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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:17 pm 
Hi everybody,

I've only been a member since Feb. 2005 so please forgive me if this a topic that has been previously discussed but even if it has a rediscussion might be useful to the newer users.

I recently came across what appears to be a "computer glitch" in the way the Singer's Showcase programming handles edited comments and rankings. Here's what I discovered in the sequence that the glitch occurs in those cases where members ask for rankings along with comments:

1) Fill in the comment field as you normally would.

2) Select the ranking from 1 (yeah, right) to 10. Let's give the song a "9" as an example.

If your ranking is the third member ranking required by the system to calculate a ranking then the member's song will receive a ranking number. Let's say, hypothetically, that your "9" combined with the other 2 rankings gave the song a ranking average of "8."

3) If you go to your "View All" button in your Singer's Showcase Profile section, you'll see that your Comment is accompanied by the ranking of "9" you selected for that member's song.

Now, let's say you noticed a typographical error in your comment that you feel just needs to be corrected. So you go back to that song and you see that your original comment is still in the comment field. So you fix the typo error and the page says you've already ranked that song so, of course, you just hit the Submit button and the comment is fixed and all seems right with the world - but it's not....

4) Go back to your "View All" button in your profile page and look at that corrected comment and you'll see that the Ranking has changed from a "9" to a "0."  Go back to that singer's song page and you'll now also see that depending on how many other people had ranked the song the ranking for that song has now decreased to "7.8" for example. That's because your comment was updated but the ranking was cleared.

5) Go back to that singer's song page again. You'll now find that your comment field is still intact BUT that the system is NOW permitting you to RANK the song that you previously had ranked. So to make everything right, you now have to RANK that song again otherwise the system retains the "0" rank and reduced the overall ranking for that singer's song.

I've tested this glitch out first-hand and it's definitely there (of course I restored the original rank I had given the person's song after my test). I think this glitch might explain why some songs we sub suddenly have reduced Rankings after someone posts a really glowing comment where either they didn't want to rank the song (because they knew that ranking the song lower then the number average it presently has would reduce the overall rank and so they just don't want to do that.) or maybe they gave the song a "10" and then went back and edited their comment which, of course, caused the system to reset that 10 to a 0 and lower the song's ranking.

Anyway you look at it, this entire website from Singer's Showcase to the Karaoke forums demonstrates some highly impressive web programming. I just thought I should bring this apparent glitch to everyone's attention so that either the programming can be corrected or members can be careful about editing comments where rankings are attached to the songs as well.

Your friend in song,

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 10:46 pm 
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Very inteersting!!  Now I have an excuse to have low rankings, LOL!!  Yeah, that must be it...

Seriously, though, let's hope that is fixed soon!  Did you email or PM Phil about it?

~Suzanne Lanoue~

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 7:16 am 
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I have noticed SOME sort of problem, letting you "re-rank"... .seeing how I have only ever ranked two people... lol, shows how problems follow me:) I don't want to go play around to find this out.. but, I am a little confused, because, what happened to me, was that it simply reverted the commented back to the "prefer not to rank" option, not a "0".. there IS no.. "0" option, on the list...... and, reverting it back to prefer not to rank, shouldn't cause a problem.. what happened to me was that, i ranked again, the same rank as before, which dropped it like, .1 twice. no big deal....

What am I missing here?

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 7:24 am 
Suzanne Lanoue @ Thu Apr 28, 2005 10:46 pm wrote:
Very inteersting!!  Now I have an excuse to have low rankings, LOL!!  Yeah, that must be it...

Seriously, though, let's hope that is fixed soon!  Did you email or PM Phil about it?

Hi Suzanne, I just PM'd Phil now just to be sure he knew about the glitch. I'm sure he'll be able to fix it and at least for now we have a "work around" the glitch by either not editing comments or editing them and then being sure to go back and re-rank the song.

Have a great weekend!  :hug:

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 7:43 am 
Gilly @ Fri Apr 29, 2005 7:16 am wrote:
I have noticed SOME sort of problem, letting you "re-rank"... .seeing how I have only ever ranked two people... lol, shows how problems follow me:) I don't want to go play around to find this out.. but, I am a little confused, because, what happened to me, was that it simply reverted the commented back to the "prefer not to rank" option, not a "0".. there IS no.. "0" option, on the list...... and, reverting it back to prefer not to rank, shouldn't cause a problem.. what happened to me was that, i ranked again, the same rank as before, which dropped it like, .1 twice. no big deal....

