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Linux Again
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Author:  karyoker [ Wed Jan 10, 2007 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Linux Again

As I type Im downloding the latest updates for a newly installed distro...195 new...

I have Roxbox or S&D workinfg with linux I am currently finding all the stuff used with windoze and will gradually change this laptop totally to linux Now dual boot... If anybody wants the particulars on emulating windows stuff let me know... Goodbye windoze....

Author:  Trex [ Wed Jan 10, 2007 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Linux Again

Hey thanks!!!!  :biggrinthumb:

Im so sick of windows I could  :puke:

Thanks dude!!!!  :handshake:

Author:  Meep70 [ Thu Jan 11, 2007 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Linux Again

karyoker @ 10/1/2007, 10:41 pm wrote:
As I type Im downloding the latest updates for a newly installed distro...195 new...

I have Roxbox or S&D working with linux I am currently finding all the stuff used with windoze and will gradually change this laptop totally to linux Now dual boot... If anybody wants the particulars on emulating windows stuff let me know... Goodbye windoze....

What Linux distribution are you using?  I have played with several, but not a full convert, because I haven't found a media player I like as well as Winamp.  xmms is very Winamp-like, but not as functional.

As far as being able to run your windoze apps, are you using WINE or another emulator?

Author:  karyoker [ Thu Jan 11, 2007 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Linux Again

The one Ive been succsessful with in emulating is ubuntu dapper..  I sure have a hard time with it and wifi connections though...  Thats with the broadcom 4318

The crossover I use  is this one ...  Its not easy getting roxbox to work One little glitch and its crashed...

Author:  Meep70 [ Thu Jan 11, 2007 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Linux Again

I have had problems with WiFi,  I can get it to work, but if I have to change and use it somewhere other than home, I have problems again.  I have used Kanotix (GREAT, but now defunct) and Mepis, the most, but have also dabbled with RedHat (a long time ago) and a few others over the years.

I have a recent Fedora Core that I am about to give a run.

Author:  karyoker [ Thu Jan 11, 2007 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Linux Again

The best for wfi is PCLiuxOS  It has a gui configuration panel for just about everything yu can install it and be connected in a few minutes You can also configure it for laptop roaming.   But it doesnt work with crosover very well Also I dont like the kde desktop

Author:  Meep70 [ Thu Jan 11, 2007 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Linux Again

Funny, I prefer KDE, but I don't liek it right out of the box, and have to customize it quite a bit.  I haven't used Gnome in a long time,  I am sure it is much better than when I used it last.  May have to give that a try.

Have you tried using pykaraoke to play your CDG stuff in Linux?  Since it runs natively, it might be a good option, instead of trying to use crossover office or Wine to run windoze apps.

Author:  karyoker [ Fri Jan 12, 2007 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Linux Again

t took awhile to figure out this procedure but it works fairly well.
 There are two ways to emulate windows One is with Wine the built-in linux tool or Codewavers I did buy it its $30-or $40... It produces the real desktop icons and is maybe easier to use for the first timer..  b This worked on ubuntu dapper and etch,,,

A win98 platform is used and there are a few things that need to be installed first to support the display and access data base..

First is ie6.0  It is easiest to setup with an inet connection (pref broadband).. If the one you are installing on does not have inet access use this way

Then download this zip unzip and copy into /home/`user name`

Install in this order...

1. IE 6.0
2. jet
3  madac
4 vbrun

To install roxbox it is necessary to go into winecfg Click on the graphics tab and click the emulate a virtual desktop Set it for 1024x768.. After install it can be eliminated... Install the old skin not the modern winamp For some reason the modern cant be minimized . Something you will like is liniux has multiple workplaces and you can put the winamps or plugins on a different one to view or adjust...

5 roxbox
6 reboot linux system
7 winecfg uncheck virtual emulator
8 copy the mfc42.dll into the system32 folder

If you have audio problems try winecfg audio tab put accelleration on emulation...  
This works with S&D and Roxbox With a few tweaks any audio or hoster progam could be emulated

Ok this let me import a data base and I havnt really full blown tested it but it is a start!!!!

Author:  Chuck2 [ Sat Jan 13, 2007 2:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Linux Again

It's going to be a big relief to run an OS that's not a resource hog.

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