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Bad Singers at Karaoke Clubs
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Author:  lrdsatyr8 [ Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Bad Singers at Karaoke Clubs

Hey all... thought I would throw this up here as a topic and see what you all thought.

Here's the situation... I'm sure it exists at just about every karaoke bar, where you have one guy that comes every week (or every night to sing) who is completely tone deaf and can't sing no matter what song he chooses.  He comes every night and everyone claps when he's done and gives him encouraging comments, but secretly behind his back or while he's singing are whispering to their friends that he's ruining the song or how bad he is and generally he's the worst singer you've heard.  What do you do?  Do you just let him continue singing badly?  Do you give him some constructive critizism?  Do you tell him that he's a bad singer and should stop?

Now... at a karaoke club I go to on a regular basis, we've got such a singer... his name (not really) is "Kenny".  This guy couldn't sing his way out of a wet paper bag.  And yet, no one in the place would ever tell him what a bad singer he truly is.  He comes to every show... he butchers every song he has tried... well that is until recently.  See... I had a talk with "Kenny" and gave him a few pointers.  I said... maybe you should try this song... or... Have you tried practicing this at home before singing?  I brought him to my place and we sat down and talked about it.  He told me the songs he likes most to sing and I sat him in front of my PC and we recorded him singing so he could hear himself... and he was shocked.  He told me "I sound that bad?" after hearing himself.  So we worked on a couple of different songs that he never considered.  I told him that even though there's alot of music I know by heart, I know I could never sing it, because it just wasn't in my vocal range.

Well... a couple of weeks of this went by and Kenny came back and blew us away with his rendition of a Metallica song.  He came up to me and thanked me for helping him out and I gotta tell ya... he's doing pretty good now.

So... what do YOU do in this situation?  Do you sit back and let the bad singers just get up there and sing?  Do you offer them encouragement or helpful advice?  Or do you just sit back and hope they stop singing soon?

Just figured this would be a cool topic to talk about!

-=> Jim! <=-

Author:  P Tucker [ Thu Feb 02, 2006 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Singers at Karaoke Clubs

Dude, that was a d*mn nice thing you did for "Kenny". Atleast he now knows his capabilities.
I went for a long time myself not knowing my capabilities, but was always told I do an awesome job, that's why I started recording myself. I didn't find alot that needed improvement, except for changing my starting voice pitch on a couple regular songs that I do. But recording yourself, or offering to record someone to help them is an awesome idea. And if you're into helping people like I am, it can feel very rewarding on a personal level.
You sound like a good man Jim. It's good to hear things like this.
I remember once at karaoke night there was this guy that would always try a difficult high range song. For the most part, he was so-so, but his voice was warbling all over the place, then he didn't hit the high notes either. I heard people say YOU SUCK!!, and watched others whispering back and forth. That can be very intimidating to an amateur karaoker when it takes alot of guts just to get up there anyway.
I haven't seen that guy back since then. What's important to realize is that just because you might not be so good at first, doesn't mean that you will never be. And with the right coaching or encouragement, a newbie could develop useable skills.
Once again, there aren't many people who would take the time and effort to do what you did, so you are one of few who make a difference in this world. Good going Bud!!  :handshake:  :wave: Perry

Author:  pflugerville [ Thu Feb 02, 2006 1:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Singers at Karaoke Clubs

depending on how friendly i am with the person, i may say something, but more than likely i'm justt gonna let them do their thing.  i've had folks that were absolutely horrible, but they had a good time.  that's what they were there for.  if they ask my honest opinion, i'll give it.  my mian line to anyone is always, "Hey, if we were any good, we'd have recording contracts!"  of course there are those who sing karaoke who could have contracts if they so desired.  i guess what i'm trying to say is if you think it would hurt the person's feelings, keep your mouth shut, but if they wnat feedbac, or if they know they suck, you can tell them. :2cents:

Author:  timberlea [ Thu Feb 02, 2006 2:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Singers at Karaoke Clubs

If they're having fun, let them keep going.  We have one singer who is fingernails on the chalkboard, both singing and talking, but I'm not there to be Simon Cowell or whatever his name is, I'm there to allow anybody to sing.  If management or someone else has a problem, let them take it up with the singer.

