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Player Hook Up
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Author:  jamkaraoke [ Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Player Hook Up

Quick question - When connecting your player to your mixer do you use the
RCA CD INPUTS or a 1/4" STEREO CHANNEL ?  and Why?

I've been using the CD/TAPE input on my DFX12 but this last weekend due to some wire problems I had to connect my player to one of the stereo channels.  One of the benefits I can see is you have more control of the sound using a channel strip versus the CD INPUT ...ARE THERE OTHER BENEFITS?

Author:  Lonman [ Tue Oct 04, 2005 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Player Hook Up

JAMKARAOKE @ Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:44 am wrote:
Quick question - When connecting your player to your mixer do you use the
RCA CD INPUTS or a 1/4" STEREO CHANNEL ?  and Why?

I've been using the CD/TAPE input on my DFX12 but this last weekend due to some wire problems I had to connect my player to one of the stereo channels.  One of the benefits I can see is you have more control of the sound using a channel strip versus the CD INPUT ...ARE THERE OTHER BENEFITS?

I always connect through the 1/4" on the channels.  Connecting through the cd/tape input doesn't allow you ANY adjustments.  Going through the channel, you can adjust the eq, send it to the monitors, add effects if desired.  If there is an insert on the channels you connect to, you can add processing such as limiters or sonic enhancers.  Better mix overall.

Author:  n3vino [ Sun Oct 09, 2005 6:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Player Hook Up

Let me ask this question.  Let's say there was a band or DJ playing.  I realize the DJ would have a CD Player hooked up and possibly the band would too.  But say I had all my music on my laptop.  Could any of these sources hook up my laptop to their board or amp going from my laptop's output jack with rca cables?  

Then I would use windows media player to play the audio.  Would this work O.K.?

I would use their mike already hooked up to their system.

Author:  karaokemeister [ Sun Oct 09, 2005 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Player Hook Up

If you can hook up a CD player you can hook up a laptop.

All you need to hook either of these up is an unbalanced stereo input.  Remember to use line level outputs NOT headphone or speaker outputs.  If you don't have these on your laptop I recommend using an inepxensive external USB sound card like the Sound Blaster or ADS Tech's offerings.

That aside, I have 2 mixers - one I use mainly for controlling large numbers of stereo inputs (it handles 6 plus 2 mics) and it piggy backs well with other mixers, amps and the like and it's only real limitation is the lack of any Aux send/returns.  FYI - it's the SoundCraft Compact 10 and handles 6 stereo inputs plus 4 mics, 2 of the mic inputs will handle Hi-Z inputs if you need them (And all 4 mics have individually switched phantom power).

Lonman has a lot more experience than I do and I expect him to weigh in on this with his own information.  Personally, anytime I hook up to a house system of 'amp-spakers' I always go through a mixer first instead of trying to hook directly to the system from my laptop (which I often run with 2 external soundcards so I can crossfade externally).

Hope this helps... if not feel free to ask more questions (I only drop in every other day or so but others respond a little faster).

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