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Just *waving* before we leave town
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Author:  JazzyBaggz [ Wed Sep 21, 2005 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Just *waving* before we leave town

[font=trebuchet ms]Hey everyone.  I know I've been away for a while..   I've been dealing with some issues and had been sick for about a month so I haven't felt much like (or been able to) sing much.  I just wanted to post here to make sure that I don't get deleted like we were told to.  We (my hubby, our cat, my bird, and I) are going to be evacuating in a couple of hours, so I don't know when I'll be back on.. hopefully not tooo long.  We're in Houston and heading for some family in San Antonio.  Didn't feel that staying in our second story apartment to ride it out would be a good idea.  Just wanted to say God bless to all of you and especially to others of you who may be in the path of this storm which may be coming this way.  I'll say a prayer for all of us.. Hope to see you soon and keep singing :)[/font]

Author:  Jian [ Wed Sep 21, 2005 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Just *waving* before we leave town

That look like a wav. file line???

Author:  Melly [ Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Just *waving* before we leave town

Here it is bigger...

From Jazzy:

Hey everyone. I know I've been away for a while.. I've been dealing with some issues and had been sick for about a month so I haven't felt much like (or been able to) sing much. I just wanted to post here to make sure that I don't get deleted like we were told to. We (my hubby, our cat, my bird, and I) are going to be evacuating in a couple of hours, so I don't know when I'll be back on.. hopefully not tooo long. We're in Houston and heading for some family in San Antonio. Didn't feel that staying in our second story apartment to ride it out would be a good idea. Just wanted to say God bless to all of you and especially to others of you who may be in the path of this storm which may be coming this way. I'll say a prayer for all of us.. Hope to see you soon and keep singing

God be with you amiga....i pray you stay safe and sound and come back soon. I hope your health and other things improve. Love and hugz..Melly..

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Just *waving* before we leave town

LOL Melly,  While you were posting that,  I was copying her paragraph into wordpad so I could repost it legibly. When I posted it in a larger font, I saw you'd just done that as well; so I deleted my post.

Author:  Jian [ Thu Sep 22, 2005 2:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Just *waving* before we leave town

It realy look like an audio file and was about to copy it and load it to my recording program to hear what she was singing about LOL

Author:  K4K [ Thu Sep 22, 2005 2:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Just *waving* before we leave town

Be safe, Jazzy!  Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and loved ones!

Author:  Sheree [ Thu Sep 22, 2005 2:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Just *waving* before we leave town

Stay safe Elisha! Hope you are able to get out quickly!! Sorry to hear you have not been feeling well..... take care and God bless!

Author:  knightshow [ Thu Sep 22, 2005 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Just *waving* before we leave town

be safe! I've ridden out four tornadoes (that came near our city) and two Hurricanes (barely class 3), and I will tell you I was scared ****less in all incidents!

Mother Nature is a b!tch, and she loves to slap stuff around!

Take care!

Author:  Shotgun CC [ Fri Sep 23, 2005 5:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Just *waving* before we leave town

Hope you reach San Antonio safely, Elisha.  Be safe!! My prayers are with all in the path of this storm.

Author:  JazzyBaggz [ Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Just *waving* before we leave town

Hey gang..

just thought i'd add a quick update just in case anyone is interested.  First of all, thanks to those of you who gave your well wishes! It seems that our area was saved the brunt of the storm due to a last minute turn to the east.   That didn't spare us the horrors of getting OUT of town which was just a mess and I may go into more detail about that later.  We are TRULY thankful though!  We still haven't been home though, as the day we were to return (last monday), I got quite ill and was doubled over in pain and had to be taken to the emergency room here in San An.  Turns out that I needed surgery but I was pretty sick, so they had to wait a week to do that.  I just got surgery this past Monday and was discharged.  I'm redcouperating slowly but surely.  I reallly miss singing and hope to be back on my feet again soon.  I have sporadic useage of a computer right now, as I'm still not home, but I'll give more detail and get back here when I can... big *hugs* to you all :) and thanks for listening...

Author:  knightshow [ Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Just *waving* before we leave town

glad to hear ya came out of it safely... and best wishes for a speedy recovery on the surgury!

