Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

On and off page not found
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Author:  jeanvaljean [ Fri Jun 17, 2005 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  On and off page not found

I couldn't find the thread on this and other users are having this problem too.
It is bizarre. One day it works, next day it doesn't. Sometimes
certain pages work, sometimes not. Yesterday the forum and
scene could not be found but the singershowcase worked fine

today nothing works without logging from Europe.

Since this is no longer just our account or our state, it is possible many people
are having problem logging on. Today at times there was just
one person on line.

Well enough ranting. I want my MTV.. I mean KS


Author:  jeanvaljean [ Sun Jun 19, 2005 3:03 am ]
Post subject:  Appears to be working

Let's hope for the best. It seems we can access KS normally now. Have no idea what was the reason we haven't been able to on and off for almost 10 days, but got this morning and didnt' have to turn on the anonymizer to get in. Hope it keeps working.


Author:  Phill Cross [ Sun Jun 19, 2005 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: On and off page not found

We are in the middle of transferring the site to a new server.

This may be causing a few "GLITCHES"

When we have completed the transfer I will let everyone know.

I just discovered that some ISPs have been blocking the current IP address of this site. Someone was sending out emails and using this sites IP address as the origin! Although the emails were not actually being sent from here. This caused some ISPs to block all access to the IP.

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