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Video Out? Help
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Author:  flashbaxstudios [ Wed Dec 07, 2005 7:20 am ]
Post subject:  Video Out? Help

I posted this in the tech section but I don't seem to have any luck getting a thread started. Can anyone of you tell me how to get video out from my computer to a monitor  :talk: so that I can view the lyrics off from cdg or even mp3+G. [glow=tomato]Flashbax[/glow]

Author:  Tony [ Wed Dec 07, 2005 7:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Video Out? Help

I answered you at http://www.karaoke-forum.com/viewtopic. ... ght=#69029

Author:  flashbaxstudios [ Wed Dec 07, 2005 7:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Video Out? Help

Thanks for the reply. I must have gone on before you posted. I have a Dell Insprion Tower, running a NVDIA GeForce 256 AGP. Also, I am trying out Compuhost programs and when I go to rip to MP3+G I get an error message that my computers CD unit will not read the cdg sub code, but on another program that I downloaded, a MTU trial I had no problem getting the cdg's audios and lyrics, to play on my Sony CD-RW CRX140E computer. Do you have any suggetions or advice. I really liked the compuhost hoster. It has a lot of features that appeal to me.

Author:  knightshow [ Wed Dec 07, 2005 8:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Video Out? Help

that card is perfect for sending the output to a tv.

My best advice is to get a "S-VIDEO to RCA adaptor" and put a rca cord (standard video/audio cord with "phono" connection

Here's the adaptor I use:

As to why you're getting errors, what ripper are you using? You've already mentioned that MTU worked just fine for you? Obviously you don't want to go with them, otherwise you'd have done it.

http://www.goldenhawk.com has a text file of all the burners that will work with their software. Powerkaraoke says they'll work with most burners, even those that other cdg copy programs will NOT work with.

My two cents on copying karaoke... get the equipment and software that WORKS and is specifically made for karaoke. It's a beast all of it's own.

Author:  flashbaxstudios [ Wed Dec 07, 2005 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Video Out? Help

Thanks for the help. I will try the adapter. I am finding out that KJ software, equip. is definitely its own beast. I have been running wire and digital recording platforms for many years, which I learned quickly, now I am getting stumped by something which seemed real simple to start with.  I used the ripping software that was free from Compuhost and thought it would run but I was stumped again. [glow=coral]Flashbax[/glow]

Author:  knightshow [ Wed Dec 07, 2005 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Video Out? Help

COMPUHOST I believe only works with the common drives, like Plextor.

You'd have to complain to their reps why MTU works and theirs doesn't!

I personally use Plextor because I don't want to be limited to my karaoke software... however, even plextor is saying that they're going to stop supporting the subcode copying.

Powerkaraoke and other software like MTU may be the only way to do it with BRAND new copiers... I know I bought a few of those Plextors when I heard the announcement! I don't want to be limited...

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