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Genre of the week (May 23 - 29)
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Author:  karaokemeister [ Tue May 17, 2005 2:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Genre of the week (May 23 - 29)

Sorry for the late post....

BTW, I'm getting ready to move soon and start a new job.  If anyone is interested in taking over the genre of the week for a while please let me know.

Week 37 = Canadian Songs
Week 36 = Novelty Songs
Week 35 = Songs for Mother's Day
Week 34 = Punk
Week 33 = 70's Era of the Week
Week 32 = Gospel
Week 31 = Ballads
Week 30 = Irish Songs
Week 29 = Kids Songs
Week 28 = 80's Era of the Week
Week 27 = Non-English
Week 26 = Pop
Week 25 = Valentine Week
Week 24 = The Day the music died
Week 23 = Yodelin
Week 22 = Classic Rock
Week 21 = Motown
Week 20 = Elvis
Week 19 = Rat Pack
Week 18 = Christmas/Holiday
Week 17 = Summer Songs
Week 16 = No Poll
Week 15 = Classical
Week 14 = Soundtrack
Week 13 = Gender Bender
Week 12 = Country
Week 11 = Hip Hop/Rap
Week 10 = Seasonal (Halloween)
Week 09 = Bluegrass
Week 08 = Folk
Week 07 = Duets
Week 06 = TV Tunes
Week 05 = Metal
Week 04 = R&B
Week 03 = Inspirational
Week 02 = Showtunes
Week 01 = Comedy

You know the deal!  Vote for your choices!

Author:  Jian [ Tue May 17, 2005 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Genre of the week (May 23 - 29)

I am pretty sure the Brit will win the week

Author:  karaokemeister [ Wed May 18, 2005 2:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Genre of the week (May 23 - 29)

You sure?  Only 3 votes so far and each of them in different categories!

Come on BLUES!

Author:  Jian [ Wed May 18, 2005 3:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Genre of the week (May 23 - 29)

Sure, look at this week theme;Canadian, and I started the ball rolling. Come on you guys. Long live the BUGS
Petty I cant sub my pc too slow to record and I have no time to sent it to the   shop.

Author:  Phill Cross [ Tue May 24, 2005 2:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Genre of the week (May 23 - 29)

Okay - Okay!

No one sent me a PM but I just changed the THEME to British Invasion!

Cool - ought to be interesting!

Has someone started a new poll?

Author:  karaokemeister [ Tue May 24, 2005 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Genre of the week (May 23 - 29)

I've been swamped lately and have been slacking in the posting a poll area.

I'll put one up right away if it hasn't be put up already by someone else.

Sorry about that!

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