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how do you convert to computer karaoke?
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Author:  fscudd [ Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:16 pm ]
Post subject:  how do you convert to computer karaoke?

I know it's asking a lot but I want to go to computer and don't no any thing about how to do it. I've read many threads but they all assume you know how to fill in the blanks. Can anyone please start from scrach on how to go about this. I have oprox. 15000 songs and still building. I have several different systems that I use at the present. I don't know if you need to know what they are or not, but with computer I'll be using DFX12. jvs 33 or 22, 2000pv poweramp, 4 sp5g cabs, 800watt sub, tv mon., extra efx, 2 shurebeta 58s, dual shure cordless mics. 2 sound mon. and maybe a sound compresser. Please help me. Thanks..

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: how do you convert to computer karaoke?

First you'll need a good computer with dual screen display with a good sized hard drive - around 200 gig or better (good size leaves plenty of space).  Next you'll need a good program - I prefer MTU Hoster.  You can rip all your discs from the program itself (no outside conversion program needed).  Although you are going to get ALOT of differing opinions on the program.  Oh yeah forgot to mention the Plextor burner.  You can get a good one for under $100.

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Tue Jul 26, 2005 9:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: how do you convert to computer karaoke?

Find a program that will "rip" your cdgs to your computer hard-drive
( Ripping is the act of "copying " your CD+G onto your hard drive in 2 files
1 for audio 1 for the graphics )  You'll need a "PLEXTOR" cd burner. Don't fool around with the standard cd burner or other makes - They won't work as good.
Try a free program that from what I read is "tops" for this  AUDIO-GRABBER

Find a "HOSTING PROGRAM" once you have all your songs on the hard drive you will need a program to play them - These programs vary depending on if your using at home or professionaly.  MTU HOSTER  / PCDJ  / WINAMP / SAX DOTTYS  / ETC.

You will need a PC with some HD space 200GB is good , You'll need a GOOD sound Card and a DUAL DISPLAY VIDEO card.  Which ever hostong program you choose will most likely have some min requirements to look for and some suggestions on hardware configurations etc.  And most have forums for help and assistance - besides Kscene which is also great for information and feedback

Author:  Discobrian24 [ Wed Jul 27, 2005 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: how do you convert to computer karaoke?

If you are just starting out with a minimal budget I would say start out with Win Amp and Sax and Dottys.  I currently use both Sax and Dottys and PCDJ KJ.  I like Sax and Dottys because of its ease of use and it is a cheaper way to start.  I use PCDJ when I know I am going to have to play filler music.  Your best way to Rip in my opinion is Audiograbber, but be prepaired to do a lot of typing as a lot of cdgs arent in some of the databases.  Im sure Jamkaraoke can help get you started he has been doing this awhile and probably knows more tricks of the trade.

Author:  knightshow [ Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: how do you convert to computer karaoke?

if you have KJPro, you don't need to retype the items... as they have a program that's associated with their database called "renamer"... you just click away and it renames the files!

You don't need Sax & Dottys if you use winamp, and the latest version of Sax doesn't even use winamp, but it's own proprietary player!

Author:  fscudd [ Mon Aug 01, 2005 11:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: how do you convert to computer karaoke?

thanks a lot guys i think i can take it from here.

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