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Nightmare come true.
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Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:33 am ]
Post subject:  Nightmare come true.

Torrington CT  12-30-05

Habituation to colder weather conditions is no longer conjecture among Snake experts.  Three Garter snakes were spotted scurrying across several inches of snow seemingly unaffected by the 6 inch+ snow accumulation, and oblivious to the fact that normally this is hibernation time for most member's of the reptilian family.  :(

This really sucks !   (Guess where they'll be hanging out to find food this time of year ?   HOMES...  Not many insects and food sources outdoors these days)

Author:  Isis [ Mon Jan 23, 2006 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nightmare come true.

You may want to consider sacrifice a night or 2 singing and go take same snake taming/charming classes...You may have an immediate need for that....Unless you can get your avatar puppy to fetch the snakes and deposit them back outside for you.

btw...I thought your puppy was the best!!!

Author:  milo [ Mon Jan 23, 2006 11:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nightmare come true.

dammit kappy....why'd you have to go and tell me that?????    :shock:

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nightmare come true.

Sorry Jeanne, Months back (in a different site) we were discussing my fear of walking in certain wooded locations (which practically limit's me from going outdoors around here) because of my snake phobia. I'd mentioned that a few years back VERY early november I saw a Garter snake, and found that surprising. Naturally the animals metabolism was slowed down.. Yet by mid or late-October prior to that, you didn't see snakes...as soon as the temps dipped down to upper 30's anytime, they'd go underground for the season...That's when I felt free to walk anyplace without fearing stepping on one, or getting startled....I did hear that Garter snakes were adaptable critters, and could adapt to very cold temps.... Unfortuneately, that theory came to fruition this year..

I'm just hoping it's some flukey situation where a construction worker on a backhoe might've dug them up, and they aren't in fact turning into "year round" neighbors.. Yet not sure....Temps are ever so slowly warming... Annual flowers endure the winters, and now even Pansies are perrenials up here...Maybe the dang snakes are going to be something of a problem.

Author:  WazAnOkie [ Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nightmare come true.

In Winter, garter snakes hibernate, usually with other garter snakes, and sometimes with other species. Winter dens may be under large rocks or inside mammal burrows.

Eastern Garter Snakes are the first snakes to become active in Spring. They have even been seen crawling over snow.

Maybe that just an indication of an early spring!

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