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Anyone have computerized rotation
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Author:  Discobrian24 [ Sun Apr 24, 2005 10:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Anyone have computerized rotation

Heres what I am looking for.  I need a program that just hadles rotation.  I am a PCDJ KJ user and I know they are looking into it.  As of right now we can type in a singer and a song, but that is it.  What I am looking for is a way to have a seperate program running that changes the rotation and lets me know who has sang or who needs to sing and the order in which the next singers will sing.  Any help or anyone looking for the same thing please let me know.

Author:  Plug Your Ears [ Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have computerized rotation

I don't, but hey all answer him!

Author:  Tigrr27 [ Thu Apr 28, 2005 1:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have computerized rotation

is it such rocket science that you still need a computerized rotation program???

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Apr 28, 2005 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have computerized rotation

Tigrr27 @ Thu Apr 28, 2005 1:00 pm wrote:
is it such rocket science that you still need a computerized rotation program???

No but it does make life ALOT easier as far as showing people exactly where they are.  I've used one of my own design for years & it's helped tremendously on the "When am I up next" question.

Author:  Tigrr27 [ Fri Apr 29, 2005 2:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have computerized rotation

LOL ok I guess it must be rocket science...

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Fri Apr 29, 2005 4:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have computerized rotation

I guess it depends on the size of your rotation. If you're rotation is averaging 10-15 people , a computerized program could be more trouble than its worth.   But if you're hosting a show were the rotation is 15-40 people with duets and groups and I want to change this and I want to change that ...A decent program can be very useful management tool. specially if its can keep a runnig history etc.

You should market your program and sell it !!!!

Author:  knightshow [ Fri Apr 29, 2005 5:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have computerized rotation

I've seen Lonman's program in person and it does do a pretty good job.

But I'm with Tig on this. When people fill out slips or a signup sheet, you just point to the current person and then point to where THEY are.

As long as you're running an honest rotation, it's a valid situation, and easily answered. But if you're an "insert new singers" rotation, it's a lot more complicated, and I do agree that a computerized rotation would make your life a bit easier than going "ummm..., there's the current singer, but here's my stack of new singers... I insert them one by one... I have no idea how long!"

When it's a packed show, it's easy to hide behind your rotation, no matter the type you use... no matter what, be fair and be consistant, and your regs will thank you for it.

Author:  Discobrian24 [ Sat Apr 30, 2005 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have computerized rotation

Ok I guess this is what I am looking for and why, NO it isnt rocket science and it really isn't hard to do a rotation.  I am looking for something like this to put up on the screens so THEY see where they stand.  I just think it would be a nice thing to have.  As I said before I am a PCDJ user and love it, but it would be cool to add rotation to the program.  I don't post much on here because I see some of the responses people get just for asking an opinion.  There is no DUMB or STUPID question on these boards and posters should never feel like they are being treated like they are dumb and stupid.  A little background about me, I am a light and sound manager for a chain of bowling centers here in Ohio.  I DJ Karaoke and normal Cosmic bowling.  We are very big into music videos and the PCDJ line.  I have been doing this for almost 10 years with them.  I DO know how to do a rotation and will keep doing it the same way, just wanted to know if there was a program out there.

Author:  Tigrr27 [ Mon May 02, 2005 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have computerized rotation

Well Brian, you didn't say in your initial post that you wanted something to let your audience know what the rotation was- go back and read it- you asked for something for YOU to keep track of the singers and the rotation... nobody has the power to make you feel like an idiot but yourself... if you don't like anyone's response or how they go about wording their response then go to the next one... if a club can computerize their libraries, computerize the rotation and use other technologies to make your job button pushing, then what do they need you for?  they can pay anybody 10 bucks an hour to push buttons... keeping track of your own rotation creates several very important skills in a KJ- knowing your crowd by name, what they sing, what they look like, where they are in the club, what they drink, who they are sitting with, how often they visit and more... nothing impresses me more than walking into a club where I have sang only once or twice and the KJ knows my name, knows what I sang last time and asks me where the person I was with last time is...

 now in answer to your question- there are several hardware solutions to your problem.. there are overlay machines that will let ya type whatever ya want into them and run them over any video screen. I have posted links to some of these machines in other Threads... there are also software solutions that will basically do the same thing and I also posted links to those elsewhere... good luck...-tig

Author:  knightshow [ Tue May 03, 2005 8:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have computerized rotation

and tig has nailed it on the head about knowing your customers as opposed to a push button jock.

Tools are tools, but you gotta know the job, and your customers. One reason I make the trek every now and then to Lonnie's show is he's a pro! And it's hard to impress me with a show! There's a gal that runs a good Wed-Thurs gig in a rural part of my town, and I'll go over there too. She converted to computer, and uses MTU's hoster. She loves it, but also acknowledges that the winamp way I do it works very well too.

I posted on here once about how I use karaoke builder to make custom screen images... I use these for singer's names, announcements, wacky info, rules, etc.

I can make these on the fly during the show. and once I convert the .bin to .mp3g, I put those two files into a folder on my desktop I can open up... a folder I call "Screen" or "Singers". Then it's right-click and enqueue!

Once a month, I rezip all those misc files into their own zip folders, and from there UNZIP to their own folders.

