Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Paid Memberships
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Author:  Phill Cross [ Sun Jun 05, 2005 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Paid Memberships

Okay it has come to my attention that some Paid Members have recently cancelled their accounts!

This concerns me because I feel it may be an issue with the SPEED of the site?!

Is this a FACT???

I am and have been seriously working on the SPEED issue.

There are a few items that the scripts must factor before presenting the information on the screen. These are background actions that produce certain results.

For example - when you few a persons profile.

It collects the members profile information.
Second, it collects all songs submitted by that person.
It calculates that all details are current and correct.
Then all comments and ranks for each song submitted are displayed.

The more songs that are submitted by a member the longer this action takes. Shouldn't be more than 5 seconds in most cases.

I just sent an email to all persons that have a paid membership currently with Singer's Showcase. There is a glitch that I am trying to repair.

Please contact me if you have any questions or comments regarding your membership.



Author:  Phill Cross [ Sun Jun 05, 2005 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paid Memberships

I have been again fooling with some settings...

Please advise if you notice an increase in the time it takes to load a page?

Specifically the profile page? It should be a 'bit faster' - Hopefully!!!


Author:  syberchick70 [ Wed Jun 08, 2005 8:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paid Memberships

I'm mostly concerned with our not being able to access any of the websites on your server without going through an anonymiser. :(

What's up with that??? Please check it out for us.

Author:  HEADS TOGETHER [ Sat Jun 11, 2005 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paid Memberships

I did contact you before you renewed my membership last time.  You NEVER responded to my email... but renewed me anyway... I have emailed you numerous times since I have been a member here...I have only recieved 2 -3 replies ever.  Matter of fact I emailed you just today, and as yet have no reply....It would be nice to get replies when there are problems...I realize you have a life and all, but if we are not going to get reponses, why email you at all?? :(

Author:  Phill Cross [ Mon Jun 13, 2005 5:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paid Memberships

Heads -

I have not received any emails lately...

Previously you had sent me emails regarding a member and that situation I believe has been resolved?!

Syber -

I have answered a dozen messages from you and JVJ - I AM WORKING ON IT!!!



Author:  HEADS TOGETHER [ Mon Jun 13, 2005 7:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paid Memberships

I emailed you this week.  Thru this contact us link.  BUT-  I have sent you MANY  that never got responses over my long stay here.......This time it was because you deleted my "Bad Girls" sub.  It was a #1 in the nation hit for Donna Summer so it is beyond me how you could consider it too naughty for SS...  Not one bad word in it anywhere.  I marked it adult due to subject matter...just as a mannerly precaution...So my last message to you was why did you delete it?????   And why I cannot post a song that was #1 in the nation.  Clean enuf for radio play that took it to it's #1 position....When I have heard many really nasty songs on SS... I am not a prude, by the way..

I emailed you two or three weeks before you renewed my membership here...To inquire of my renewal date so that I could change my membership.  I got no reply.  But as I said you were more than happy to charge my account again for 3 more months. :wave:

  As I said,  I realize you have a life, but if we're going to run a site, we must be responsive to it's needs...somehow... :shock: But,  now I am very aware of my renewal date, thanks...You may rest assured it won't get by me again.. :D

Author:  Phill Cross [ Mon Jun 13, 2005 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paid Memberships

Heads -

I am sorry somehow emails must be getting lost?

I respond to those that require a response. I do try to get to them early everyday (about 6-8am, my time)

As far as renewal that is done automatically through PayPal (https://www.paypal.com) We at KS do not actually put through a request.

I am working on a script setting that will display to paid members the original pay date set up, when you first request to be a paid member. Hopefully get to that over the next week.

The song may have been deleted only becasue there was a remark stated that it contained "Adult Content" this is a for sure sign that it should be deleted. In the past I know that you and others have pointed out that there are in appropriate songs these too were deleted.

I apologize if I haven't been as communicative as you need but I try...


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