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RSQ 333 question about programming songs.
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Author:  clsunli [ Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  RSQ 333 question about programming songs.

I purchased the RSQ and for the life of me i cant figure out how to run it right here at home..would like to figure out how to before i play a gig though lol
I have tried putting in a disk in tray 3. Do i hit the program button and then select the tray 3 button and then the song number?...then insert disk 2 and then select Disk 2 and then song number without hitting that program button again? ugh!
that karaoke button on left, should it be set to that or which would u recommend?
i want to program two karaoke songs.
ive tried a couple methods but im not actually sure which to do. any help would sure be appreciated.

i ran a machine one time where i pushed a button when i turned the sucker on then i didnt have to fiddle with a "program" button ever again the whole nite.
i never used a 3 disk changer before . if there is some sort of manual online better than what i got with the rsq i would appreciate a link as well :)

Author:  Full House Entertainment [ Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RSQ 333 question about programming songs.

We don't use the "program" button, never have although I imagine it could come in handy.  

Instead, we load the player (tray 1 w/disc for singer 1, tray 2 w/disc for singer 2, tray 3 for singer 3)  hit the button for the trayr you wish to play, then the song number.  

We load the trays and keep them loaded throughout the night, once the first singer has finished (disc in tray #1) and the second singer is going (in tray #2) we can load the "4th" singer in tray 1 by pushing the tray 1 button to "eject" the disc and trade out that disc for the disc for the 4th singer.

FYI, the tray that is currently playing will flash (although knowing this did not help me Saturday night when I was on my own behind the system for the first time ever! usually I am on the other side of the equipment) so you can trade out discs in either of the other two trays without interrupting the current singer mid-song.

Reading the above explaination will probably show why I am not a teacher!!!

Hope this helps ?!?!

Author:  clsunli [ Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RSQ 333 question about programming songs.

hey.. thats a fine explanation in MY book! : ) i am going to try that tomorrow and see how it goes. my kids are zonked and i just got my cords all wrapped up and trying to organize a desk that got piled sky high for the last week full of junk lol
i do really appreciate the response. i imagine i would have figured it out EVENTUALLY.. but would i have figured it out right? dunno bout that! so thank you :)

ps, what about that karaoke/normal pb summin summin off button? i promise i will read allll the way thru that manual, but is there  a preference for it, i noticed i at one time had two trays loaded ( well assumed i had) and the disk that was playing ..when it got done with the song, repeated itself instead of going to the other tray loaded :)

Author:  Full House Entertainment [ Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RSQ 333 question about programming songs.

I'm actually not at my machine but, if I'm thinking about the same switch...  if it's on karaoke it will stop when the song is done, if it's on normal it will play like a cd player and go through the disc, even through all three trays if they are loaded.  I use this feature at the store as background music and I can hop in to sing anytime I can't resist trying out the song!

Susie  :dancin:

Author:  clsunli [ Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RSQ 333 question about programming songs.

Thank you Susie! That is probably what happened to me then :)
I bet it was stressfull being at the controls with something new. i know adjusting to something new can be soooo painfull lol i get used to something, its hard to break habits, i guess i better get outta that mode  :hug:

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