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Gail Newbie. lol...ya its me G really!!!
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Author:  G [ Tue Nov 15, 2005 9:23 am ]
Post subject:  Gail Newbie. lol...ya its me G really!!!

[font=monotype corsiva]Hi I never formerly introduced myself my name is Gail Bugeja and I have been singing since I was 7. I spent most of my life singing, acting, and dancing for years.  I am currently studying under my vocal coach and really trying to get my songs to the next level. lol...I am sure we all are, but its tough work I have to say.
I am judging in a few competitons online.

I recently won this competiton in addition to Jazzybaggz  last month called auditionnowonline.

So the online thing has been fun thus far. I have really loved hearing all of your awesome critiques and kind comments. Thanks again and be sure to check out my tracks if you have time. TTYS.[/font]

[links removed]

Author:  JB [ Tue Nov 15, 2005 2:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gail Newbie. lol...ya its me G really!!!

Hey G!!  Glad to see you introduce yourself even though you have been here awhile.  I think the link to the contest you won was removed...unless you didn't type it in??  Congrats on winning!  You have an awesome voice and I can't wait to hear more from you.  I'm relatively new also, but I'm glad you're here at SS!


Author:  Jian [ Tue Nov 15, 2005 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gail Newbie. lol...ya its me G really!!!

Hi G

I seen you around SS for so long and finaly you post in the forum.

Author:  G [ Wed Nov 16, 2005 7:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gail Newbie. lol...ya its me G really!!!

Well thanks guys. I just never came on here really. I did once in the beginning and lately have been just using the pm's on here. But I really want to be more involved in this singing community other than posting my songs.  So thanks again and I will be sure to check out that contest that isn't working. TTYS.

Author:  JB [ Wed Nov 16, 2005 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gail Newbie. lol...ya its me G really!!!

I've been trying to get more involved in the forums recently also.  It seems though, that when I first joined this site and never posted that a lot more people did.  Now that I actually am in the forums posting, it doesn't seem like that many other are... maybe I chased them all away?? :)  Just kidding.  Not sure if you feel that way also or if it is just me.  I'd like to check out that site you were talking about so PM me the link if you don't mind.


Author:  Keepinitcntry [ Sat Dec 03, 2005 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gail Newbie. lol...ya its me G really!!!

:handshake: Hi Gail...
Well, all ya can do is try.. At least if you do that much, you can be satisfied you didn't just sit on the idea and wonder.. Would love to hear ya do a whole song sometime.. That would be nice, although I know your just looking for comments on your competitions. You be safe this holiday, and God bless

   Mark =)) :hug:

Author:  G [ Fri Dec 09, 2005 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gail Newbie. lol...ya its me G really!!!

I do usually but lately been in a few competitons and judging some others. I did put a full version up of "I cant make you love me"  all done a capella. Stop by and check it out. ttyl. xxxxxxxxxx g

Author:  Hanna [ Mon Dec 26, 2005 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gail Newbie. lol...ya its me G really!!!

:wave: Hi G.  LMAO U crack me up. Cool.  :hi5:  :dancin:  :hug: Hanna

Author:  Catseyeview [ Tue Dec 27, 2005 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gail Newbie. lol...ya its me G really!!!

Hi Gail!  Where ya been lately gal??  Hope you had a great Christmas and Happy New Year!

Author:  G [ Tue Jan 03, 2006 10:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gail Newbie. lol...ya its me G really!!!

[font=Fantasy] :wave: Hi ladies. I miss all of u too.  I have been super busy and that is why I have been absent, sorry about that. I am still in a few new online competitions that will be underway this month and I will be sure to keep u posted on how they are going. U know I need your feedback to get it right. lol..xxxxxxx  I am still also judging a few other competitions so once those are done I will have more songs for ya.

I  love u guys for all of your advice with my competition songs and audition clips as well. I have learned so much from all of you on here. Most of all I am having tons of fun singing with u. I have soooooooooooooo much to learn god knows that, lol  :D  with my new recording equipment but time will tell I guess.  I will talk to all of u soon again.....

Much love and hugs ~G  :hug:

PS I am going to be conducting my own online singing competition / Talent Show and I will post info about it soon. I would love for all of you to come out and sing or show off your talents in various areas. Here are some preliminary categories for the show.

