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The dream Thread
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Author:  karyoker [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  The dream Thread

I dream of a thread where somebody asks a question about something... lonman gives an opinion  I give a different aspect And others give a real life opinion and nobody guesses and somebody doesnt rant about filler music or other Bs

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The dream Thread

Your dreams are about as exciting as my own  LOL

Now you know why I need to cut back on my online chatting. I'm having dreams just like yours  :shock:

Author:  Guest [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The dream Thread

LMAO The "I have a dream" thread.  BTW I hear they grow some pretty impressive mushrooms near your region -- you ever used them?

Seriously though, I agree it would be a pleasant change.

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The dream Thread

Certainly beats the nighmare I had August 12th 2006.  Woke up hyperventilating in a cold sweat, and ended up in the local ER with what turned out to be a panic attack. I signed onto the site only to find Sharon, Chuck and Lonnie had more posts than I had  :shock:

(Was afraid to sleep for weeks following)


In all seriousness,  That's how the "Tech Forum" SHOULD be.  I think in order for what you are requesting to come to fruition, it would require that questions can be asked by anyone, HOWEVER only those designated as "tech advisors" shall respond or answer such questions.  It would involve stricter enforcement and a forum where you do NOT have a "Too many cooks spoiling things" or ANYONE and EVERYONE being free to exchange dialogue scenerio.  Likely in the description

"This is a moderated forum. Those designated as "tech advisors" have earned the respect of "Karaoke Scene" and have been appointed advisors for a reason.  If you have a technical question you wish for one of our tech advisors to respond to please ask it here.  ALL other chatter shall take place elsewhere.  Please remember, this is NOT a general chat area.  The advisors will respond to your questions as soon as they have the oppurtunity. Unless you have been appointed a member of the Tech Advisor group PLEASE refrain from responding to questions asked in here.  If you believe you have an opinion that is correct that differs from one of the opinions of our Tech Staff please mail staff members privately offering them your input."

or something similar, I just thought this up spontaneously and typed without giving thought to its content. Essentially what you are requesting is a stricter forum.

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The dream Thread

Speaking of dreams.....

Do you ever have them?

Lots of people say they "don't have dreams" or... "hardly ever have dreams"

I have them all the time, and they're always very vivid when I wake up. They don't make alot of human sense sometimes,  LMAO , but I can always recall them when I wake up.

But then, I'm a pretty hard sleeper. Aint found an alarm clock yet that can wake me up for very many days in a row. I get used to the sound, and then it fails to wake me. The ONLY thing that has never failed to wake me is kids. When they were babies, I woke easy when they cried. Same thing with my grandbaby. Even now when they're older, my daughter will call me if she gets sick, and a simple "mom" will have my eyes open. I guess cause in my subconcious state I know my kid needs me. Heck, I dunno.

But maybe heavy sleepers dream more? Ya think?

Speaking of.... THIS is how heavy of a sleeper I am:

Last saturday night, we sat up pretty late, I was dead tired when I went to sleep. My bedroom is an add on in this old house, and there's NO heat in it at all. (the back bedroom and bathroom) I have a little portable space heater we use to heat the room a bit sometimes before bed. Saturday night, I musta fell asleep with it on. (bad thing, yes I know.....)

So, I wake up in the morning, and my left hand hurts. I'm kinda groggy and tired, but I lift my hand up to look at it, and it's burned... I mean, not just burned... I had a HUGE blister on one finger, and 5 burn marks in all on my knuckles and fingers. Took me a bit to figure out what I did. When I rolled back over to get comfie, and slung my arm off the side of the bed, I realized what had caused the burns, cause my hand landed right there in front of the heater. (it was on a  stool to my armoir table)  I used aloe vera and a light bandage, and it's pretty much all better now.... but geez louise.... it didn't even wake me up!! That's a bit TOO hard of a sleeper I think. Now, since then, before I go to bed, I unplug the heater and move it by the door so I can't do that again.

Anyways.... I think I mighta got off topic. Sorry Ollie. :(

By the way, how are ya? :)



Author:  Odie [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The dream Thread

Wow Charmin, I'm surprised you didn't wake up from the heater burns!  That would normally hurt a lot.  But I think quite a few Mom's react the way you do to the sound of their kids.  You're just being a good Mom!  :)

Author:  gahmc [ Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The dream Thread

LOL  I believe your dream may be harder to obtain than M.L.K. Jr. (nobody take offense, just a matter of extreme example) Maybe 10 or 20 years from now....

I think most of us dream it when we log on here......(Maybe we're too optimistic  :D )

Author:  Texas Gigi [ Wed Nov 22, 2006 5:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The dream Thread

BlueStainedShoes @ Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:18 am wrote:
Speaking of dreams.....

Do you ever have them?

Lots of people say they "don't have dreams" or... "hardly ever have dreams"

I have them all the time, and they're always very vivid when I wake up. They don't make alot of human sense sometimes,  LMAO , but I can always recall them when I wake up.