What am I missing here?

Hi Gilly,

I've heard your singing...I've seen your picture...I experienced your wit and humor and, Gilly, you're not missing anything important - you've got it all, girl! But to try and sum things up on this ranking glitch;

1) You post a comment and rank the song a 10 or whatever. Everything's fine.

2) You go back and edit the comment, believing that the original rank you gave the song is intact because the screen tells you that you've already ranked the song (which you did) but once you press the Submit comment button for the edited comment, it removed the ranking, changing it from a "10" to a "0" (you can only see the zero in the View All comments section of your profle.) In other words, you'd be saying "Hey, I gave that song a 10 - why does it say I gave it a "0" (meaning "no rank").

3) As long as the system has reassigned the ranking to "0" then the singer's overall ranking for that song will be reduced a variable amount depending on how many other people had already ranked the song and what numbers they ranked it as.

4) So the only way to make things right again is to go back to the singer's song page and, lo and behold, the screen now says that you CAN rank the song (where as before it wouldn't allow it during your comment edit session). So you re-rank the song with the 10 and everything will be as you planned it and the singer's ranking goes back up to where it was before you edited your comment.

Hope that explains it better. If you don't rank songs then it's not really going to be a problem for you and if you submit songs for ranking (which I think you just did your first ranking one recently and I loved it) then the glitch would only affect your ranking if someone edits a ranked comment for your song.

Have a great weekend, Gilly!  :hug:

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 7:57 am 
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I never noticed the ranks there, on the view comment page... duh.

i may not be smart.. but, at least I am cute... damn...well, at least I can cook...

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 12:44 pm 
Gilly @ Fri Apr 29, 2005 7:57 am wrote:

I never noticed the ranks there, on the view comment page... duh.

i may not be smart.. but, at least I am cute... ...well, at least I can cook...

Of course you cook, Gilly, it's simply math! You're...

     Smart  :thinkin:
  Beautiful  :angel:
        Cute  :swg:
       Funny  :drinklaugh:
        Sexy  :cool:
+ Talented  :dancin:

so of course....YOU'RE DEFINITELY MARRIED....:banghead:

(and what a lucky guy he is, too  :yes: )


PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 1:07 pm 
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*** looks at hand***

hmm, no ring....? Strange... guess what THAT means?

(I am not married;)

COnfused yet?:)

But, thanks for cracking me up Christopher Lol, I needed a good laugh;) (BUT, puppies are cute, NOT me;) lol. THanks SOO MUCH;) LOL ( And, really, I am good cook;)

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 3:38 pm 
Gilly @ Fri Apr 29, 2005 1:07 pm wrote:
*** looks at hand***

hmm, no ring....? Strange... guess what THAT means?

(I am not married;)

COnfused yet?:)

But, thanks for cracking me up Christopher Lol, I needed a good laugh;) (BUT, puppies are cute, NOT me;) lol. THanks SOO MUCH;) LOL ( And, really, I am good cook;)

Not married....? :confused: :ggof:

Oww, suddenly I have this headache. :banghead:

I was sure that I had read some posts from you where you mentioned having a husband and I don't remember an "ex" being anywhere near the word so, yeah....:headscratch:...I'm :confused: confused....but I'm glad I cheered you up and you are TOO cute - believe me I KNOW cute - I live with cute everyday - hold on, where's that mirror - YUP, SEE? I'm lookin' at myself in the mirror - now isn't that freakin' cute :swg: how I just did that? So I know cute and cute is part of who you are - it's in the mix, Gilly, maybe it's on it's own track but it's still playin'.

By the way, I'm a good cook, too. :yum: Maybe we should swap some recipes--ARE YOU SURE YOU'RE NOT MARRIED :withstupid:?  You march yourself right into the livingroom right this minute young lady! Is there a guy sittin' on the sofa, feet up on the coffee table, maybe looks a little like this - :cowboy: - watching baseball and drinking beer? Well, if there is - it ain't me! And if there isn't then that would be me 'cause I'm not there, I'm here...so there. Okay, I'm babbling now....

See you later, Gilly.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 4:55 pm 
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Lol, gd, you crack me up babe!:) I snorted cough syrup laughing so hard:) Lol, owww;)

Ok, so, there IS a guy sitting there on the sofa, drinking a beer, with his feet on my coffee table.... No baseball, he doesn't "do" organized sports;) (He skis, sails, climbs, and windsurfs)
He is drinking a beer in this pic, too;) Lol, actually, he is a beer.... nut, but, he doesn't drink the cheap, normal, lager crap you see on beer commercials...

