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MERRY "CHRIST"MAS brothers and sisters!!
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Author:  P Tucker [ Sun Dec 25, 2005 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  MERRY "CHRIST"MAS brothers and sisters!!

He he he....I'm in a better mood now. I just found a way to listen in the SS again. :newlol:
I shut it all down and reloaded Windows again. I found an old ISP software disc from like 2002, loaded it, used my current account info, and I'm up and running again with Media Player. I'm sure this is just a temporary condition though, I can't be left vulnerable hanging out back in the stone ages, but for now, all I wanna do is listen, so I'm good to go. :wink:
When I was using the up-to-date ISP software, I was prompted to install Windows Updates, which I proceeded to do. I think I installed updates that weren't compatible with my operating system, which caused Media Player to no longer operate. Also, I installed the most current edition of Internet Explorer which I don't think was compatible. It is intended more for Windows XP, but claimed to work with ME, but it didn't.
More credible evidence that ME is junk and Microsoft probably doesn't know how to fix the glitches when upgrading program software.(just my opinion, which doesn't reflect the views or opinions of others or this website's admins who are more knowledgeable on the subject).
Maybe I'll try to record again and see what happens, but I'm probably still beating a dead horse. :newlol:

Author:  P Tucker [ Sun Dec 25, 2005 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MERRY "CHRIST"MAS brothers and sisters!!

Uh oh...recording didn't work and it messed things up again....DOOOOH!!
I'm a real Homer Simpson when it comes to computers....I keep going back to the same place where I was bitten in the a$$......maybe I'm a clone? :newlol:

Ah well....my picture is on here to make fun of anyways.......not only am I a dork, I'm all out in the open so people can see the dork too.  :wave:  :ideagrin:  :withstupid:  :newlol:

Author:  Gilly [ Tue Dec 27, 2005 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MERRY "CHRIST"MAS brothers and sisters!!

Ahh... but a cute dork;)

(Ignore me, I am on the lookout for "cute weirdos")

Author:  Catseyeview [ Tue Dec 27, 2005 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MERRY "CHRIST"MAS brothers and sisters!!

Awwwwww, you're not a dork Perry!!!  But even if you were welcome aboard with all us other computer geeks that hang out here lol!!!

Good luck with your pc probs.  I'm with Russ tho, smash it against the wall (to get satisfaction ya understand) and get a new one lol.  ME is chit!!   :yum:

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