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When something breaks
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Author:  Isis [ Sat May 06, 2006 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  When something breaks

Everyone has their favorite thing to use when something breaks.....There are those that use duct tape, superglue to fix everything...Some people can't live without their favorite fix it item...What is yours???

I'm a caulk/silicone girl.........In my opinion it can fix anything......

Author:  Keith02 [ Sat May 06, 2006 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: When something breaks

When it breaks is my chance to buy a new one!....Trouble is, some things are really hard to break! :)

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Sat May 06, 2006 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: When something breaks

Epoxy or Crazy glue perhaps Super Glue depending on the item.  Some of the glues aren't that easy to use depending on the item. Epoxy works pretty well on many items.

Author:  pflugerville [ Sat May 06, 2006 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: When something breaks

in my life i've learned that with duct tape and bailing wire anything can be fixed.

Author:  Jian [ Sun May 07, 2006 12:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When something breaks

Nail or screw otherwise throw it away.

Author:  Crystal [ Sun May 07, 2006 6:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When something breaks

Isis @ Sat May 06, 2006 7:36 pm wrote:

I'm a caulk/silicone girl.........In my opinion it can fix anything......

yah..... I like caulk too........ caulk is good.... :angel:

Author:  SteveB [ Sun May 07, 2006 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When something breaks

gaffa tape

Author:  ok What Now [ Sun May 07, 2006 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When something breaks

ever tried spit from a lizard? people swear by it down here.... can you spell REDNECK?

Author:  Strmbreez [ Sun May 07, 2006 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: When something breaks

#1 - Glue. I hate it, but when my bf cuts his hand or arm (he's a mechanic) like a really deep gash, instead of butterfly bandaids or stiches he just glues it! I'm like, okay that's toxic!

AND being a former dancer I swear by Tiger Balm. Even though its actually bad for you because it doesn't really heal the sprain/ break, it takes the pain away instantly so that you can go on performing like nothing happened. I put it on everything! I go through almost 2 bottles each month.

Author:  pflugerville [ Sun May 07, 2006 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: When something breaks

Crystal @ Sun May 07, 2006 8:40 am wrote:
Isis @ Sat May 06, 2006 7:36 pm wrote:

I'm a caulk/silicone girl.........In my opinion it can fix anything......

yah..... I like caulk too........ caulk is good.... :angel:

heh, heh, heh.....they said caulk

Author:  lyquiddye [ Mon May 08, 2006 6:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When something breaks

My American Express card.

When somethings breaks it is due to be replaced.

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Mon May 08, 2006 6:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When something breaks

#1 - Glue. I hate it, but when my bf cuts his hand or arm (he's a mechanic) like a really deep gash, instead of butterfly bandaids or stiches he just glues it! I'm like, okay that's toxic!

I would've thought so too, but canada was one of the first countries to use clamps and glue after hernia procedures (rather than sutures).  Hurt like hell, but the people were up walking soon after the procedure.  They do use glue at times.  Not sure exactly what type.. I think it's something like crazy glue though. Surprised me the first time I heard of that too, yet it's done.

My American Express card.

When somethings breaks it is due to be replaced.

I love you folks.  I'm from the old school that believes if something is good quality, and needs a minor affordable repair (assuming it's period of production was a better quality than newer like items produced),  I go to a buddy like Ollie, and for a few bucks restore it.  I've stated it quite often, but I'm not one to believe older electronic technology in many cases is a quality I'd want to throw away, especially compared to certain areas of electronics recent production quality  :( . Not everything should be thrown away when it ceases to function (IMHO) or just has a crack in the casing that's only a cosmetic issue, and can be held together or repaired with epoxy, or testors type glue, etc ! I've put a few bucks into fixing even older VCR's,  and older phone company telephones (that I wasn't supposed to have of course) because they were solid.  There are also different types of "value",  Most (although not all) respect sentimental value, you fix it, not junk it... memories..Not ALL is made to be disposable when something minor happens, and with a few bucks sunk into repair, these items last ages. Not all is so inexpensive, AND affordable to replace, that it can be tossed out when it falls from a shelf and cracks either, depends on damage of course...Anyone into collectables will tell you that although a repaired item loses vintage or collectible value,  you DON'T throw it away because of a crack that can be expertly glued, certain items aren't replaceable...

