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Mixer Recommendations
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Author:  kyma333 [ Mon May 09, 2005 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Mixer Recommendations

I have a PIONEER DVD-V630 and Polk Audio Monitor 50.  Can anyone suggest a quality mixer at an affordable price?

Author:  Micky [ Mon May 09, 2005 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mixer Recommendations

kyma333 @ Mon May 09, 2005 4:59 pm wrote:
I have a PIONEER DVD-V630 and Polk Audio Monitor 50.  Can anyone suggest a quality mixer at an affordable price?

Depends what affordable is to you?  I don't see any reason spending more than a Behringer for home, this brand often gets a bad press but they sure have a great mixer line with the UB series, their monitors B2031A are also excellent, you'll need to spend double the price to get something just has good, for the rest from this brand, not sure!  I think Mackie is also a recommended brand but I would still go with Behringer for mixers, you pay less & get more!!

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