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How About Those Steelers?!?!
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Author:  P Tucker [ Sun Feb 05, 2006 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  How About Those Steelers?!?!

:newlol: Good game I thought, although I don't have time for sports usually, I was pulling for the Steelers for the win. Pittsburgh is my 2nd home I guess......my wife says I should just go live there.  :(  :newlol:

But now, my job will be hectic for a while. Driving a big-rig into shopping malls is a pain without all of the extra excitement. At Christmas, traffic at the malls was gridlocked. I sat in one spot for an hour once and couldn't move because I'm 4 times the size of all the cheaters. Cheaters are those who won't stop at the stop signs and wait their turn to go. When they see I can't fully make a turn or whatever, they just sneak on through and I wait longer.
After the Steelers made it to the Superbowl, it was almost like Christmas again.
Now, they'll all be back for extra memorabelia. :newlol:

Oh well, all in a days work I guess.

YAAAAY STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!  :dancin:  :hi5:  :oh yeah:  :biggrinthumb:

Author:  JB [ Sun Feb 05, 2006 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How About Those Steelers?!?!

Alright Perry, I will take your half excitement in stride because you aren't truly from Pittsburgh...if you were you'd be going crazy!!!!  It's kind of unreal...like it didn't really happen.  I almost feel like they should cancel work around here tomorrow.  

True Pittsburgh Steelers fans got a little taste of heaven today.  :)

Oh, and P.S. - A true Pittsburgher would say "How Bout Them Stillers?!?!"...get it right or pay the price.  :)

Author:  P Tucker [ Sun Feb 05, 2006 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How About Those Steelers?!?!

Oh.........Excuuuuuuuse me!! :newlol:  :wink:  :biggrinthumb:

Author:  JB [ Sun Feb 05, 2006 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How About Those Steelers?!?!

It's OK.  You're just a half Pittsburgher, so you have an excuse.  BUT, I'll have you know that I'll have to convert you to a whole one before it's all said and done.  I don't know what the phrase is going to be now that we actually got "One for the Thumb" (that's been going on since the 80's when the Steelers won their last Superbowl), but once the phrase is developed, I'll have you practicing it and learning all the Steelers chants and songs.  I'll even teach you a little "Pittsburghese" and have you eating pierogies and Primantis Bros. sandwiches...

Author:  P Tucker [ Sun Feb 05, 2006 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How About Those Steelers?!?!

Tell me more about this conversion..........through the computer I'm assuming? :newlol:
I've known alot of the regular people I see in Pittsburgh for a long time now, but they still give me crap because I'm from INDY. They like to rub it in my face that the Colts were slapped. I'm not really a diehard fan of any team, but alot of people think it's a way of life I guess.
I suppose my life is pretty boring except for karaoke and driving a truck. Never a dull moment with those 2 things. :newlol:
I can't reveal what store I deliver to at the malls in the Burgh, but l'll just say that it's a very popular store for everyone, young and old, and expensive as hell. That oughtta be enough to get me killed.  :shock:  :withstupid:

Mmmmmm pierogies........yeah baby!!  :oh yeah:  :newlol:

Author:  Magz [ Fri Feb 10, 2006 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How About Those Steelers?!?!

Sorry, hate the steelers, they are always beating my team in the playoffs and honestly I don't believe they are a better team, I just think we played a SUCKY game against them that second time this year ( yeah I'm a colts fan)  I've been one since "colts" stood for " Count On Losing This Sunday"  But just when I get my hopes up boom some crazy lady stabs her husband in the knee just before a play-off game and of course the coach's son commits suicide..... ugh it's a curse, ok I had to vent, but really the steelers were a great team and it was a good game and I will ALWAYS love the BUS :)

Author:  KKid [ Sun Feb 12, 2006 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How About Those Steelers?!?!

[shadow=blue][font=Comic Sans MS]I'm a Steelers fan and I'm really happy....yes it's like Christmas, my birthday, and New Years all rolled into one....I grew up in Youngstown Ohio....right in the middle of a bunch of Browns fans.....I know their not too happy....Hee Hee Hee.....and the Bus Rocks[/shadow][/font]

Author:  Singing Squid [ Sun Feb 12, 2006 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How About Those Steelers?!?!

Butterfly2231983 @ Fri Feb 10, 2006 3:18 pm wrote:
Sorry, hate the steelers, they are always beating my team in the playoffs and honestly I don't believe they are a better team, I just think we played a SUCKY game against them that second time this year ( yeah I'm a colts fan)  I've been one since "colts" stood for " Count On Losing This Sunday"  But just when I get my hopes up boom some crazy lady stabs her husband in the knee just before a play-off game and of course the coach's son commits suicide..... ugh it's a curse, ok I had to vent, but really the steelers were a great team and it was a good game and I will ALWAYS love the BUS :)

*sound of screeching brakes*

You're a pretty, redheaded, COLTS FAN????


Author:  Quarius2k5 [ Tue Feb 14, 2006 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How About Those Steelers?!?!

Oh but A lot of Bad Calls and Errors on the Ref's Gave them The Win For Bettis in his Home Town, WEIRD HUH. By The Way I'm a New England Patriots Fan. :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(

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