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Westell 327W router portforwarding ASDL questions/free 2wire 1000SW to anyone who needs it.
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Author:  Guest [ Sat Jan 07, 2006 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Westell 327W router portforwarding ASDL questions/free 2wire 1000SW to anyone who needs it.

Hello folks,

I just spent the last day installing a Westell 327 wireless dsl modem/router and trying to configure it to work properly with shareaza....I'm attempting to get it to full speed while peer to peer....so far it will only grunt out about 200-300Kb/s....I should be getting at least 1.4 Meg/second downloads....It will transfer at 54meg/second over my network, but not when downloading off the net.

I want to download uncopyrighted stuff off the web, but I need full speed....Does anyone here have experience with the Westell 327W. I have disabled the builtin firewall and only use my AVG firewall...The AVG firewall is properly configured to allow my P2P program to pass thru, but whenever a run a test, it says my router firewall is not configured properly...Even tho I have the router firewall turned off....It's the same even when I turn off the AVG firewall.....AAAARRRRGGGGHHH! The test comes back saying the firewall isn't configured properly and they can't reach my IP thru the modem/router.

Is there something else I should do besides just turn the modem firewall off in the software interface?


I have a fine 2wire 1000SW dsl router/modem available free to anyone who needs it..It will support 800.11b  and ethernet at 100 meg/second and home networking.

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