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Effects in Audition
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Author:  ml_texas [ Sun Apr 17, 2005 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Effects in Audition

I need help to figure out how to set the effects in Audition. I have tried using them and I am never satisfied with the way it sounds. I hear peoples subs in SS and their effects are so clean and smooth. Mine seem to have a burst of delay or echo or something that seems to annoy me! lol
I have been using an external digital Lexicon processor that I use on stage to record with.  I would love to at least know now to make the necessary adjustments to the effects in Audition to get the sound that most everyone is getting in their mix.  I would appreciate any help on this matter I could get. I realize that there is a set of controls in FX that allows me to adjust room size, decay, smoothness,hi cutoff freq, low cutoff freq.. original (dry) and reverb (wet).  Can someone tell me what to do to get the best possible reverb sound out of this program! lol I would appreciate it!
Thank you all very much for your help,

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