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Best Place for Karaoke
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Author:  HeatherWin [ Mon May 23, 2005 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Best Place for Karaoke

I live in Burbank, CA and I'm looking for the BEST place to do Karaoke. I love to sing, and like to sing as frequently as possible, with preferably a good country selection. I've been to Dimples, but it's more of a party for drunks to goof off at (in my estimation).

What I'm looking for is a GOOD place within a reasonable drive that I could go to on a consistent basis. Any thoughts/suggestions?



Author:  metalgod [ Wed May 25, 2005 9:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Best Place for Karaoke

I would suggest Tracys in Long Beach on Mon and Thurs. But if your willing to travel a bit check out Tgif in Orange on tues or tgif in Costa Mesa on sun

Author:  knightshow [ Wed May 25, 2005 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Best Place for Karaoke

allow me to throw a tiny dash of reality on the fire...

any place that's GOOD will not for long be unknown, nor unpopular. Which means, lots of singers in rotation.

If you want a good venue, you'll have to wait your turn as much as the next person. And if they're really popular, that means singing less and less.

It's really a catch-22:

Less singers, means more times singing for the individuals, but major less money for the venue. If this continues this way, they'll cancel karaoke as it's cost prohibitive.


more singers, means less times singing for the individuals... however, the venue owners love that as more people is usually much more profits. However, the complaints raise in ratio with the wait list!!!

Most people try to opt for somewhere in the middle! LOL

Author:  HeatherWin [ Wed May 25, 2005 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Best Place for Karaoke

I definitely understand the happy compromise, but I have yet to find that. Additionally, I'm not opposed to sitting while other good singers sing. I'm willing to sacrafice quantity for quality of fellow singers and selection.

Outside of the OC suggestions, which are a bit of a drive for a night out for me (especially during the week)... anyone have anything else? Is anybody out there a FABULOUS KJ and want to pimp their show?

Author:  Lonman [ Wed May 25, 2005 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Best Place for Karaoke

knightshow @ Wed May 25, 2005 10:02 am wrote:
more singers, means less times singing for the individuals... however, the venue owners love that as more people is usually much more profits. However, the complaints raise in ratio with the wait list!!!

I hear that!  My shows rollercoaster sometimes because of that.  We get to a busy height & people quit coming in because they can only sing a couple songs so then it slows down to a low where a singer may get up to 4 (maybe 5) songs in a night.  Then people hear about that & start coming in - making the list grow again.  It is a regular cycle pattern.  
The night you came up was in the middle of that effect on it's way down.

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