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Author:  Kass [ Sat Sep 02, 2006 5:45 am ]
Post subject:  Phil....

I can't listen to any of the subs.  The box comes up..but all that is in it is a little tiny x and the option to close the box.  No player..no music.  I am certain it is a simple setting on my end, but of course I have no clue what.  Can you help? Or can someone help.  I am running windows xp pro.

Author:  Jian [ Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phil....

On IE it is almost imposible for me to listen. It is so slow that it si impossible to enjoy it. I try Firefox and it ask for a itune plugin; whatever for..
So for now I just skip SS.
I have now problem listening to streaming from other sites.

Author:  Catseyeview [ Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Phil....

Hi Kass!!!  Sounds like you might be having a prob with your QuickTime player hun, try to see if there's an update available--I had the same prob and once I got everything updated and configured properly BINGO!!!  All was well.  Best to you and Steven doll!

Author:  Phill Cross [ Tue Sep 05, 2006 5:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phil....

Microsoft delivered a long-awaited update for Internet Explorer 6 that changes the way the browser loads embedded ActiveX controls.

If you’re an Internet Explorer user and have recently encountered a “Click to activate and use this control” tool-tip which forces you to click on any ActiveX control, such as Flash, Java Applets, Media Player and other objects then you’re not alone.

If it is an active control (like a Flash menu, for instance) you must click the control to "approve" it before the Flash navigation buttons will work.  Get ready for a storm over the "Click to activate and use this control"

Flash is one of many components affected, other major ActiveX controls include:

Adobe Reader
Apple QuickTime Player
Microsoft Windows Media Player
Real Networks RealPlayer
Sun Java Virtual Machine

The modification comes as part of an ongoing patent dispute with Eolas Technology and the University of California.

I have installed a bypass script that hopefully will eliminate the problem.

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