Author:  Melly [ Thu Oct 06, 2005 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Just *waving* before we leave town

I agree with Matt...Glad to know you are safe and sound sweetie...and sending prayers that you feel better soon. Hugz :hug:  :hug:

Author:  K4K [ Fri Oct 07, 2005 9:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Just *waving* before we leave town

And my thoughts and prayers are STILL with you Elisha!  Hope you feel better soon! :hug:  :hug:

Author:  JazzyBaggz [ Sun Oct 23, 2005 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Just *waving* before we leave town

[font=andalus]Well I just had to stop in and thank you guys for your prayers and well wishes!  That really means a lot to me.  I just couldn't believe that happened to me the day we were finally going to go home.  And then I couldn't believe that I had to be in the hospital for a week.  And HERE'S the kicker...

I had ONE week until my insurance would have kicked in.  My hubby had JUST added me to his, and it wasn't going to be official until 1 week AFTER I got sick.  I couldn't believe that of all times for that to happen... a WEEK???!!!  So, I'm healing up pretty well.. Still have a large wound closing up around my navel where a suture opened, but my biggest worry now is the money.  We just got the bill, and it is 40 thousand dollars.. I nearly fainted.  We have student loan debt up the wazoo already and now THIS.  Welll..  we talked to the insurance company, and they MAY be able to cover SOME of it.. how much we'll not know for a while.  Soooo.. if there are any praying people out there, pleeeease send one my way.. I don't know how we'll financially survive this.. Ohh how I wish my singing had led to something fruitful by now..

Ahh well.. I know we are really blessed, and all things happen for a reason, though I'll be danged to find what it is right now lol.  Again, thanks all of you who have had me in your thoughts.. I can't thank you enough!! ****HUGGGGGGG****

Author:  auctionmusic [ Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Just *waving* before we leave town

Hi Jazzy,

I don't know how else to say this but many many people are driven into bankruptcy cause of medical bills. You should seek a competent attorney in the matter...Russ

Author:  HeatherDavis [ Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Just *waving* before we leave town

ELISHA!!  Your insurance should have gone into effect retroactive the DAY you got married legally!!!

Look into it some more, dont take no for an answer, seek legal aid if necessary!!!

Love ya honey- glad your better, and glad we are working together on that new thing thats very cool with lots of BUZZ ;)

Author:  Terryoke [ Wed Nov 23, 2005 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Just *waving* before we leave town

Hey Jazzy (gotta love the handle :biggrinthumb: ),

We have never conversed before but I have seen your posts and songs many times.  Sorry to hear about your problems :crying2: .  I assume it was something like your appendix or intestines.  I know what it is like, I too spent several fun filled days with a gastric tube down my nose draining backwash.  It sounds like I was more fortunate as the plumbing started to work again BEFORE they had scheduled to cut me open. :doctor:

Hope you, the bird, the cat and new hubby are able to get thru your current woes.  I have gone thru a business failure, this financial stuff can be hard  :argue: on a relationship.  It will either pull you  :hug: together or apart, keep the faith  :pray: - good fortune sometimes comes to those who most deserve it.   :angel:

Best wishes and hope to hear your next tune! :allears:


Author:  knightshow [ Fri Nov 25, 2005 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Just *waving* before we leave town

Wow Jazzy... I agree with the other poster about an attorney! Holy Hanna!

Sendin' a hug your way! WOwsers![schild=5 fontcolor=C0C0C0 shadowcolor=C0C0C0 shieldshadow=1]HOLY HANNA!!![/schild]

Author:  Suzanne Lanoue [ Sun Nov 27, 2005 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Just *waving* before we leave town

Sorry to hear you went through all that, Jazzy. I hope things get better for you.

I haven't had any time to be on here and barely any time to sing or record, so I know how it is about that part!

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving....

Author:  JazzyBaggz [ Mon Dec 12, 2005 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Just *waving* before we leave town

Thank you to all of you for your kind concerns and advice.  Thankfully, I am healing up well, and feeling pretty darn good.. As for the money.. well.. We're still waiting to hear back from our insurance as to how much they are going to be able to help us.. regardless though, I'm lucky to have come through this as well as I have, and I feel blessed.. thanks again!

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