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What Games have you tried?
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Author:  DERFUS [ Thu Nov 03, 2005 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  What Games have you tried?

I'm always looking for something new to try at our shows. like this halloween it was scaryaoke "Big Bad Wolf" "Mac The Knife" ect.  What have you tried that went over good?

Author:  Big Mike [ Fri Nov 04, 2005 12:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What Games have you tried?

At shows where the crowd is small and the singers brave, I've done a couple different things.  Sometimes, I'll just pick a nonsinger and ask them to give me a letter of the alphabet.  Then for that rotation everyone who wants to play along sings a song that start with that letter.


Have someone pick a page number and have everyone sing a song off that page.  

Both of these are fun and a good way to get people to move out of their comfort zones and try some new music.

Another thing I've done is bring in my bucket of props and play songs from the box.  A singer who wants to play will grab a costume item or a prop from the box and I'll play a song for them based on the prop they pick.  Generally I pick songs that EVERYONE probably knows just to keep it fun, but if it's a regular that I know can sing well, they may get a little tougher song.  For example, I have an Uncle Sam hat in the box, so with that prop, I can play any number of patriotic songs, and have even surprised one singer by playing Living In America by James Brown (The hat looks like the one Apollo Creed wears in Rocky)!  The crowd really likes to watch this, and it surprising how much more attention they pay to the singers when we play this.

Author:  Leathco [ Sun Nov 06, 2005 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What Games have you tried?

Lyric Shmearic:  Changeing vocals of popular songs.

Drummers Karaoke:  On special shows I'll bring in an electronic drumset that people can try their hand at playing.

Author:  dj john [ Tue Nov 22, 2005 3:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What Games have you tried?

blind draw karaoke  I've got a bowl full of pieces of paper with only a disc # and song # they don't know what they are singing until it's on the screen sometimes we get guys singing Madonna  or worse ....but it's usually fun

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What Games have you tried?

Oh........  :oops: .......... THOSE kinds of games. I was about to start telling tales, but I guess I better not.  :shock:

Kidding, I've done the "blind draw karaoke" that DJ John mentioned, that's always fun if you have a willing crowd.

And speaking of a willing crowd........ oh wait, that's right - I said I wouldn't do that, lmao.

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Author:  eben [ Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What Games have you tried?

Blind draw, as you call it or what we call Kamikaze Karaoke, is one thing that works. What we do is rather than drawing random, we just take anysong from the book random. For example, I ask for a random number from an audience for disc, random number from another for track. If that person can sing that song, they get a free drink.

I also do bender gender, where audience chooses a song sung by someone of opposite sex. One who does the best imitation gets a free drink.

I also do music trivia. First person with the right answer gets a free drink from me. The are not horribly difficult. Some of the questions I asked were:

Name the four Monkees.
What were the two names the Beatles went by before they were the Beatles?
Who was the original drummer for the Beatles?
Who wrote the song "I'm a believer?"
What is Elvis' middle name?

Those are just some of the questions I ask. If I run out of questions, I just get on the Internet and find one.

Author:  pflugerville [ Wed Nov 23, 2005 6:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What Games have you tried?

we do the "kamikaze" or blind draw as well, only we call it karaoke suicide.  i have a few people who NEVER sing, but who come in every week,  i usualy let them pick the disc# and  song# since they have no clue what's on what disc.  i've found that it usually only wokrs if i'm willing to go first.  most recently i cang helen reddy's "I Am Woman".......it wasn't pretty! :(   another game we like to play is duets, where the guy has to sing the girl part and the girl has to sing the guy part.

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