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Singers at Karaoke Clubs

It's about fun.  How many are there because they are musical, or aspiring singers ?  It's entertainment for them, they aren't responsible for providing a bar with decent musical entertainment, they are there to be entertained, this is a game for many, they are just playing around and fantasizing !..Some couldn't care less about how "musical" they are...these aren't usually serious singer's....Karaoke is the type of thing where, "Anyone can be a Star for a few minutes". IF HE ASK'S for suggestions, or feedback in a manner that show's he truly want's to know what YOU think.. YEAH,  I'd keep it positive, and give him a few constructive comment's.  Light friendly remarks I'd think can be helpful, but the goal is, THEY MUST HAVE FUN, if you're the KJ, you only have so much control over certain aspect's of other individuals. If you're a patron in the same bar, it's not up to you to "save the world", or take responsibility for HIS poor choice in friends !!! If the the crowd isn't blatantly rude to him, you can't stop them from quietly murmuring things, and rolling their eye's and talking behind his back.It's not your business !..I'm not sure it's up to you to feel the onus to make that up to him.  If he ask's for a critique, I'd keep it light, and give him something to look forward to.. otherwise you might be impinging your opinion assuming you are just projecting that he's genuinely concerned about How good a singer he is, and what other's think...In this case things worked out well for both of you !  but  if he's there to have fun, how well he sings doesn't matter.. If he can't sense his friends are that two-faced, and he doesn't realize he's getting trashed, chances are, he really doesn't want to see it.....People can be cruel and dishonest, praise a person to their face, and as soon as they turn around laugh hysterically at them, lunge dagger's into them. Certain thing's must remain "Live and let live"..

In this case "Kenny" seemed to benefit from your input.. In a different case it would be just as likely that if Kenny didn't approach you, Kenny doesn't want to hear what you think... Offer advice, ONLY when someone ask's you for it... Don't ever impinge an opinion on someone that might NOT want to hear the truth.  MANY do not !!

<step's off soapbox, twisting ankle, and blowing knee out...time for bed!>
<and I don't even drink :(    >      (belch) !

Author:  lrdsatyr8 [ Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Singers at Karaoke Clubs

I agree Steve... everyone is there to have fun.  That is the most important aspect to think about.  When "Kenny" came to me I gave him a hand.  I consider him a friend and wasn't gonna lie to him, but I helped him out.  He's doing great now thou!

-=> Jim! <=-

Author:  P Tucker [ Sun Feb 05, 2006 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Singers at Karaoke Clubs

Don't ever impinge an opinion on someone that might NOT want to hear the truth.  MANY do not !!

You were saying? :newlol:

I guess I have the wrong idea about the whole karaoke thing. I thought alot of people come into karaoke night knowing they have some entertainment to offer for free.
Sure, there are the ones who are challenged by their friends to get up and try just so they can all have a good laugh, but I'm not laughing at anyone.

I guess karaoke isn't for me afterall, I'm making too big of a deal out of it. And it doesn't help the kjs stay in business if karaoke isn't just a fun night out for everyone.
But, what's the point in having karaoke contests then?
I thought it was for the ones who are decent singers to compete for a prize? I've never been in a contest, but have been asked to enter before. I'm just never there on the contest night which is always Sunday, and frankly, I don't think I'd win anything. Only the best of the best seem to surface on contest night.

I know one thing though, I've heard enough threads and replies about terrible singers in here to realize that it's truly annoying to alot of people...even the kjs. So everybody, Make up your minds!! Is karaoke fun? Or should it be serious singing for entertainment? Contradictions......contradictions.

I still think something good happened here in my unwanted opinion. :roll:

Author:  Shotgun CC [ Mon Feb 06, 2006 2:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Singers at Karaoke Clubs

In all honesty..... every karoake show has a few "bad" singers.  Most singers are average... and a few terrific.... but you will always have a few that simply don't have singing skills.  But.... who gives a hoot???  

