Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Give me your opinions
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Author:  karacanary [ Thu Jul 28, 2005 2:49 am ]
Post subject:  Give me your opinions

I submitted some songs on the Singers Showcase. However something went wrong and they remained silent. I contacted the Karaoke Scene crowd about them. In the meantime some members tried to listen but told me (on the Comments section under each song) that they cannot be heard. The Karaoke Scene webmaster fixed up the songs and now they can be heard. However no one heard them as in the meantime they went down the list.....to Page 3 and further.
As I greatly value the opinions of the karaoke community of this webpage can many of you hear them and give me your opinions. The songs are:
1) Love Me Tender (Elvis Presley org artist)
2) If You Love Me Let Me Know (Olivia Newton John org, artist)
My user name is :Karacanary

Author:  JKolman1179 [ Thu Jul 28, 2005 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Give me your opinions

hey I'd say delete them and resub, since not too many people from SS actually frequent these forums as much as they used to.  If you have a free account, you may have to wait to delete tho :(

Just a though

Author:  Debauchery [ Fri Jul 29, 2005 5:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Give me your opinions

Jason's got the right idea, karacanary.  A lot of the members here don't use the forums as much anymore.  I would also go with his suggestion of deleting them and resubbing.  In all honesty, being a new member slims your chances of being heard as many of us here have our "favorites" and those we listen to most.  Sometimes a new name gets skipped over when surrounded by the familiars.  It's not necessarily intentional... but it does happen.  The more songs you put up, the more curious others will be to click on your submission.  Resub the other ones and keep cranking out new ones.  Don't be discouraged by lack of views/comments.  It happens to everyone in the beginning.

Also, on a side note:  When submitting your songs to the Showcase, make sure the file name of the song you're uploading doesn't contain any unneccesary characters such as a hyphen (-) exclamation point or an ampersand (&).  I am not saying this was the reason your songs wouldn't play at first and needed to be fixed, but other members have had their files not work after submitting them because of the file name.  Using alpha-numeric with no spaces has always worked for me.  Just some ideas.

Author:  Phill Cross [ Fri Jul 29, 2005 6:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Give me your opinions

Debauchery @ Fri Jul 29, 2005 8:43 am wrote:
Also, on a side note:  When submitting your songs to the Showcase, make sure the file name of the song you're uploading doesn't contain any unneccesary characters such as a hyphen (-) exclamation point or an ampersand (&).  I am not saying this was the reason your songs wouldn't play at first and needed to be fixed, but other members have had their files not work after submitting them because of the file name.  Using alpha-numeric with no spaces has always worked for me.  Just some ideas.

This will cause problems because the scripts do not under stand these symbols or reads them as part of the coding and can really foul things up.

Author:  karacanary [ Fri Jul 29, 2005 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Give me your opinions

Yes thank you very much for your advice. I'll do that!! I have a free account as yet..so I'll have to wait 5 days before I can delete them
And Debauchery... I do not think that my songs (names) HAD what you said.
Love Me Tender...If You Love Me Let Me Know. These do not contain what you said.

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