But then, I'm a pretty hard sleeper. Aint found an alarm clock yet that can wake me up for very many days in a row. I get used to the sound, and then it fails to wake me. The ONLY thing that has never failed to wake me is kids. When they were babies, I woke easy when they cried. Same thing with my grandbaby. Even now when they're older, my daughter will call me if she gets sick, and a simple "mom" will have my eyes open. I guess cause in my subconcious state I know my kid needs me. Heck, I dunno.

But maybe heavy sleepers dream more? Ya think?

Speaking of.... THIS is how heavy of a sleeper I am:

Last saturday night, we sat up pretty late, I was dead tired when I went to sleep. My bedroom is an add on in this old house, and there's NO heat in it at all. (the back bedroom and bathroom) I have a little portable space heater we use to heat the room a bit sometimes before bed. Saturday night, I musta fell asleep with it on. (bad thing, yes I know.....)

So, I wake up in the morning, and my left hand hurts. I'm kinda groggy and tired, but I lift my hand up to look at it, and it's burned... I mean, not just burned... I had a HUGE blister on one finger, and 5 burn marks in all on my knuckles and fingers. Took me a bit to figure out what I did. When I rolled back over to get comfie, and slung my arm off the side of the bed, I realized what had caused the burns, cause my hand landed right there in front of the heater. (it was on a  stool to my armoir table)  I used aloe vera and a light bandage, and it's pretty much all better now.... but geez louise.... it didn't even wake me up!! That's a bit TOO hard of a sleeper I think. Now, since then, before I go to bed, I unplug the heater and move it by the door so I can't do that again.

Anyways.... I think I mighta got off topic. Sorry Ollie. :(

By the way, how are ya? :)



Sounds like you have a clear conscience, if you can sleep that well.  LMAO  LOL  :O

Author:  Chuck2 [ Wed Nov 22, 2006 5:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The dream Thread

I like Steven's idea for keeping the responses on topic.

Author:  pflugerville [ Wed Nov 22, 2006 7:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The dream Thread

now that's a great wish for santa!  i'll make a call to the big guy and see if it can be accomplished year.

my dreams usually involve being naked on stage singing linda ronstadt and having the words cut off in the middle.

Author:  Guest [ Wed Nov 22, 2006 7:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The dream Thread

the mostly unknown poster @ Wed Nov 22, 2006 6:17 am wrote:
now that's a great wish for santa!  i'll make a call to the big guy and see if it can be accomplished year.

my dreams usually involve being naked on stage singing linda ronstadt and having the words cut off in the middle.

You sing high enough to do Linda Ronstadt :O  And you naked on stage  :shock: alright I've gotta go do a brain flush here ... TMI.

Author:  MCash [ Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The dream Thread

But what if "CAT" really spelled dog?

Author:  Isis [ Thu Nov 23, 2006 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The dream Thread

Others have been banned from this site for less!!!  Perhaps that can be the dream.....

But as far as dreams I have a recurring dream:

My mom tells me I have to sit at the table until I eat all my food...I sit there for years wearing the same clothes as I grow up...I kinda look like the incredible hulk busting out of my little blue dress when I finnally tell my mom that I can't eat my dinner without a fork...Then I wake up....Kinda Weird!!!

Author:  Guest [ Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The dream Thread

If they banned hacks, I would hate to think who would be left. :O  :shock:

Author:  Texas Gigi [ Fri Nov 24, 2006 5:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The dream Thread

Bigdog @ Fri Nov 24, 2006 3:09 am wrote:
If they banned hacks, I would hate to think who would be left. :O  :shock:

Okay, you set yourself up for this one...if they banned hacks you would be one of the first ones to go.


I think the idea of tech advisors ONLY responsing to tech issues is superior! But I apparently enjoy the incessant babbling of the open forum.

Does anybody besides me dream in cartoon?

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Sun Nov 26, 2006 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The dream Thread

I can't stand the recurring dream (at least three-four times a week) that I'm still in college trying to get my CUM up to a GPA that will allow me to graduate. Problem is each of the past 30 senior years in college, I just keep flunking and bringing my GPA down even further.  (Never go to class, just party and do the other college stuff), Don't even know where my classes are when it's finals but I need to BS the instructor to give me a passing grade.  What's worse is I have to have room-mates, about 5 of them (and they are all about 17 and 18), I complain that I've been attending this college for the past 33 years as an undergrad, have supported it financially and at my age (now 50) I should be able to have a single room and a car on campus..  Anyway, the dream usually ends when I call my parents to tell them that I think them being emphatic that I get my BA is futile,  I really don't want to get a college degree.  So naturally my mom gives me the ultimatim..

"If you don't graduate college you can't live at home anymore, you must get a job and support yourself and get your own car"..

This is one horrid dream I'm ecstatic to awaken from... but I have it ALL the dang time

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