It's a bit of work, but so easy I hardly think about it. The whole process takes mere moments.

Author:  Lonman [ Tue May 03, 2005 8:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have computerized rotation

knightshow @ Tue May 03, 2005 8:38 am wrote:
and One reason I make the trek every now and then to Lonnie's show is he's a pro!

Thanks MAtt.

Too bad you guys couldn't have come up again this last weekend, had the injectors again!

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Tue May 03, 2005 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have computerized rotation

I think your question was a valid one. Handling a rotation is not rocket science but in keeping up with technology, software that handles current rotations and keeps track of a singers history is right around the corner, As Lonnie said it just makes the job a little easier.  Personally I do not use any computerized rotation now but I can see sometime in the future.  Keep asking questions. like you said there are no dumb questions.  And for those who feel the need to answer a legitimate question with sarcasm or insults ..come on grown up ..>We were all NOVICE posters at one time.

People ask questions because they want to learn from the more exerianced KJS on this site.  I congratulate Lonnie for never answering a question with a higher than mighty attitude not matter how basic the question  or how manmy times its asked !
:thinkin:  :thinkin:

Author:  Tigrr27 [ Tue May 03, 2005 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have computerized rotation

and your point??? there is no need for a KJ anymore when the music is computerized, rotation is computerized, singer history is computerized, light show is on auto pilot etc etc.... now all a club needs is a push button jock... welcome to radio... hell I have even set clubs up with canned voice overs so they don't need to deal with DJ's and KJ's who have no presence on the mic- push a button and a pre-recorded commercial plays or they have a collection of DJ drops to play as needed... don't complain when these automated systems start replacing mobile KJ's... between automated systems and pirated multi riggers there will be less and less jobs out there... how many of these hoster programs already have auto play features??? pretty soon there will be a karaoke system with kiosks at the tables or in the bar and there will be no need for KJ's at all... keeping track of the rotation is just one facet of keeping the personalized relationship a KJ has with his audience... without that connection ya might as well have a karaoke jukebox up there because that is what you are turning the job into... thanks for playing...

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Tue May 03, 2005 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have computerized rotation

The point was and is --A simple question was asked regarding computerized rotation - I don't recal anyone asking your opinion on the state of "technology" in the entertainment industry.   This could be another topic that you should start !
You may be right  that if the industry gets too simplified anyone with a laptop can become a KJ....   In fact anyone can !  But if you're secure in your talents and your ability to bring the personal experience to your show ...relax...   Computers and software are just tools in any industry.....  Let's all be a little more tolerable of some of the questions .....

Author:  Tigrr27 [ Tue May 03, 2005 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have computerized rotation

he asked a technology based question and I gave him a technology based response and information along with my opinion of the information requested-  it does not surprise me that KJ's are being replaced by people with NO experience or skills who know how to turn on a computer and let the software do all the work...

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Tue May 03, 2005 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have computerized rotation

5% Information
5% Sarcasm
90% BS

Author:  karyoker [ Tue May 03, 2005 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have computerized rotation

5% Information
5% Sarcasm
90% BS

Now u got this old cowboy in co figured out LMAO

But I just bought a hoster that wiil eventually let me put up to 10 songs in a singers list and automatlcally put the next song in the singers que. I no longer run formal traditional shows but I am a stickler on keeping the rotation straight. It is one of the three that makes a karaoke show. A bad rotation or favoritisms will ruin a show big time. And any help you can get in keeping the rotation straight is welcome.

And as far as replacing kj's or dj's you will never replace a smile, friendship, or common sense unless you have a cyborg like Data only patterned after that good looking lil blonde Ryan (Seven of nine)? And sing like the doc? A computer doesnt have fun like we do...

Author:  icenine [ Tue May 03, 2005 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have computerized rotation


Forgive me if someone has asked you this before, but have you ever thought of selling your rotation program?

Author:  Lonman [ Wed May 04, 2005 1:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have computerized rotation

icenine @ Tue May 03, 2005 7:31 pm wrote:

Forgive me if someone has asked you this before, but have you ever thought of selling your rotation program?

Actually I have sold a handful, but there are a couple bugs in it & the programmer I had doing it got his job back at Boeing & don't have the free time to work on it anymore.

Author:  Discobrian24 [ Fri May 06, 2005 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have computerized rotation

OK, my point was not to start a war, or replace a KJ.  I appreciate everyones feelings, oppinions, and suggestions.  We as KJ's need to stick together.  I am not looking for something to replace me.  I am looking for a tool that will make some of the hassles in this business go away.  How will I not know someone by their first name??  I don't feel a program that will tell me or them when they sing will take that away, I still have to be the one to enter the information.  I personally would never go to a show that has no KJ, and doing some research there is computerized karaoke out there with kiosks and no KJ already, however I don't think there is a bar owner out there that would totally replace a KJ with a machine.  I was simply asking a question.  I would also be great if it kept a log.  I know all of my singers and have pretty much figured out what they sing weekly to the point I can just call them up to sing without a slip.   So yes a program that will show that to me would be great.  It would also be great say if I had to go away for a week and a sub steps in, now he has the information at his fingertips.  I have the Messageoke Pro, but dont really like using it.  I have Powerpoint running in the background and I guess I could use that to show next singers.  Thanks for all replys.

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