However, no, we aren't married. He proposed about.. 5 years ago. I accepted the ring, but, said no to the idea, (although, I did say yes at first, and changed my mind about a week later;) (Didja expect me to TURN away a DIAMOND?!) I don't believe in marriage, or ceremonies, or... etc etc (holidays, it goes on and on), so, I will never be married... I usually call him my "husband" when I am online, to save on the pm's asking me out;) Lol, i suppose, technically.. he is my ex-fiance... or, my boyfriend, or, my common laaw spouse.. well, whatever you want to call him, we aren't married;) Anyways, he is in school, becoming an avionics engineer, well, that is what he would be in the private sector, .. but, he is now military, so, I have no idea what they call it there.... I am babbling... I know;)

Lol, AND< although I cook, and Bake, I do low carb, and sugar free;) SO, if you like that kinda crap... ( I hide fiber in EVERYTHING, too;) Lol, my husband loves it though, Although, I do make "bad stuff" for him;)

Oh, and I am also a mommy, with a 3 1/2 little girl, named Skylah Rayne.

And, that is all the boring stuff about Me;)

(yes, I am bored, hush)

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 1:15 am 
Hi Gilly, it's 2AM on the nose and I just ambled in from karaoke singing since around 8pm. It was great tonight! The place was packed! But, like I said, it's 2AM and  :asleep: ..... woah, why am I sitting at the computer....did I just doze off? Oh! Hi Gilly! Anyway, where was I? Oh, first you've got the cutest little girl! She is just a doll, obviously takes after her mother! So... :asleep: ... woah, why am I sitting at the computer...did I just doze off? Oh! Hi Gilly! Where was I? Well, I sort of understand the "husband" thing now! Thanks for explaining it because I really thought I might have been losing my mind, having been so sure that I read posts where you mentioned a husband! But not it all makes sense, sort of, and he looks like a real nice guy... :asleep: ... woah, why am I sitting at the computer....did I just doze off? Oh! Hi Gilly! Hey, if you're bored then you and he should have been out with me tonight! It was great. Singing, dancing, just a terrific time :party:!  :asleep: What time is it? Is it time to get up? I think maybe I better go to bed now. Nite, Gilly. Hugs  :hug:  or maybe a group hug is more appropriate :grouphug: now. Pleasant dreams, of course, by the time you read this you will have already had your dreams so...:asleep:....woah..... :asleep:....why am I.... :asleep:....did I just..... :asleep:

PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2005 2:39 pm 
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Excuse the interuption...

On Topic: LOL

I noticed that too

I had previously changed it so that no one could change the rank but apparently that didn't work so now it is back to allowing you to change the rank...

Did that make sense? Probably not my mind is going to mush!

Anyway, I think I fixed that problem now back to the speed issue...

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PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2005 7:14 pm 

Hi Phil, you cracked me up with your "on topic" line because I had been thinking the same thing only this morning..."Wow, that thread took a strange turn from just talking about a system glitch!" But what else can you expect when an obvious nut like me :swg: gets into a conversation with someone who is so much fun :party: like Gilly.

I'm pretty sure I follow what caused the original ranking glitch and your solution. So basically it means that we can edit our post and at the same time we do the edit we can also edit the ranking. Boy, no one better make anyone else mad after they post their first comment and ranking or, all of a sudden, you find that 10.0 suddenly diminished by a few points or if a friend sees you're only a couple of 1/10 points shy of a 10, I guess they could go back and bump up the rank a little if they wanted to.  I assume that's probably why you originally tried to "lock" the rank in to begin with after the initial comment - so that people couldn't play around with the rankings after they posted their original rank which was a good idea. But I think the vast majority of members are honorable people that aren't going to mess around with rankings because they know that doing that would take all the fun out having your song ranked and maybe make it into the top 50.

Anyway, your solution is probably the best one vs. the alternate solution which would have been to lock out editing comments and ranks altogether.

Hey, that was pretty much on topic, wasn't it :ggof:!? Now where's that "patting yourself on the back" smiley when you need it! (That "goof" smiley has got to be my favorite - I love the "twitchy eye." Cracks me up.  LMAO

Have a great week!

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