Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Vics, manchester uk
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Author:  rosevibe [ Thu Mar 02, 2006 5:14 am ]
Post subject:  Vics, manchester uk

hello my sweets! :wave:
I'm hoping at least a couple of you are from the manchester area since I've noticed a distressing trend in online karaoke'ers to be from dahn sarf or over seas *sniff* makes meeting up a little awkward to arrange...

I'm not, nor have ever been, a KJ - I'm just a singist. I hate competitions but since the funds are ridiculously low at present I may have to start going to some...

They take all the fun out of it for me.

as well as the more usual stuff, I like doing the joke/ cheesy tunes because I know it makes a pleasent change for the listeners (lets face it, how many times can you listen to 'angels' 'hero' and 'the greatest love of all' *shudders* without needing something to wake you up again?)
Songs that I like to do include:

Mustang sally - commitments
chain of fools - commitments
Do the bartman - the simpsons
Informer - snow
Addicted to bass - Puretone
weak - skunk anansie
true colours - Cyndi Lauper
You oughta know - alanis morrisette
How you remind me - Nickleback
Faith - Limp Bizkit
I touch myself - the divynls
carwash - rose royce
play that funky music - wild cherry


I could go on but I think you get the idea, mainly rocky stuff with the odd reggae/ dance tune thrown in for good measure.

If any of you KJ's are ooop north and have weird al 'jerry springer', 'trigger happy' or 'my horoscope for today' TELL ME WHERE YOU ARE! I'll be up like a shot to give those babies a try  :dancin:  

Author:  Jian [ Thu Mar 02, 2006 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vics, manchester uk

I see an MU fan. Welcome there, to KS.
You are right about those songs that are sung to death. I never would do a song that most people do. I pick the less sung song; which are not necessarily new.

Cheers and happy singsong

Author:  rosevibe [ Fri Mar 03, 2006 3:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vics, manchester uk

MU fan? dear lord no! I actually live in manchester - if I liked football I'd be a blue!
It's only people outside of manc who support the reds lol

Author:  Rosa [ Wed Mar 08, 2006 2:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vics, manchester uk

Hi from Sweden!!!!

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