Back to electronics; I have a two VCR's I put about 20 bucks each into repairing (luckily had a friend into this stuff), and 10 years later they are running strong.  Some of the (even 80's electronic video construction was solid, sure not quite as sophisticated yet sophistication isn't always a plus, sometimes just additional BS that does little good).  I like solid items, not cheap plastic crud....So basically, you folks throw away something that's really nice quality,  I go dumpster diving and salvage it... Just the cheap sentimental (@$%&#!) I am, yet not everything is made to be disposable, today of course most electronics items are. Older VCR's, and certain TV's were really nice.... (This has been explained to me by repair folks, and dealers alike who are being quite honest.. Best quality in MANY cases is far behind us)


In some cases of course,  I throw disposable stuff away.  Yet MANY things can be restored with glue, tape, etc..  I'm not made of money.. and somethings I have have other types of value...Not all in life is disposable,  this includes material things too IMO.  I have too many expenses to, and no six-digit income that allows me to replace EVERYTHING I have that needs cosmetic, or encasement glue.. Take the Jaguar hood orniment on my electric scooter for instance.. (Nah, don't bother, it's glued LOL    )

Author:  lyquiddye [ Mon May 08, 2006 7:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When something breaks


People still use those WOW I tossed mine 3 or 4 years ago now, I did't know they still made tapes.

I have a DVR to record my shows and a DVD recorder if I want to save them.

Technology is always changing for the better, you may think old electonics are better but that what you have gotten used to hearing and seeing. Tv resolution has advanced, Finally, that took a while. Speakers and audio products of today will blow away those of the past.

Author:  TopherM [ Mon May 08, 2006 7:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When something breaks

My universal solution when something isn't working properly is to give it a nice firm kick. That works 8 times out of 10.

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Mon May 08, 2006 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When something breaks


People still use those WOW I tossed mine 3 or 4 years ago now, I did't know they still made tapes.

LMAO.  I still have loads of tapes, hundreds of them.  I see no need to replace these movies with different format yet.

Speakers and audio products of today will blow away those of the past.

For ALOT more money than most can afford, surprisingly MANY pay top dollar for the technology you claim is getting "Blown away". Fact is ALOT of todays audio products are made to produce sounds of old, or technology of old, which is preferable for certain types listening. In brief, People pay top dollar for certain "older technology" which newer digital technology (for the most part) only touches on sound-wise. It doesn't in fact replicate alot of it. It's best to never generalize regarding new/old audio technology, some old was fabulous, some new is also fabulous,  this is never across the board however. I'm not sure what you have, or haven't heard that was produced and owned by some of us prior to your birth.  If you know any audiophiles go listen to decently maintained analog equipment, or the following amps.

The following amps to me, "blow away" most consumer quality today IMHO..  They were built in the 1950's-1960's.  Even certain power amps, tuners, and receivers were MUCH nicer in days of old...

Marantz 8B, McIntosh MC-225, Dynaco ST-70, Magnavox amps powered by 6BQ5 tube, Scott 280, Heathkit KU-45

For CD listening I admit,  it won't make much of a difference in sound.  High end isn't as important for CD, or cable music... Listen to a good reel to reel tape, or older technology thru decent, and tuned up equipment. If you can't tell the difference, or assuming newer technology sounds better to you.  It's that subjective.  I can't tell you that new technology doesn't blow away old technology if you are set on believing this to be the case,  however we won't agree that ALL "Speakers and audio products of today will blow away those of the past."  Of course "blow away" is subjective... I can hear a difference without looking at the source of certain types of music.  To me well designed better quality tube audio products blow away most can afford for home purposes in the "newer home" setting.


