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Peavy Amp 60Hz Ground Loop Hum
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Author:  outdoorplaces [ Sat Mar 19, 2005 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Peavy Amp 60Hz Ground Loop Hum

At one of the clubs I host at their 2000 watt Peavy Amp (sorry no model number) has developed a very nasty ground loop hum this week.  I spent about 30 minutes trying to isolate it.  Basically with nothing else connected, with no audio feed, on an isolated power source, even with a two-prong adapater (only used to trouble shoot) I still have 60 Hz hum coming out of the subs.  All I need to do is power the amp - no signal and it's humming away - BAD.

My guess - the Peavy Amp is gummed with tar and grime from the air in the club (it's old) and she's gettin' ready to blow and there are no real options other than replacement (I am going to recommend Crown) - based on the fact that the 60Hz hum seems to be internal, and not due to an external ground loop.

Thoughts?  And if you need more data I can find out model number and what speakers specifically it is driving.  But from what I know, "you can'ta push her any harder than that Captain.  The matter anti-matter containment is connected like a Christmas tree..."

Author:  Lonman [ Sat Mar 19, 2005 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Peavy Amp 60Hz Ground Loop Hum

If all things are the same & it hadn't done it before & nothing new has been added/removed, then I would guess the amp is going to need servicing.  First try a hum eliminator.  Ebtech makes a good one.

Author:  outdoorplaces [ Sat Mar 19, 2005 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Peavy Amp 60Hz Ground Loop Hum

Yup, all things are the same.  It just started up on Thursday according to the manager and owner.

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