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Me Next.........
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Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Tue May 24, 2005 7:51 am ]
Post subject:  Me Next.........

I need ANYTHING by Lisa Brokop. I am having trouble finding her music. I've found a couple, but ONE song on a disc of other songs I don't need. So, whip me if you must- but I'm asking for a song.

The ones I really want are:

Take That
Give Me A Ring Sometime

Thanks to anybody who looks for it (in advance)

My email link is on my profile.

Oh, and they don't have to be CD+G..... I don't really have to have the lyrics, so an MP3 would work too.

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Tue May 24, 2005 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Me Next.........

Oh, gosh- and how could I forget......... if nobody has any of these, the other song I'm dying to get is *Rebel Child* by Gretchen Wilson.

Author:  elderberries [ Tue May 24, 2005 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Me Next.........

I wish I had the ones you're asking for, but I don't... the only one by her I have is "Ain't Enough Roses." Need that one, by any chance?

Author:  Foxe [ Tue May 24, 2005 9:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Me Next.........

Hey Miss CHARMIN!!!! :wave:

Girl where ya been????

I happen to have Rebel Child by Gretchen :)

I'll send it your way later tonight!!!


Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Tue May 24, 2005 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Me Next.........

I don't even KNOW that one, lol.  Wish I did.  I fell in love with a couple of her songs a few years ago when she was on CMT. (actually, it was QUITE a few years ago) "Take That" has always been a favorite of mine, I used to do it on guitar, but I'd love to get it on karaoke. "Wildflower" is a newer one of hers, she kinda went bluegrass..... which is cool with me.  :oh yeah:  I've never had a CD of her or anything though, so I'm limited as to what songs of hers I know.

I have a feeling most people wont have these tracks, she's not very popular, and I've NEVER seen them in a songbook at a karaoke venue either.  She's a canadian singer, and never did get super popular. I don't know why, she's really good. But, I guess if I don't get them on karaoke, I'll just stick it out with my guitar.

Thank you , maybe I'll look that song up on LimeWire and see what I think of it. Might be one I'd really like.  Ya never know.

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Tue May 24, 2005 9:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Me Next.........

Cindy........... I love ya.

And did I mention that I might even love ya?

I am soooo dying to try that song. Shoulda thought of you having it, I know you really like Gretchen songs too. Have you subbed it? I'm gonna have to go see.

Thank you very much, I'll watch for your email.

Gosh, now I'm all excited and don't wanna go in to work AT ALL today...... I wanna sit here and keep hitting "refresh" on my email.  lol

TY Roxy........

Author:  Foxe [ Tue May 24, 2005 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Me Next.........

LOL.. I love ya too Charmin ;)

I have it.. but I have not subbed it cuz I've been looking for the original to learn it.. If I recall correctly from seeing her in concert a couple months ago, it's a new one to hit on her fall CD (slated for release in Sept I believe my email said a few weeks ago ;)

SO .. if you sub it.. then I can learn it from you YAY!!! LOL

I go home for break in a bit (230p central) so I'll rip it for you then hon ;) you're only going to get the mp3 .. I hope that's ok..

Is my pleasure to help ya out ;) can't wait to hear it!!!  :hug:

Author:  Tigrr27 [ Tue May 24, 2005 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Me Next.........

I have all 3 lisa brokop songs... if ya have high speed internet then catch me on yahoo...- tig

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Tue May 24, 2005 4:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Me Next.........

Oh, Tig- I love YOU TOO..........

Ya see, I'm a pushover, you can win me with a simple song. (3 is even better)

I'll catch ya on MSN.... can't recall my dang handle on MSN tho- I haven't been on for quite a long time. Hmmm...... I'll find ya though. I think it's CrippleCreekGal, can't remember.

Roxy- I have the Gretchen version, I'll send it to you to learn by. Jeepers, don't learn by listening to ME. You know how I twist some of them songs around, lol.

I got it on my comp though, so we can just trade, okay??  You're gonna love the song, it's up there with Redneck Woman and Here For The Party, it's one of her best in my opinion.

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