Some of the older speaker cabs, and amps were solid, and sounded very warm.. To me that "blows away" hybrid or digital technology that can't match that warmth. It's that subjective I suppose.  In terms of whether what you say is fact or not regarding quality.  I'll let one of the more technical people answer that.  I'm not technical enough to dabble in the delicate construction and quality areas knowledgeably..
This isn't to say for 15K you can't find an overall setup that sounds close to how some of these amps sounded running into Bozak speakers, or older AL stuff, while listening to decent tape, or even vinyl,  incidently 8 track tape even had excellent sound capability, although few played these thru optimal setups...  :)

Author:  Lonman [ Mon May 08, 2006 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When something breaks

Also in Pro-Audio as well, there are many processors that are from the early 70's that are HEAVILY sought after today.  Some of these older compressors (UREI/UNiversal Audio) still command prices up to $2500 for a single channel compressor - why, nothing can touch them.  They are so heavily in demand that they have been recreated new in their EXACT original format & specs.  Getting all products from the original factories (when possible).  Fender guitar amps are another example, people wanted the "outdated" technology so much, their new lines were suffering, so they started re-releasing their "outdated" technology in the same manner, down to the knobs & old fashion fabric weave.   Power amps, some of the older amps can still hold their own, biggest drawback is their power supplies weighing more than an average size boat anchor, which is why MOST companies have switched to newer lightweight designs.
Just because it's old don't mean it isn't good.

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Mon May 08, 2006 8:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When something breaks

I agree 100% Lonman.  I suppose after leaving guitar rooms because some kids want to debate why Cobain "blow's away" Hendrix (whatever that means), and why their Charvel "Blow's away" a Stratocaster, I just politely say "OK", and leave.  I can't debate someone who's emphatic that what they like "Blow's Away" those of the past who were perhaps technically skilled, or innovative, and different than what they know and can appreciate. Nor can I discuss the attributes of "The classic Fender sound" with some younger person who insist's " That's so limited, Shred rewlz dude"..  I suppose I've gotten to a point where I just feel there's nothing I can say to someone who believes "What is older sounds boring" or "not as good to them"  LOL.  Yet what I do know, is that for me it's just fine !  :handshake:

Author:  Lonman [ Mon May 08, 2006 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When something breaks

Well that's true that Srats can't reproduce the hard core sounds (without major mods or outside processing) that a Charvel or whatever the flavor of the year is.  Kramer was the "must have" for metal in the later 80's.  I say a good Les Paul will "blow them all away"!   :D
Strats are killer for blues, Telecaster are killer for country twang.  Each guitar has it's own genre they DO excel in, but none is better than the other, just different.

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Mon May 08, 2006 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When something breaks

Oh, wow....... I'm the duct tape queen. As I type, I'm in a computer chair that has a busted arm (on the backrest) ...... if you forget and lean back in the seat too far, it dumps you out onto your arse.  LOL  So it's temporarily taped together with duct tape. Looks silly, but keeps me from bonking my head on the floor. (took about 4 crash & burns before I finally got smart enough to go get the duct tape though) Many of you.... would replace the chair...... but it's comfie. (WHEN I'm not trying to recline backwards and falling out of it, haha)

But I use LOTS of things to repair stuff. There's this silver metal-type epoxy stuff...... it's for repairing pipe and stuff (hubby works at a pump store, go figure).... but it's the only thing I know of that adheres to metals. The threads at the bottom of one of my mic stands went out... and the stand wouldn't hold in the base..... so I used this stuff and it works perfectly.  :D

I use those plastic zip ties alot, electrical tape alot, my hot glue gun alot..... dang, there's just alot of stuff in my house- and on my Bronco- that needs replaced.  LOL

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Mon May 08, 2006 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When something breaks

 I say a good Les Paul will "blow them all away"!  

I agree.  My first "real" guitar was an LP for that reason. However I don't admit to personal fav's that often anymore openly. Reason being I have to be able to justify my answer to the "Why do you need so many of those things ?" group   :D

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