Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Newbie From Holiday Florida
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Author:  Lorindellia [ Sun May 01, 2005 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Newbie From Holiday Florida

Hello to all of you from Holiday Florida,
My name is Leah and I have had a KJ system for over a year now, but not too much luck with it at all.  My last name should have been Murphy, as Murphy's law has been in effect for me for quite some time now.

My first "gig" was a freebie just so I could play with my system in a crowd and see how I did, and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses.  Well a drunk patron tripped on the leg of my speaker stand, down came the speaker, pulled the guts out the back of the speaker and that speaker has never sounded correct since then.

The second gig, my CAVS unit started to smell like burnt plastic and after about every 5 songs or so I would have to re-set it to get it to play anything...  It had to be sent back to CAVS...

They kept it for 6 MONTHS!!!

Well...  things did not go well so it left a really bad taste in my mouth.  But I have been going to clubs lately and seeing my "competition" and I would say, that even with all these issues my "show" was right up there with the locals; so I am ready to try again.

So that is me; I will be looking for sugestions and information in the technical areas here and am very happy to be here!
Leah talley
"Leah's Life of the Party"


Author:  TopherM [ Fri May 27, 2005 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie From Holiday Florida


This is Chris, the guy you met at Sam Ash about a month ago. What  mixer/amp did you end up buying?? Just curious!!

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