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Hi! New to the site, but not to Karaoke!
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Author:  LDY_OFCR [ Fri Nov 18, 2005 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Hi! New to the site, but not to Karaoke!

:wave:   Hi Everyone.  I'm Shannon and new to this website.  I'm a karaoke junkie and have even been a KJ for 2 years.  But since I'm new here I had a question that I hope someone could answer for me:  How do I record the song(s) of my choice and put them on the site for others to hear?  Hope to get a response soon (I'm eager to start singing).  Feel free to contact me anytime.  


Author:  Full House Entertainment [ Fri Nov 18, 2005 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi! New to the site, but not to Karaoke!

Hi Shannon,

I can't answer your question as I don't record songs (I'm not sure why but I think it's because if I knew how I really sounded I'd probably quit singing!!) but I thought I'd say  :wave: from one KJ & karaoke junkie to another!

Susie :)

Author:  Hanna [ Wed Nov 23, 2005 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi! New to the site, but not to Karaoke!

:wave: Hi Shannon, welcome aboard. I use audicity to record my songs.
First of all i purchased karaoke cds, copied the songs to my
computer than i threw the song over to the audicity recorder, then export
them as a wav file, threw to my dell jukebox convert them to mp3
and them presto. subbed them here. Hope u can understand this short
description, but thats how i  do it. Hope this helps u some.
:handshake:  :hug: Hanna

Author:  LDY_OFCR [ Fri Nov 25, 2005 12:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi! New to the site, but not to Karaoke!

Hi Hanna,
Thanks for responding.  But you lost me after karaoke cds.  You are talking about karaoke cd-g's, right?  Unfortunately, I'm  still confused.  I'm just eager to sing and record and post them on the site.  Hopefully you can re-explain it again so I can actually do it.  Thanks for all your help!   :hug:


Author:  Jian [ Fri Nov 25, 2005 5:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi! New to the site, but not to Karaoke!

This may help

tutorial site that may intrest you



Audacity can be download here


http://www.karaoke-forum.com/viewtopic. ... ght=#65785

Hope this will help

Author:  Tony [ Fri Nov 25, 2005 7:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi! New to the site, but not to Karaoke!


Author:  LDY_OFCR [ Fri Nov 25, 2005 2:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi! New to the site, but not to Karaoke!

:hug:   Thanks for the link for the download,  but I'm still confused on how to take my cd-g and use it on the PC, record myself singing the song, and saving to the PC to place on the site.  I know the cd-g won't show the lyrics on the screen (though I wish it would), but I still want to record myself with the audio from the cd to load to the site.  This concept is new to me.    :bawling: hopefully someone can help me.


Author:  SlcJohnD [ Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi! New to the site, but not to Karaoke!

Hi Shannon:
 Have you been able to figure any of this out?

Author:  LDY_OFCR [ Sun Dec 11, 2005 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi! New to the site, but not to Karaoke!

John, :( unfortunately no.  I still can't figure out how to record myself singing with the use of a CD-G.

Author:  SlcJohnD [ Sun Dec 11, 2005 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi! New to the site, but not to Karaoke!

There are several ways, there are programs you can download (some are free, some have a free trial period, and of course you can buy others).. They come in either mp3-g or cd-g (wav) formats.
 to use your discs on your computer your cd reader must support cd-g.. not all do.
If you're interested I can send you a website you can try?
 The trouble is I work out of town at the moment.. I'll be gone all week. I come home on weekends. But glad to help a "fellow" karaoke-adict any way I can.

Author:  LDY_OFCR [ Sun Dec 11, 2005 4:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi! New to the site, but not to Karaoke!

That would be awesaome if you can help.  I'll take whatever is free that would help.  I only own CD-G's  so what ever would make it work.  Thank you so much!  :hug:

Author:  Jian [ Mon Dec 12, 2005 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi! New to the site, but not to Karaoke!

I am confused; and cant figure out what is the problem.  So here are step by step way of doing it

1.Get your cdg and inserted it into your cd-rom of you pc.

2.Double clik the my computer icon from your desk top. and go to the icon that represent your cd drive in which you placed your cdg.

3. double click it and choose the track you want to sing ; clik and copy it to any folder

4 open the folder and there is the track you want to sing to. Note that it will not have the lyric.

5.Open your recording program;say KRISTAL. Now if you look at the left of the screen under KRISTAL WAVER you will see waver 1, waver 2, waver 3 and so on in a, those are track for recording.

7.You see 5 symbols; clik the first icon to the left and it will open up a window where you can get your copied song backing track. Clik 'open' to the chosen file and the song will be copied to the recording program.

8. At the bottom of the screen there is a player, just prees the play button and you can here the sound track of your song.

9. You will need to arm the track you want to sing to, and in this case its, waver 2.
To do that press the black button and you will see that it will turn red. at this point you will be seeing some audio signal. This if you have your mic conected to you sound card. when you have done that speak thru the mic and you will see the black collum ligthed upward. If you still have no signal, then point your mouse to the left coner of your screen and rightclik the vol. icon and you will get to play/record conrtol panel. Make sure that the mic  is not mute. You will be controling the recording level from this panel.

10. To record your singing you will need to hear the music but not recording it; you want to only record your vox. To do that you must make sure that the track 1 recording button is BLACK and the the 3rd button from the left is on.

11.Print your song lyric and you are ready to sing.

12. To record press the record button on the transport pannel; just make sure that the line maker is at the begining of the song

13 If you find that the vox does not sync with the backing, click on the vox track and you can drag it left or right. You can trim the begining of the song or the end of the song by pointing the mouse at the lower coner (white squre) and drag in.

14 Mixing; taskbar> engine> mixer. and you will get, and you will get an interface thay look similar to the real mixer. Play the song as you mix until you get the sound you want

15. Mixdown: Go to the end of track, point to the spot along the time line( the white bar above the 1st track) where you want the song to end. press, Ctrl, Alt, and right clik. You will see a light blue bar to the left of where you clik. If you wanto trim off the begining of the song a bit do the same but leftclik this time.

16. Goto file > export mixdown. name your file. and you have a  song in .wav

then you convert it to mp3 using any mp3 encorder. Am sure you can do that part.

Author:  SlcJohnD [ Sat Dec 17, 2005 6:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi! New to the site, but not to Karaoke!

Morning LDY:

 As Bad was saying...
1.  place a cdg disc into your reader
2.  from the desktop choose My Computer
3.  select the reader the disc is in
4.  highlight the song you want..
5.  but here I differ slightly....
  [right click ...and select "open with"..
  select your MusicMatch program..
6.  then a popup should appear telling you, you must upload the song before you can play it... click yes.. and it will upload and add it to your library as a wav.

I have ver. 10.... is yours? if not take the free upgrade.

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