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PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 6:42 am 
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I apologize if this topic has been addressed before, but I searched the forums and couldn't find anything specific to what I was looking for...

I've been trying to fix a particular .cdg file so that the on-screen lyrics display the way they are supposed to.  There is a duet backing that I have that displays the male and female parts in blue and pink, respectively.  The parts where both sing together are coded yellow.  The sweeping highlight is white.  The problem I have is that some of the male and female color-coding is incorrect.  I'm trying to find something that will enable me to correct these colors for about 2 lines of the song.    

So far, the only software I've come across is EditCDG... and it doesn't quite do what I need it to.  You can correct sweeping highlighting errors with that, but not change the color of the displayed lyrics.  I also have KHPro, but this merely allows you to create a karaoke backing... but I don't want to completely MAKE a backing and deal with all that timing stuff.  I've heard hex editors might work as long as they are GUI interfaced but I haven't found one like that yet.

Is there anything that might enable fixing this so that the colors will display correctly when we take the song to karaoke (so as not to confuse ourselves when we sing the song, and others won't be confused as well)?  Or will we simply have to suck it up and memorize the song completely and hope we remember those 2 places that are severely messed up?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 9:40 am 
Karaoke builder or karaoke home producer should do the trick...

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 9:46 am 
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Tried both of those, Tig.  Home Producer only lets you create from what I could tell by messing with it... which I don't have the patience for right now, and Karaoke Builder won't change line for line colors.  It will only take one color and change it to another.  This was taken directly from the Karaoke Builder faq help file:

"Although Karaoke Builder lets you change colours within a CD+G file very easily, these colours are not related to particular lines in a Karaoke track. If you have a track in which all the lines are shown in yellow, for example, you can only change the yellow to a different colour, and if you do so these lines would all be shown in the new colour. You would not be able to change the top two lines to red and the bottom two lines to green, for example. So you cannot turn a solo track into a duet.
You can of course turn a duet into a solo performance. If the male vocal is red and the female is green, you would be able to change the colours of both vocals to yellow, for example. However you can only do this because the CD+G track already knows there are two distinct colours."

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PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 10:00 am 
from what it looks like on their site, Karaoke Home Producer should be able to edit the lyrics sweeping, colors etc...

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 10:03 am 
if that doesn't work then check out DART karaoke studio...


PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 10:18 am 
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Perhaps KHP isn't doing what I want it to because I have a really old version of it.  Not sure.  The only buttons I have available are 'Import Lyrics' and 'Add Music' which would mean I would have to create a text file and syncronize the lyrics with the music.  I find that a little daunting.  Maybe the newer version of KHP has more options.  I will check into that.

I have tried DART before.... it seemed to function the same way as Karaoke Builder, but a little more complicated.  And if I recall correctly, you can only edit .kar files, or something to that effect.

Thanks for the suggestions so far, though.  Any other ideas?

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PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 10:31 am 
ya might check out Power Karaoke- http://www.powerkaraoke.com/src/prod_powervkaraoke.php
or ROXbox and KJamp (a hoster)...
or CDGFix
or Tricerasoft's Lyrics Editor
or KaraWin
or Lyred Pro

I can probably dig up a few more if ya need em...- tig

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2005 9:24 am 
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I tried all of the ones you have listed except for ROXbox and KJamp.  So far, the only one out of all of those that seems like it may do the trick is CDGfix.  I was able to change a word's color and make it yellow (for both people singing at the same time) but it also eliminated the sweeping highlight, and wiped the screen to black.  Then as the screen progressed to the next set of lyrics, it left the one word I had changed the color of on the screen in GREEN, in the middle of new lyrics... jumbling everything up.  Hmm.... must be some way to tweak this.

Anyway, I'll keep messing with it when I have more time and see what happens.

Thanks for the links, Tig.

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PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2005 10:24 pm 
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Quick fix find another version of the song. Most songs are remade by 3 or 4 manufactures.

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PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2005 6:44 am 
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There is really nothing "wrong" with the song itself, lyquiddye, other than the 2 spots where the colors aren't right.  The duet is only available on the one disc that I have so far.  I searched for it.  It's fairly new and not really popular, so it may never be available on another brand.  Oh well, was a good idea though.

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PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2005 1:26 pm 
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What's the song maybe I can help you out?

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