A KJ is supposed to "facilitate" a show .... provide the music ... announce singers... etc .... NOT JUDGE.  Yes, we have three "bad" singers that come to every single show we do.... regardless of where we are.... But... ya know.... we WELCOME them.....  They bring friends and family with them... they are very loyal (and often recommend us to other clubs/bar/friends having parties) and they patronize the clubs and bars consistently.  Karaoke is supposed to be FUN.... and by gosh... these folks sure do know how to have fun.  Yes... its hard to listen to the "sreacher" .... the gal who is totally pitch deaf... and the young man who simply can't read well enough ..... so he only sings the chorus (the part he's memorized) and the rest is just a bunch of words he thinks they might be (based on the first letter in the word).  But.... believe it or not.... the crowd encourages them... sings along with them .... and always applauds.  

As I've said ... ya gotta look for the good that each person  is providing to the total "show".  For me... in these three cases.... their smiles when they are singing... their excitement as they take the microphone ... their joy when they get applause .... thats what ya gotta focus on.  Everything else is simply mean and/or meaningless.

Keep karaoke fun. Its for everyone who has ever dreamed of singing a song in front of someone .... and if you are with people who don't see it that way ... find a new group to karaoke with.  


Author:  Jian [ Mon Feb 06, 2006 3:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Singers at Karaoke Clubs

I am here  LOL

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Mon Feb 06, 2006 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Singers at Karaoke Clubs

[strike]I am here

There's a NEW kid in town !!!! LOL

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Mon Feb 06, 2006 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Singers at Karaoke Clubs

When "Kenny" came to me I gave him a hand.  I consider him a friend and wasn't gonna lie to him, but I helped him out.

OK, Sorry Jim.  I might not have read thoroughly enough, but I wasn't aware that he actually "came to you".  Assuming someone came to me, I'd have done the same thing !  

Perry,  I suppose I'm thinking that some things are pretty personal and best left for someone closer to a person to tell them, EVEN regarding a contest setting.. Often in a contest a person just won't place.. Yet people usually don't approach a person and tell them how bad they were, I guess noone want's to rain on another's parade..Telling another person when we find something repugnant isn't an easy thing to do.. MOST of us don't know how to do it, and were taught to NOT do it in many cases. Take Singer's Showcase for example.  How long have many here known one-another ?   How many are honest about a subpar performance ?

Author:  timberlea [ Mon Feb 06, 2006 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Singers at Karaoke Clubs

You'll find that many hosts try to steer clear of contests.  To much headache, too many complaints of favouritism and usually run regulars away.  To me "karaoke" is for everyone having fun, "contests" are usually for those who think they're better than what they are.  A whole different atmosphere.

Author:  Jian [ Mon Feb 06, 2006 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Singers at Karaoke Clubs

Karaoke is for fun. thats why am here. But it is not that fun listening to Badsinger when there are too many around. So Stevie  :no:

Author:  Full House Entertainment [ Mon Feb 06, 2006 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Singers at Karaoke Clubs

Shotgun CC @ Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:33 am wrote:
As I've said ... ya gotta look for the good that each person  is providing to the total "show".  For me... in these three cases.... their smiles when they are singing... their excitement as they take the microphone ... their joy when they get applause .... thats what ya gotta focus on.  Everything else is simply mean and/or meaningless.

Keep karaoke fun. Its for everyone who has ever dreamed of singing a song in front of someone .... and if you are with people who don't see it that way ... find a new group to karaoke with.  

What she said!

Susie :)

Author:  P Tucker [ Mon Feb 06, 2006 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Singers at Karaoke Clubs

I'm back...after a long day running to Franklin Park (Chicago Suburbs) from Indy. Man, that toll road construction crap up there is more annoying than a bad singer!! :newlol:
Seriously, after I've gotten over being a smarta$$, I can realize the implications of meaning well trying to help someone. I guess I missed the part also where Kenny approached Jim for critique, which made Jim's task a whole lot easier anyway than telling someone they stink. It's ironic that once, I was delegated by a few coworkers to approach a fellow coworker who was also somewhat of a personal aquaintance of mine to tell him that he literally stunk...as in BO...:newlol:
We worked on a loading dock...sometimes 2 men to a truck, and these other guys were about ready to start a big chaos about how this guy needs to use some deodorant/anti-perspirant or whatever because his nauseating stench was preventing the others from working around him. Well, I approached him about it as un-offending as I possibly could, but he still got pi$$ed at me and thought I was the one complaining!! But actually, this dude was an affliction to all, so maybe I enjoyed telling him? :newlol:
Your words here reminded me of that situation, but it turned out, I just wasn't close enough to him to tell him the truth...I was better off 10 feet away. :newlol:

Perry,  I suppose I'm thinking that some things are pretty personal and best left for someone closer to a person to tell them.

