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KJ singing take 2
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Author:  Babs [ Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  KJ singing take 2

Eric got me thinking -

If you are a karaoke host does it bother you if someone asks to sing with you when you've already started a song?

Do you ever just hand over the mic to someone in the audience after starting  a song you intended on singing?

This doesn't bother me as long as it isn't someone just trying to mic hog. You know the kind that wants to sing every song with every person. I like to hand over the mic especially if it isn't someone who would normally sing.

Author:  twansenne [ Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ singing take 2

If it is a mic hog, I will say NO
If it is some drunk idiot that can barely stand up, I will say NO

Most of the other times, I will say YES, unless it is a song I really want to do SOLO.
95% of the time my answer is YES

Author:  SwingcatKurt [ Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ singing take 2

Dont allow it normally. But if its crowded the ONLY time ill be singing is when i invite people up to "HELP" me on the song--like with Sweethome Chicago.  Then they get to sing extra times and it forces them to experience a new song and THE BLUES!! But if it depends on  the situation and what song im trying to sing. And normally I will shoo them away if its a tune I have to concentrate on or just doesnt lend itsself to dueting or the person is a knucklehead or just a drunk moron.

I absolutely dont allow it with other singers being disturbed by random nuts. Then I will go over and set them back down and then make an annoucement and ask people to respect the others.

This usually only happens with people who havent been to karaoke before and a a bit tipsy. Usually you only have to tell them once and they behave. But every so often you get a weirdo that just doesnt get it. Ive even had to had people that were just acting crazy or high be excorted out because they were being so erratic and disrutpive.

Author:  Babs [ Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ singing take 2

I agree you definately have to be careful when you do it and who with. Last thing we need is everyone thinking they can just come up anytime they'd like and grab a mic.

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ singing take 2

I think a KJ, since you're doing it as a "job", needs to keep a customer service type attitude.... considering of course, that you're usually dealing with a room full of drunks:)

I read the post in the other thread..... and I think it would be TACKY to see a KJ react that way.

But, I think singers need to be told, that there are rules of etiquette they need to follow too. I don't think if you've started a song, that you should "hand over the mic" to anyone just becaue they're a singer and you're the KJ. Let them join you, sure, since you're job is to get crowd participation anyhow. Unless it's a "mic hog" who would take advantage of it and want to "share" every time you sang.

But I've seen SO many singers, that if you give them an inch, they'll take a mile.

I would never interupt a KJ like that, nor any other singer, I think it rude.
(and if they did it to me.... I'd be piosed)


Author:  jamkaraoke [ Tue Dec 05, 2006 2:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ singing take 2

It never fails - As a "fair" KJ maybe you get to sing 3 songs a night
1) Open the show
2) Close the show
3) - Middle of the show which is the one when always someone wants to sing
with me - Normally I'll just hand the mic over - unless its some idiot I don't like.

I don't know about you but I can't sing with someone who can't hold a key
so I would rather just give up the mic than stand there sounding bad  lol

Author:  kjchrisc [ Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ singing take 2

When I sing, I've never been a huge fan of the "crashers". Mostly because I'm announcing stuff like "Make sure all the names of everyone singing a group song are signed up, to help keep the rotation fair, etc...". Kind of looks like I'm playing favors if someone jumps in & helps me on a song, when I won't let anyone else do it for other customers, 99% of the time, if their names weren't signed up for it. Guilty conscience LOL.

Once in a blue moon it'll happen, and I'll just give them a smile and shake my head "no" before they make it on stage. More often then not it will be someone who is already singing on the list and couldn't sing again at that point in the show anyway without "breaking the fairness rules".

Luckily, I try to sing songs that most people wouldn't wanna join in on anyway. LOL

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