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Author:  Babs [ Mon Sep 18, 2006 6:06 am ]
Post subject:  Help!!!!

I woke up this morning with a cold. It wouldn't be a big deal,
except I have a big show coming up Saturday. It just figures!
I am booked to sing and do karaoke along with 5 other bands.

Okay I need to get better quick. I have a sore throat that is my
biggest worry. Okay now I'm just panicing. I need a miracle.
Anyone have one for me?

Author:  Melly [ Mon Sep 18, 2006 6:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help!!!!

Coffe cup hot water...add 2 2TBSP apple cider vinager.....1TBSP HOney to taste..or ever how much you want.

Drink it three times aday. Apple cider is know to kill almost anything it comes in contact with.

I used this on strep throats too...{i have three kids} cleared it up in no time

Hope you feel better soon sweets. :hug:

Author:  Chuck2 [ Mon Sep 18, 2006 6:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help!!!!

Melly @ Mon Sep 18, 2006 9:30 am wrote:
Coffe cup hot water...add 2 2TBSP apple cider vinager.....1TBSP HOney to taste..or ever how much you want.

Drink it three times aday. Apple cider is know to kill almost anything it comes in contact with.

I used this on strep throats too...{i have three kids} cleared it up in no time

Hope you feel better soon sweets. :hug:

That sounds like a good deal.

I also recommend to replace your electrolytes with soup.

Author:  Babs [ Mon Sep 18, 2006 7:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help!!!!

Wow that sounds great!

Author:  ml_texas [ Mon Sep 18, 2006 7:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help!!!!

Hi Babs!  Sorry to hear about your sore throat.  I always dread this time of year because of that very thing.  I never seem to have a lot of luck with home remedys or over the counter drugs.  I have found out I get well faster and I spend less money when I just go to the dr. and get something from him.  It seems that there are so many new strains of virus and bacteria around today that it takes something pretty strong to get me well.  For me, getting my dr. to help me is the best way to go. I usually only catch a cold or get sick once during the winter but when it happens, I really sick! lol Good luck!--Mike

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Mon Sep 18, 2006 7:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help!!!!

Babs, do what Melly said....... my mom swears by it as well.  :D

Apple cider vinegar DOES kill alot of bacterial things, and honey is one of the best natural health boosters. Oy, the vinegar I've swallowed since I was a youngun. But it works... for things like colds, as well as tummy aches. (even found it helps alleviate bad spells with acid reflux & an ulcer... you'd think not, but it does)

Doesn't hurt to chock up on vitamin C either, it boosts your immune system.  :wave:


Author:  Chuck2 [ Mon Sep 18, 2006 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help!!!!

BlueStainedShoes @ Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:45 am wrote:
Babs, do what Melly said....... my mom swears by it as well.  :D

Apple cider vinegar DOES kill alot of bacterial things, and honey is one of the best natural health boosters. Oy, the vinegar I've swallowed since I was a youngun. But it works... for things like colds, as well as tummy aches. (even found it helps alleviate bad spells with acid reflux & an ulcer... you'd think not, but it does)

Doesn't hurt to chock up on vitamin C either, it boosts your immune system.  :wave:


I forgot to mention that honey is an anti bacterial. It also soothes as well as tastes good. Between those two they can take care of a lot of troubles.

I also have some sake oil to sell.

Author:  Babs [ Mon Sep 18, 2006 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help!!!!

I also have some sake oil to sell.

did you mean snake oil?  LMAO

Author:  Chuck2 [ Mon Sep 18, 2006 8:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help!!!!

Yes I did but some sake sounds good too.

Author:  Guest [ Mon Sep 18, 2006 9:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help!!!!