Best Male Vocalist ages 13-17
Best Male vocalist ages 18 and up
Female ages 13-17
Female ages 18 and up
Best female/male singing group
Best Band (original & Cover bands welcome)

Additional Competitions
Song Writing
Acting: Monologue
Acting:  Original Short Story

Or just come by and :dancin:  Well, I have gotta run but I do want to wish u all a great holiday season and a happy new year. xxxxxxxxxxx

Author:  Laura [ Tue Jan 03, 2006 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gail Newbie. lol...ya its me G really!!!

G?  Gee!   LOL  

Congrats on winning.  I don't do the contests myself--I'd rather just sing for fun w/no pressure!  I sang "I Can't Make You Love Me" not too long ago, and I was very close to tears--I was thinking of my estranged husband (we've been separated, but not officially divorced, for 3 years).  

Anyway, I have no 'puter of my own yet (I just ordered one online from Dell!), but when I get one, maybe I'll try to put up a recording of me singing.  And maybe I'll get to hear all of you guys that have posted recordings.  Then I can put voices with names.  :)

Author:  G [ Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gail Newbie. lol...ya its me G really!!!

[font=Times New Roman]Well, there isn't that much pressure in my upcoming Talent Show just tons of fun with all different types of talents. I just want everyone to come out and display they're unique talents. The singing competition may be a little more competitive though, but overall its gonna be one good time. Well, I will keep you guys updated on that. TTYS. xxxxxxxxx g[/font]

Author:  cameronnat [ Thu Jan 05, 2006 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gail Newbie. lol...ya its me G really!!!

Hey, was reading your post and just wanted to leave you a reply of congradulations on your wins!  I have just started getting into the singing online stuff so it's all new to me.  It looks like lots of fun though :)

Author:  cinnamon_66 [ Fri Jan 06, 2006 5:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gail Newbie. lol...ya its me G really!!!

Hi G!!!....I am new to it all!!!.....But it is going to be way to much fun to try it all!!
It seems I have been singing all my life too...just not out loud!!

Now that I am doing it ....can't seem to shut me up!!! LOL
Like it was possible to shut me up before...it is just in stereo now!!!  :dancin:  LOL

It was nice to meet you...and Welcome back!!!

Waves til later...............cinnamon_66

Author:  G [ Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gail Newbie. lol...ya its me G really!!!

[font=Comic Sans MS]Hi guys. Cameron welcome to SS and I hope you will join some of the online singing competitions I am in or I am judging. I know the SimFactor is accepting applications soon. You just missed some deadlines for a few others but I know there will be tons more in the works. You can message me for the links or if you have time stop by my profile under G and it will have some of the competitions I am involved in if you would like to follow them to get a better idea of how they go.

Cinnamon. It is so nice to meet you too. I know what you mean about how once you start singing you cant stop. I have been that way for a loooooooong time. I still don't think I am where I want to be vocally but I am hopin to get there one day. Well, again its a pleasure to meet you, and if you can stop by some of the other sites if you have time. I will forward you the links if you want. TTYS.  xxxxxxx much love, g

Author:  Hanna [ Thu Jan 12, 2006 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gail Newbie. lol...ya its me G really!!!

:wave:  :wave: Hey G, long time no hear or see ya, Good to see
ya back too, take care girlie,  :hi5:  :hug:  :hug: Hanna

Author:  G [ Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gail Newbie. lol...ya its me G really!!!

[font=Times New Roman] :dancin: Hi Hanna Banana. lol...I am happy to be back. So whatcha think of those col pics from my trip to Cali. I had a blast and loved every second of the trip. I am in a few online singing competitions again. lol...I think it never stops. I am doing a show called the Pilot Project and another called The Voice. The Voice is gonna be great because we get to sing for a charity of our choice. I chose to sing for the American Red Cross on behalf of the Hurricane victims in the US. I am also continuing on with my judging in a few online competitions too. Well, if any of you want the links pm me, ok. TTYL and thanks again Hanna its nice to be back. Well for a little while anyhow. Busy Busy. lol.. xxxxxxxxxx much love, g  :wave:  :hi5:  [/font]

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