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Wierd emails from KS
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Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Sun Oct 09, 2005 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Wierd emails from KS

Has anybody else been getting wierd emails with zip attachments from SS & KS members?

I was getting a few...... thought it was my problem only. Then a friend told me he is getting them too. They all have some kind of attachment, usually a zip file, and most of them are getting thrown in a quarantine folder by my outlook. (says a virus was found- and it can't clean them) I have been deleting them, they appear daily for about the last week.

They say they're from various KS members- I know they're not- and one was from webguru@karaokescene......... I know Phil did not send it cause it had a wierd attachment he would not have sent.

Am I crazy, or is anyone else getting these too?

Author:  kjgreg [ Sun Oct 09, 2005 10:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wierd emails from KS

I haven't got any myself

Author:  Crystal [ Sun Oct 09, 2005 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wierd emails from KS

nope. me either!

Author:  Tigrr27 [ Sun Oct 09, 2005 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wierd emails from KS

DO NOT DOWNLOAD THEM!!!... they are a virus....

Author:  Phill Cross [ Sun Oct 09, 2005 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wierd emails from KS

I know for a fact that I did not send them.

BTW - Got your PM and I am responding here for everyone to know!

Potentional Virus Alert  

Spammers may be using our domain (as well as others) to hide their true identities, through spoofing or forging, in the from or reply-to fields of a Spam message or making it appear that it was delivered through our mail server. Unfortunately, this is totally beyond our control & is a problem faced throughout the Internet. Microsoft, Ebay & Paypal being large & far better known companies who's addresses are also used.

There may be an attachment in PIF, DOC, ZIP or other format. Some of these emails contain the Win32:Netsky-B worm or other know viruses. Never open these files & ensure your anti virus utility is up to date.

As always the ONLY solution to using the Internet safely is to have an up to date Anti Virus running on your PC at all times.
I have been seeing more of these of late. I even get them for my hosting business:From me to me?? Ha ha

As explained in the quote above is someone attempting to send out emails and using the from email address of a known site to think you know this person/company. If you look in the "Header info" you will see that these are not being sent via our server.

It is extremely annoying but there isn't a thing that anyone can do about people spoofing emails.

Do me a favor the next time you receive one, (if using Outlook) open the original message and 'right-click' on it then select options. Copy and Paste the entire header information and send it to me - I will attempt to trace the "actual sender"

Other than that there really isn't anything that I can do. Our server is clean and I do not allow mass emails to be sent . Further, the server is set up with various protections to prevent unauthorized access.

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Sun Oct 09, 2005 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wierd emails from KS

Okay, I did JUST get another one, these are pretty regular to my inbox. This one from karaokscene at crosswebtech. And once in a while, I am getting a mailer daemon message that MY email was not sent to the recipient because of a virus found in the outgoing message. (emails I never sent)

Funny that that's the worm you mention..... as a friend of mine knows, that's the computer issue I just had.  My drive space was all dissapearing as fast as I could delete stuff & gain some. So I installed a virus program, and it found that W32 sdbot....... a memory virus I guess, but said it could not totally remove it. I was advised by a computer place that it probably gunked up (nice term, huh?) a boot sector.

So....... off I went to Fry's Electronics and bought a new hard drive. I couldn't figure out what else to do. So, maybe in the past I did indeed open something I should not have. (?)  I wont be fooled twice though, I'm watching my email very closely. Danged if I'm gonna let it happen again.  I sure can't afford that.

I have saved two........ from you Phil........ though I haven't opened the attachments, I saved them to a folder. So I can try to do as you asked. It would be nice if this could be traced.  And of course I know how to do no such thing myself.

Thank you for answering.

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Sun Oct 09, 2005 2:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wierd emails from KS

Okay, Phil............ I just sent you those two....... just the header info. Hope it helps. Let me know if the automatic thingee in the PM's erase part of it, and I'll email them instead.

Author:  knightshow [ Sun Oct 09, 2005 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wierd emails from KS

it's part of the spoofing process of the viruses (virii?)... I get them from my site to me as well!

the sucker goes in JUST far enough to see the domain name, and sometimes mail ids...

I've even had mail from MATTHEW @ knightshow . com rather than matt...

Author:  JamesHtown [ Sun Oct 09, 2005 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wierd emails from KS

I recieved one today.. I thought it seemed strange because there was no message with it. I didn't see and attachment so I logged on to see if it was a notice for a message waiting but when I logged in to KS, no message waiting.. Strange..

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Sun Oct 09, 2005 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wierd emails from KS

Oh, yeah, shoot........ don't open them.

Mine- have mostly been sent to a "quarantine" folder by my outlook. But I have more than one email addy..... and this stuff is coming to ALL of them.  They all have some type of attachment, and some have that wierd scrypt that you can't read. (?)

What's funniest to me?

I have the outlook........ not an addy I use here, but my nephew "CountryFried" used it for his KS/SS account.

My Yahoo addy that's used for KS/SS...... is getting these.

I have 3 MSN addy's...... one is here in my MSN listing. But the other two- only ONE person has EVER had those addy's....... and they are NOT attached to KS or SS in any way. But they're getting emails from here, and I'm getting emails from them to my other addy's.

And I know JUST enough about stuff like this to be standing in the shadow of stupid. So I'm totally confused as to how it all can happen. All I know is I'm deleting them, and have warned my kids of their addy's too.

Author:  dave-sinatra [ Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wierd emails from KS

I can't understand how the people sending the emails figure out all this stuff about me.  Perhaps they know I just got divorced.  I guess they think that means I have bad credit, I need Zoloft and that I need to have certain parts of me stiffened and enlarged.

Then there are the encoded messages which make no sense at all.  They just want to send nonsense to people who are accustomed to hearing it :)

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wierd emails from KS

dave-sinatra @ Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:17 am wrote:
and that I need to have certain parts of me stiffened and enlarged.

I can't EVEN believe you just said that,  :rotflmao:                  !!!!!

Oh, and Dave- thank you for the points donation....... I'm getting close to what I need. I would say maybe you should save up to buy some of, uh, (that shtufff if you need it so bad)....... but  I don't think KS sells it.  :roll:

Author:  gator [ Mon Oct 10, 2005 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wierd emails from KS

No bad emails here yet...

Author:  Melly [ Mon Oct 10, 2005 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wierd emails from KS

Yup...TG for Tig warning me. I have been getting them everyday for the last couple days..and i KNOW i'm not sending from this particular email...so i can't understand why i'm getting them. And i only have 2 people in my address book ...it's bizarre.
I am just deleting them.

Author:  dave-sinatra [ Tue Oct 11, 2005 4:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wierd emails from KS

BlueStainedShoes @ Mon Oct 10, 2005 3:06 pm wrote:
Oh, and Dave- thank you for the points donation....... I'm getting close to what I need. I would say maybe you should save up to buy some of, uh, (that shtufff if you need it so bad)....... but  I don't think KS sells it.  :roll:

Whatever makes the young girls dance :)

Paul McCartney was wrong.  I can buy me love.

Author:  dave-sinatra [ Tue Oct 11, 2005 5:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wierd emails from KS

BlueStainedShoes @ Sun Oct 09, 2005 12:46 pm wrote:
I was getting a few...... thought it was my problem only.

I'm not getting enough.

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