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New Product: LightSnake USB Microphone Cable
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Author:  EWC [ Thu Nov 02, 2006 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  New Product: LightSnake USB Microphone Cable

Disclaimer: I work with this product.

I thought this forum would be interested in a product that was announced today. The SoundTech LightSnake for Microphones.

This is a cable with a USB tip on one end and an XLR tip on the other. No drivers needed for WIndows XP and Mac OS. It uses the computer's USB power for a preamp as well as A/D converter that is integrated in the cable.

more info: http://soundtech.com/lightsnake/xlr10.asp

Chicago, IL. – October 31, 2006 - SoundTech Professional Audio, a division of US Music Corporation, announced today the release of the LightSnake, an intelligent microphone-to-PC cable with embedded analog to digital converter and signal booster. The LightSnake features SoundTech’s patented “Live when Lit” technology cable ends that glow and flash indicating when sound is being transmitted.

The LightSnake USB intelligent microphone cable connects with any standard microphone and plugs directly into the PC USB port, dramatically reducing the cost and clutter traditionally associated with digital recording

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Author:  Big Mike [ Thu Nov 02, 2006 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Product: LightSnake USB Microphone Cable

I'll bite--what's the list price?

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Nov 02, 2006 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Product: LightSnake USB Microphone Cable

Looks like they are going to be suggested retail around $69.   music123.com has them for $40
http://www.macsimumnews.com/index.php/a ... one_cable/

So far i've only seen Mac review stuff on it, but it does say it can plug into a PC.  Looks like SOund Tech hit on something that may revolutionize computer recording!!!! :D

Author:  Gilly [ Sun Nov 05, 2006 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Product: LightSnake USB Microphone Cable

I get a kick out of the pic on their website of the guy using garageband... I don't SEE anything being RECORDED there. (Anyways, that is the program that I use to record....  my husband actually mentioned this item to me yesterday. (My built in mic is broken on my ibook, and I either need this or a griffin "imic") Apple stopped including a micrphone input a few years ago on their machines, which was a hUGE pain in the butt....)

Anyways, a product I could see myself using:)

And Lonman, on their site, it clearly talks about use on a pc, and free trial versions of recording programs, etc  (System Requirements:

PC with Windows 98/SE, ME, 2000 or XP
Mac OS 9.0.4 or higher)

Blah blah blah.. see ya!

Author:  Odie [ Sun Nov 05, 2006 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Product: LightSnake USB Microphone Cable

This is a very clever and convenient product.  But the SNR (sound to noise ratio) doesn't seem that great - 83dB and a dynamic range of 81dB seems low for digital compared to PCI soundcards.  Karyoker, Allstar, Lonman any input on this?

Author:  Jian [ Sun Nov 05, 2006 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Product: LightSnake USB Microphone Cable

Can you use it with a condenser mic?

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