff that interests me. I wouldn't, for instance, go to a message board where they talk about knitting, since I don't knit ![]() I understand why *you* don't post songs but come here, you have explained and I thank you!! Hey, maybe you are not as bad as you think, why don't you let us be the judge? Not everyone here is a fabulous singer, but that doesn't mean they don't sing an interesting song or that they are not enjoyable. |
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