If you go to a dr., he should be able to tell you if it's strep, and an antibiotic will usually have you feeling better in a couple of days, but there is really nothing for a virus(rest, liquids). I like Ricola cough drops(regular flavor). Halls cough drop seem good at first, but then they seem to really irritate my throat linning. A product called Vocal- Eeze can be purchased from Guitar Center, or similiar stores, for about $10..........some people sware by it, and I have used it, when I have sung for long periods, over several days.....I sure believe it helped, even if it was all mental.....hope this helps.....jj....suda-fed "pe" does "not" work....ask the Pharmacist for the real Sudafed(Psuedoephadrine hydrachloride)....best decongestant made

Author:  Guest [ Mon Sep 18, 2006 9:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help!!!!

PS....and for God's sake........please quit smoking.. :) I'm pulling for you and Chuck........jj

Author:  Chuck2 [ Mon Sep 18, 2006 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help!!!!

Johnny Echo @ Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:28 pm wrote:
PS....and for God's sake........please quit smoking.. :) I'm pulling for you and Chuck........jj

Thanks Johnny, I'm taking a new approach. Since I don't want to quit bad enough, I storing images of what lungs look like after years of smoking. That should help.

Well Babs, you got lots of good advice. The ball's in your court now. Take what you need there seems to be plenty to choose from. Good luck girl.

Author:  Guest [ Mon Sep 18, 2006 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help!!!!

Last time, and I'm gonna get down from the soap box......Babs......on several of your subs, you mention you have a hard time with your breathing.......duuuuuuuuuuh..........did you ever stop to think.....could be???.....Ok, I will quit badgering you guys about it....I've never smoked, so I can't possibly know how hard it is to quit.....I guess that(not smoking) used up what little luck I had comming... :) ......everything else is falling apart.....but I can breathe......I have a huge nose, and I think it's because the air is free..... LOL

Author:  Cantstopsinging [ Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help!!!!

Babs @ Mon Sep 18, 2006 6:06 am wrote:
I woke up this morning with a cold. It wouldn't be a big deal,
except I have a big show coming up Saturday. It just figures!
I am booked to sing and do karaoke along with 5 other bands.

Okay I need to get better quick. I have a sore throat that is my
biggest worry. Okay now I'm just panicing. I need a miracle.
Anyone have one for me?

This is Monday.. How long do your colds last usually?  By Saturday the worst part may be over.. however, my suggestion is to take a product called Emergenc C...It comes in several flavors and they are a bunch of individual packets in a box, you open up the packet, add it to water and believe me, it is very soothing and loaded with Vitamic C as well as other vitamins.. You should be able to get them at your health food or drug store.. PM me if you need more info

Author:  Chuck2 [ Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help!!!!

I just remembered what we use for colds that works very well for us, Airborne. Made by a teacher to help her avoid colds and to get over them from germs brought into class by admin and students.

It also helps with the yuckie feeling I get when I have a cold.

Author:  Guest [ Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help!!!!

The old gargle with salt water (warm) and then a hot shower routine is woth trying too.

Author:  twansenne [ Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help!!!!

Also, there is a tea called THROAT COAT....
http://www.good-earth.com/traditional-m ... t-tea.html
My wife got it at the local supermarket.

She uses it before gigs with the vocal group she is in, even if she is not feeling sick.  And it helps too when she is not 100%.

Author:  Babs [ Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help!!!!

Thank you all so much. I didn't realise there were so many things
I could try. The throat coat is very interesting, as is the Emergen C.
I called my fiancee this morning. He is going to pick up some Apple
Cidar Vinegar today.

Author:  MorganLeFey [ Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help!!!!

I take echinachea & golden seal drops. Treble the dose it says on the bottle and bomb dose yourself for 3 days. Because its the first time you have used it, the antiviral properties of golden seal root should leap in and fight the cold.
This has worked for me for years.
I ended up with a cold this winter cos I had relied on this so much that the body had built up a resistance. So be careful to take only when required and hit it hard with 3 times the dose recommended and it will sort you out

oh yeah it was a health proffessional who told me to use it this way. Its not a witches brew

Author:  Laura [ Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help!!!!

I don't really have any brilliant advice to give except this...


I'm praying for you!  Colds are nooooo fun!

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