Yes, karaoke is fun. Let's all have fun. And the next time a really bad singer makes everyone cringe, just say........man, you do that like nobody I've ever heard before!!  :biggrinthumb:

Author:  KKid [ Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Singers at Karaoke Clubs

[shadow=blue][font=Cursive]Everywhere you sing there are some who sing average, some who are outstanding and finally there are those who we wish were standing outside.  But as others have said its for fun, and if I can choose who sings before me I'd rather have a nails on the chalk board kind of singer first, makes me sound better!  As for contests, I love them, but I'm a singer and competitive and not a KJ.[/font][/shadow]

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Sun Feb 12, 2006 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Singers at Karaoke Clubs

man, you do that like nobody I've ever heard before!!  

I wouldn't say anything Perry.  People like that tend to look at you with a big dazed glare, and say, "Why thank you,  thank you very much!" when you say something like that to them... I usually won't say anything if a person really sucks..Unless they ask :D

Author:  Faile [ Tue Feb 14, 2006 8:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Singers at Karaoke Clubs

there is a girl at the karaoke i go to sometimes on a sunday night, now when she first started from what i hear she was HORRIBLE but a friend of mine gave her some pointers and encouraged her to keep practicing, now she is one of the best and well loved singers at the bar, has won numerous contests and is a great person as well. if my friend hadn't given her a hand who knows what might've happened with her. so all i have to say is i myself go for fun, yes i have been in a few contests but i never win anything i like the friendly competition but mostly i just love to sing and even tho there are more than a few BAD  singers out there it DOES take alot of courage to get up there in front of people and sing your heart out. could i tell someone that they are bad? I don't know, if they asked i might give them some constructive criticism but i know for a fact i wouldn't tell them to try out for idol or anything which is what some people have done to their friends then they wind up on that show and have to hear Cowell crash their dreams that were put there in the first place by their so called friends. if i have offended anybody with my comments i apologize. we have some seriously great singers here in SS some of them should have contracts! but there are alot of peeps who also are great singers here who just wouldn't cut it in the real world of recording I know i'm one of them LOL. i honestly don't know whether i'm really any good or if people just say it to be nice. i like getting my 10's in ranking but sometimes i wonder if i get them because people don't want to hurt my feelings. now that i'm done my babbling LOL i will leave you all alone to get on with everyday life. :2cents:  :angel:  :reddevil:

Author:  Babs [ Sat Feb 18, 2006 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Singers at Karaoke Clubs

I usually wait for the person to ask for help. Then I will suggest a few things, but usually they don't listen. I think they are just looking for someone to tell them they are doing fine.

It is kind of funny finding this topic because last night I so wanted to say something to
this guy singer. He could be so much better if he would change a few things. But I knew his ego wouldn't allow it.

I think it depends on the persons personality if they can be approached or not.

I also agree with it just being for fun. If they are having fun why bring them down by saying your singing needs help.

If someone truly wants help - yeah - help them. But I don't think I would ever bring them home unless they were a friend - stranger danger.

Author:  syberchick70 [ Sat Feb 18, 2006 2:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Singers at Karaoke Clubs

Wow... at first I thought the title of this thread said "Karaoke Scene" heheheh  :roll:

Karaoke clubs are a 'JFF' atmosphere. No critiquing allowed unless specifically requested, and usually not even then. I have a dent in my head from a thrown beer bottle to prove it. ;)  :jk:

If folks want critiques, they can come here & request them. Otherwise, I guess we have to leave 'em alone. :p Nice job helping that guy out though.

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